Is Your Pancreas and Bowels Sending You a Text Message?

It’s official! Diabetes is now the fastest growing dis-ease condition in the U.S. It has hit what is considered epidemic proportions. The following statistics illustrate the dire predicament our country now faces regarding their health:

  • 1 in 2 are diabetic or pre- diabetic.
  • In the U.S., over 70 million people have diabetes.
  • 24,000 persons with diabetes lose their sight each year. In the United States, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults under age 65.
  • 1.9 Million new cases diagnosed each year.
  • 25% of people are unaware they have it.

Many times our bodies are screaming at us with “early” warning signals but we or our doctors fail to address this acidic situation effectively. If they are given attention, it usually is in the way of medications to treat, cover or mask signs and symptoms. Indicators that your pancreas is sending you a 911 text message:
  • fatigue
  • increased thirst
  • increased urination
  • change in urine
  • vision problems: frequent prescription changes
  • poor healing
  • edema/swelling
  • neuropathy
  • constipation
  • light headed
  • muddle thinking
  • low blood counts - red blood cell count and hemaglobin
  • pH of urine below 6.
  • saliva pH in the 6's
Understanding that many times the medical treatment for Diabetes type 2 is worse than the disease itself could mean the difference between life and death. Many drugs currently on the market have proven to cause major long-term physiological damage. In the large ACCORD study of more than 10,000 diabetics, aggressive blood sugar lowering with medication actually caused deaths.

The good news is that ALL cases of diabetes type 2 and 84% of diabetes type 1 have been shown to be treatable and curable with the pH Miracle for Diabetes lifestyle and diet.

For example, the recent “EPIC” study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine studied 23,000 people’s adherence to 4 simple behaviors (not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a healthy diet [fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, pseudo-grains/seeds, and limited amounts of meat], and maintaining a healthy weight [BMI <30 em="" nbsp="">In those adhering to these behaviors,

93% of diabetes was prevented!

It is a fact that high blood sugar is a side effect of acidic lifestyle and dietary choices.

Another study, The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group study showed that lifestyle changes are even more effective than diabetes drugs such as metformin in reducing the incidence of diabetes in people at high risk, with lower costs and fewer side effects.

The treatment isn’t insulin to lower blood glucose, but healthy alkalizing dietary choices, exercise, stress management, and a healthy core or small intestinal villi.

Would you like to learn the most powerful strategies to prevent or control blood sugar issues or even reverse Type 2 or Type 1 diabetes? Then, watch the following videos and read The pH Miracle for Diabetes for revesing Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes.  You will learn the lifestyle and dietary changes you can apply that have been proven to heal your pancreas, bowels, decrease inflammation and balance your blood sugar issues naturally.

Please watch the following educational and testimonial videos on the reversal of Type I Diabetes following The pH Miracle For Diabetes Protocol:


To order The pH Miracle for Diabetes go to:


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