Nebulizing - An Effective Delivery System For Alkalizing the Blood and Tissues!

When administrating naturopathic or allopathic medicine there are many delivery options. The most common way to take nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbs, essential oils or even allopathic medicines is orally. Many times taking nutracuetals or pharacueticals orally will lose some of their effectiveness when nuetralized by the hydrochloric acid residues in the gastric pits of the stomach. In order to avoid the residue acids in the stomach and to increase the efficacy of the nutracueticals or pharmaceuticals I have recommended an easy and effective solution - a nebulizer.
So what is a nebulizer? A nebulizer[1] (or nebuliser)[2] is a device used to administer nuetracueticals such as mineral salts, vitamins, herbs, antioxidants, essential oils as well as allopathic medicines in the form of a collodial mist inhaled through the mouth and nose into the lungs.
The nebulizer uses oxygen, compressed air or ultrasonic power to deliver colloidal solutions and colloidal natural suspensions into small aerosol droplets that can be directly inhaled from the mouthpiece or from the face mask of the nebulizing device. Nebulizers have commonly been used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, asthma, COPD and other respiratory diseases. But the nebulizer can also be used in delivering antioxidants, vitmains, mineral salts, herbs and essential oils for alkalizing the body tissues and organs while avoiding the acid residues of the alimentary canal, especially the stomach which can reduce potency and effectiveness. I have suggested using the nebulizer for years for increasing the potency and efficacy of nuetracuticals and pharmacueticals and for excellerating the alkalzing and healing process.
The definition of an aerosol or colloidal solution is a mixture of two dissimilar ingredients such as a gas or liquid and solid particles totally suspended into a sol or solution. An example of a colloidal solution would be rock salt dissolved into smaller particles being held in suspension of a liquid, water.
The best example of a naturally occurring aerosol or colloidal solution is a mist, formed when small vaporized water particles combine with ambient air are cooled down and condense into a fine cloud of visible airborne colloidal water droplets. When using a nebulizer for inhalation alkalizing therapy with colloidal vitmains, minerals, herbs, antioxidants and essential oils to be administered directly to the lungs and then to the blood and tissues you are receiving a maximum benefit with full potency of the solution nebulzied. It is an important to understand that the blood will push any alkalizing colloidal solution always into the connective tissues which will then buffer and/or neutralize increased amounts of dietary and/or metabolic tissue acids preventing or reversing disease.
What Are The Differences in Nebulizers?
A new significant innovation was made in the nebulizer market around 2005, with creation of the ultrasonic Vibrating Mesh Technology (VMT). With this technology a mesh/membrane with 1000-7000 laser drilled holes vibrates at the top of the liquid reservoir, and thereby pressures out a mist of very fine droplets through the holes. This technology is more efficient than having a vibrating piezoelectric element at the bottom of the liquid reservoir, and thereby shorter treatment times are also achieved. The old problems found with the ultrasonic wave nebulizer, having too much liquid waste and undesired heating of the medical liquid, have also been solved by the new Vibrating Mesh nebulizers. A partial list of available VMT nebulizers includes: Pari eFlow,[3] Respironics i-Neb,[4] Omron MicroAir,[5] Beurer Nebulizer IH50,[6] and Aerogen Aeroneb.[7] As the price of the ultrasonic VMT nebulizers carry a higher price compared to the previous models, most of the manufacturers continue also to sell the more "old fashioned" Jet nebulizer.
The differences In Two Types of Nebulizers
Jet Nebulizer
| Ultrasonic Nebulizer
- Two minutes of nebulizer use every fifteen minutes for four hours.
- Five minutes of nebulizer use every hour.
- One complete dose of colloidal alkalizing nutrients once to four times daily.
- One half dose of colloidal alklaizing nutrients once to four times daily.
- 10ml of colloidal alkalizing solution inhaled until gone. Generally takes 20 minutes.
When using a nebulizer, always watch for signs of increased irritability, loss of concentration, and increased emotional instability. If any of these symptoms manifest, cut down or temporarily suspend your colloidal alkalizing solution use. Suspension of use will give the body time to adjust and go through a natural cleaning cycle and prevent any harm being done to the body. In the unlikely event that these symptoms continue to manifest when using colloidal alkalizing solutions, discontinue use.
Treaments usi
ng Nebulizers
For the treatment of dietary and/or metabolic acids in association with infectious dis-eases such as Hepatitis and HIV.
- General Bacterial Out- Infections where the increase in bacteria is coming from the breakdown of body cells due to excess tissue acidosis.
- Irrigation of sinuses
- Misted on the face
- As a spray for burns, skin abrasions and minor cuts.
- As an alternative to oral use.
- As a complimentary treatment with internal colloidal alkalizing nutrients.
Acidic Lung Conditions:
- As a water pick
1. Medical Dictionary. "Nebulizer". Retrieved 2010-11-01.
2. British Spelling of Nebulizer Medical Dictionary. "Definition". Retrieved 2010-11-01.
3. PARI Pharma (2008). "Leading aerosol therapies worldwide, delivery with eFlow". Retrieved 2010-04-09.
4. Philips Respironics (2010). "Active Aerosol Dilevery, The I-neb and Vibrating Mesh Technology". Retrieved 2010-04-09.
5. Omron (2010). "Talking about nebulization method: Ultrasonic nebulizer and Vibrating Mesh nebulizer". Retrieved 2010-04-09.
6. Beurer (2010). "Product details of IH50 nebulizer, with a vibrating membrane". Retrieved 2010-04-09.
7. Aerogen (2009). "Micropump nebulizers, Aeroneb, Vibrating Mesh Technology". Retrieved 2010-04-09.
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