pH-Antastic - pH Miracle - The Alkaline Revolution - Part III



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TCM: Can you recommend any beauty products?SY: “First and foremost, beauty, in my opinion, comes from WITHIN, both spiritually and physically.
The most important beauty product (or practice, rather) you can apply to your physical appearance is your diet and the way you hydrate your skin with what you eat and drink.Our program is anti-aging because it works in harmony with the body’s pH and doesn’t rob the body of precious alkalizing mineral salts, calcium and magnesium. Drinking pH water continually assures that your skin will have less eruptions, wrinkling and spotting caused by dehydration and exposure to too much sun. Foods like avocados and Omega 3-6-9 oils are internal moisturizers and keep the skin subtle and glowing. Also, skin pH doesn’t have to be acid… it can be alkaline too, including your sweat and urine. Regular exercise is also a beauty-enhancing practice because it increases oxygen and blood flow to every organ and system in the body. All of this makes for a more youthful, beautiful and fit appearance.
Beauty products in our pH Miracle product line include a wonderful pH balanced shampoo and conditioner, which has mint in it for a refreshing, clean feel. We also have a pH balanced facial cleanser called repHresh with a spray repHresh toner and an repHresh avocado moisturizer. I use all of these products and love them because there are no harmful ingredients in them. Doc Young even concludes that you could eat them and not be harmed.”
TCM Do you have any new exciting projects you’re working on?SY: “Yes! Our trilogy of pH Miracle books are being published all over the world now, just recently in Spanish, Russian and even Arabic! The word is getting out that alkalizing really works. It’s the greatest preventative measure one can take to achieve true homeostasis or balance in the blood and tissues.
We have two new foreign pH Miracle retreats scheduled in the coming months. We will be at the Te Sana Resort and Health Spa near Como Italy in September. Then we will be offering our pH Miracle Retreat in Goa, India for the very first time at the Taj Exotica 5-star resort on September and October.”
The pH Miracle Book Giveaway
One reader will win the Young’s classic book The pH Miracle! Simply leave your best tips on how you keep your own diet healthy and alkaline in the comments below and we will select the lucky winner! Good luck readers!
pH Miracle’s Fun Food Show: Sweet Almond Shake
Watch Shelley as she shares this simple recipe for a delicious and alkalizing shake on pH Miracle’s practical and down-to-earth Fun Food Show!

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  1. Awesome article today! After going through cancer treatments up until a few months ago I have been desperate to get my health on track. Lots of greens and veggies and Juicing at least once a day! I have been reading more about alkaline body and am so interested. sounds like a great book!
    JACQUELYN07.19.2012 | REPLY
  2. Your recipes and food program is so wonderful . . . a true delight for those who want to get well, stay well and be well for many decades. A short time ago I took a biology course in nutirtion and shared with the class. I brought a helper with me and the professor narrated as I prepared for the class your divine Greem Limy Love Shake. Everyone in the class was able to taste the finished green shake and they all loved it. The professor’s class was the best college course I’ve ever taken in my 2+ degrees. Hats off to you for all your competent, hard work on behalf of healthy, alkanized living!!
    LYNN GOLD07.19.2012 | REPLY
  3. Excellent service to man kind by dissipating wonderful knowledge of alkalizing the body for disease free life.
    S N AGARWAL | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  4. A green smoothie gets a ton of veggies down easily and tasty too.
    HEALTHIGLO | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  5. Sounds FAB! Will make it, too! Almost daily, I use the Health Master and put, 1/3 English cucumber, 1/2 avocado , little bit of jalapeno pepper, 2Tbl Flaxseed, 2 Tbl of Hempseed, 1/2-3/4 cup of the “Green” drink , grated ginger, basil leaves, 2-3 ice cubes (I like it thick). LOVE it! easy to “make-up” recipes as you go along! Sometime I use the Campari size little tomatoes , and tarragon, the green drink, ice and the Flax and Hemp seeds. ;-) ) xx Lucy
    LUCY L. BROWN | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  6. What a fantastic article! I was particularly inclined to click on this post because my dad is having heart surgery today. I think this book would be a great resource for him!
    To pack in a few extra cups of greens into my diet, I enjoy making a green smoothie with spinach, almond milk and a banana. It tastes delicious and fills me up!
    ALISON Z. | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  7. great article thankyou…12 years ago i was diagnosed with advanced, aggressive prostate cancer…i read dr youngs fisrt book which i believe is worth an organized rewrite and ph miracle…i spent a week at mayos and talked to a number of doctors in the chicago area….i couldn’t accept any of their “treatments” and was a scared rabbit for 2 years but the only thing that made sense to me was dr youngs concepts…i lost70lbs, started excercising 3 times a week, removed all sugars from my diet and alkalized with raw vegetables, ph drops, andgreenspowder…im 73 now, my doctor cant find my cancer where he found it easily before, and honestly feel better at 73 than i felt at50…thank you for steering me in the right direction…and steering yourselves too…
    LARRY | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  8. First off, great article! It is always so inspiring to read your website. I have been Type 1 Diabetic for 25 years, and recently read The pH Miracle for Diabetes which inspired me to kick up my healthy lifestyle a notch. Now daily I start my morning with hot lemon water, green juice and green smoothie for breakfast, big green salads for lunch filled with vegan sources of protein – think hemp hearts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds – lots of veggies and some whole grains for dinner, but mostly veggies, and always finish my days off with a workout that will make me sweat and some type of yoga. I believe I can reverse my disease that I have lived with for so long and finally get disconnected from my insulin pump. Eventually I plan to heal others as well, and I want to give credit to Shelley and her husband for inspiring me to take action and start my blog I haven’t taken any bolus insulin in over 3 weeks, I feel better than I did even eating just “clean”, and this alkaline lifestyle has truly changed my life. I don’t have eczema around my eyes anymore, my digestion is greatly improved and my joints don’t ache – even when I do a 90 min power yoga class! My cholesterol, although wasn’t high, has dropped and I have no complications from my disease. So thank you for recognizing these great people and for spreading the word that this lifestyle can heal people who have diseases, and even those that do not!
    KATE07.19.2012 | REPLY
  9. Wonderful article! Started alkalizing about 12 years ago when my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Today he is cancer free (no treatments!!), and is also asthma free and almost allergy free! We start with your zippy breakfast almost everyday, eat a large veggie salad for lunch and dinner. Dinner also consists of a soup, some salmon, or a veggie main dish. We snack on almonds, crackers and homemade salsa, a green smoothie, and a little sweet fruit from our yard. 9.5pH water with your greens has been our mainstay all these years and helped us transition into the diet originally! Still feel great after all these years!! Cancer doc said my husband would be dead 7 years ago–your diet has proved him wrong!!
    CHRIS | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  10. Love this interview! The easiest alkalizing tip I have for beginners is to squeeze an organic lemon in your drinking water. It is a part of my morning routine in addition to juicing veggies. I also eat a handful of raw almonds, I’ve read those are quite alkalizing as well.
    I would love this book so I could learn more about the pH Miracle. After reading it, I’d love to be able to pass it along to my aging parents as they are beginning to experience symptoms of what they refer to as “old age, I guess”. Thank you!
    D POWERS | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  11. As my hydrotherapist once told me, RAW, RAW, RAW! I start my day with a green smoothie, eat raw veggies for lunch, fruit as snacks and keep my dinner as raw as possible. I also drink water with lemon all day long.
    JENNY | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  12. i love the recipes from Chef Shelley on their website and books they are very creative. i add carob, avacado and greens to my smoothie. i’ve also added many more raw veggies to my menu and minimized the acidic foods.
    LINDA | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  13. Lemon in water each morning is great, but to beat having to juice each morning, juice several all at once, then put the juice into an ice tray and freeze it. Take out what is needed each morning or whenever. It saves ones time for better things.
    BARBARA | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  14. Wowie, that pudding sounds delicious & I must give it a go this weekend. I keep my diet healthy and alkaline by subscribing to the motto, “clean, lean & green” when preparing my meals! I believe that starting each morning with lemon water, yoga and a green smoothie sets me on the right path every day! Also, keeping my purse/desk full of nuts/raw veggies keeps my hands out of the cookie jar when I approach the midafternoon slump that undoubtedly occurs when I’ve spent eight hours staring at a computer screen. <3
    KIRSTIN07.19.2012 | REPLY
  15. I could not help but notice her fingernails. They looked like acrylic nails-or artificial in some way. Struck me as odd that this all natural gal had fake fingernails. Not judging at all. Just an observation. :)
    CORYN | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  16. For dinner my 3 yr old daughter and I had quinoa made with veggie broth, red peppers, Onion, celery, lime, cilantro seasoned with pink salt and garlic And a side of raw pea pods. She Loves pea pods!!
    DAVE | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  17. Dr. Robert Young is like a friend – very human; this is not meant to be just a diet, is the whole approach, the love and grate fullness that life offers threw adjusting one’s mind set! I learnt much fear growing up, fear of the dark and unknown, fear of illness etc. which was a reflection of the interaction with my family and life in general. I received a stamp called “Anorexia” and the dark tunnel became even darker. I am now over 40 years and after a dramatic experience in hospital and my countless efforts searching some unknown faith linked me to a speech Dr. Young held at “The Great Health Debate” and his personality inspired me! Because I suffer with Dyslexia I misinterpret and HE has spent some effort in giving me a hand. I am shore he doesn’t mind me sharing a message I received which may come to hand:
    After almost 30 plus years of studying and learning about Acid – Base Balancing in vertebrates, and the same number of years attempting to share what I have observed and learned, I am enormously gratified to see the larger scientific community beginning to recognize and validate my work. It has been a long journey out of darkness. Almost every day now some new scientific paper is published that validates my work. Recently at a scientific conference I heard a noted scientist say, “In certain conditions, we believe it is better to have the tissues properly alkalized.” He did not give me credit, but his knowledge came from my work. You have no idea how far the journey has been from where I started to hearing those words from a distinguished member of the scientific community.
    I have lived with doubt and criticism for so long that I have come to understand it as actually encouraging and exciting. No one takes the time to write to a newspaper about something that does not interest them. When people take the time to read, investigate and try to understand and then to sit down and write to an editor to complain, what they are really doing is asking questions; asking the author to explain his or her self; to defend their work. It is wonderfully energetic and encouraging to see people interested and asking questions. Asking questions is the first step towards knowledge. It is a sign of courage and intellectual bravery to ask questions and seek knowledge.
    We, as humans, live in such profound darkness. Not knowing what is in the dark is a very scary thing. We, like children, need to know there are no boogey men under the bed. The truth is adults are afraid too. We tell our children there are no boogey men, but we still look under the bed ourselves just to be sure. The truth is we don’t know so much more than we do know. We live in a Universe of what Donald Rumsfeld, the former American Secretary of Defense, called “Unknown Unknowns”. The more we learn, the more we realize how much we still don’t know. Albert Einstein once quipped, “Intelligence is a very humbling thing. It makes us realize that what the greatest of us knows, pales in comparison to that which none of us knows”. Knowledge is always being accumulated. Much of it disturbs our serenity. We want to believe we know at least most of what is to be known. But, alas, we know so very little.
    We are much better off today than most humans were when they died in their 30′s, of things like infected teeth, which dentists today deal with so easily, and from minor wounds, that surgeons today routinely stitch up in minor medical clinics. Our knowledge is greater than it was for even our parents. We continue to learn, in spite of our very human desire to believe we already know most of what we need to know. Today it is said that all of human knowledge is compounding about every 3 years. In other words, we will learn more in the next 3 years than we have learned in our entire previous recorded history. My work is in that record. Today the medical professions, and healers around the world are just beginning to understand what I have been teaching for over 3 decades.
    The very thing that people complain about, is actually a result of the broader acceptance of my work in the scientific community. When someone writes, ” I…was shocked to discover a number of UK companies promoting practices and diets based on his theories.”, it both excites and encourages me that people are finally beginning to “get it”. I can understand why “getting it” is so unnerving. It recognizes that all along there has been a boogey man under the bed that we did not know was there! The good news is, now that we know that living an Acidic Lifestyle will make us sick, and accelerate aging and hastens death, we can do something about it! Just like now we can treat infected teeth and stitch up wounds, that once killed us at a very early age.
    I still laugh every now and then about a joke I heard on the old American Hee Haw TV show years ago, “Junior” said, “A man told me he broke his leg in two places. I told him the thing to do was to stay out of those places!” It’s the same with an Acidic Lifestyle. If the things you are doing are making you sick, then stop doing them!
    I have had people object to my saying that an HIV Virus does not cause AIDS. A great percentage of the larger scientific community does not believe that either. I am in good company. The way to shut us all up, is for someone to prove that HIV actually does cause AIDS. That hasn’t been done, because it can’t be done.
    Some people object to my theory of multiforms and origins of what are called bacteria and viruses. But, you don’t have to know or understand the origins of these biological forms to understand that if your body is properly alkalized none of them can reproduce and none of them can cause any of the ill effects thought to be associated with them. How these biological forms arise is, and has been for centuries, a great debate. The proof of my work is in the results. For at least a century, it has been known that Cancers form and thrive only in overly acidic tissue.” I did not develop that knowledge, I only explained it. Don’t blame the messenger for the message.
    Diabetes is another condition that has been largely misunderstood. For decades the way the medical community dealt with Diabetes was only to treat the symptoms. The symptoms were targeted, because it was not known what caused Diabetes. I like to say, we have always known what caused Diabetes, we just did not like the answer. The answer has always been, change your Lifestyle, and change your diet! But, we humans like our cures to fit our Lifestyles not to adjust our Lifestyles to prevent the conditions. You want to turn Diabetes around over night? Get all of the animal proteins out of your diet, along with all of the simple carbohydrates and sugars, stop drinking acidic beverages, and eating highly acid foods, add back in the alkaline green plants and simply watch what happens. Learn!
    Here is something fun for your family members to do. Go on the Internet and Google “Eggs cause Diabetes”. I have been saying that for years to howls of criticism. Now the larger scientific community is beginning to understand what I have been saying, and my critics are stunned… What!? ALL animal proteins are acidic and cause degenerative conditions we like to call diseases. Sorry.. it’s the message that is not liked. I’m just the messenger.
    One last thing, I get criticized frequently because I did not get my Ph.D. from Harvard or Johns Hopkins, or some other favored institution. I wish I could have afforded those institutions, but the schools I attended were and are fine institutions. Snob appeal does not make a good institution. We just love to establish ranks of exclusions. In the U. S. to have attended a fine engineering school you need to have attended MIT, or Stanford… most recently California Institute of Technology has taken the lead, but the truth is Indian Institute of Technology in India is widely recognized as the finest engineering school in the world. Institutions do not make the quality of their students. The students make the quality of the Institutions. In fact, institutions do not “teach” creativity or innovation. All institutions do is teach what is presently known, not what is yet to be discovered. More often than not, throughout time, our greatest discoveries have come from individuals with very little formal education, Steve Jobs from Apple, the guy that started Facebook and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Unfettered by dogma and entrenched lore, visionaries look at the world with new eyes and see things others could not.
    I am very proud of the knowledge I was given by the institutions I attended, but I am most proud of the work I have done that has expanded that knowledge and built on what was known when I was in University… work that after 30 plus years is finally being recognized and validated… work that is finally reaching the victims of ignorance, and making a difference in their lives.
    What I encourage everyone to do, especially my critics, is to continue to read, study and learn; take charge of their own health, do what works! That is how I have come to all of my conclusions… watching and studying what works, and building on that evidence. Scholars can argue about WHY an apple falls from the tree, but the important thing is to note is that it does!
    - Dr. Robert O. Young
    Being that I live in Switzerland makes things quite difficult – life is a journey and not an event BUT my body and mind try and make the best with the means I have. Thank you!
    NICOLA HARRISON | 07.19.2012 | REPLY
  18. this article is very informative and I enjoyed watching the video, thanks. I try to avoid sugar in all forms, but do occasionally use organic maple syrup. I also drink a green juice each morning. There’s a whole lot to learn about keep my diet alkaline, so I appreciate this information. A Vitamix is on my birthday wishlist! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. happy day to you.


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