Cure for Cancer Book and CD Set Coming Out Next Week!

The Cure for Cancer Book and CD Set is Coming Out Next Week!

Can you believe it?! We've already reached video #3 in the World's First Ever free Cure to Cancer Video Series. It also looks like we are on schedule to release the first ever Cure to Cancer Book, CD Set, and Conference Tickets sometime next week.

We want you to know that we truly care about you and about bringing you as much health related information to your fingertips as possible so you can have all the perspectives available that have been working for numbers of people and be more empowered to make educated decisions for extending and improving the quality of your life.

We don't believe in an immediate Cure-All per-se, as health and healing is different for different circumstances, though we do believe that if you have the leading edge information available and in your grasp, you will certainly be more likely to find what works for you, than otherwise.

We never recommend putting all your eggs in one basket as we know the road to healing and health is paved with integrative solutions, therefore we always recommend that you research further everything you learn, and on some level, take action towards making positive changes in your life.

In Video #3 - Join us as Jean Swann interviews Burton Goldberg, internationally known as the Voice of Alternative Medicine, and author of 18 books, including Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide.

Burton shares insights into some of the modern day causes of cancers and some of the best integrative approaches.

During this video you will;
Learn some of the biggest factors that have led to the alarming increase in cancer rates.
Discover integrative and alternative approaches to cancer.
Find out the first steps all cancer patients should take.
Learn some of the best ways to avoid degenerative disease.

As part of our mission to help millions of people get access to this empowering information, we are asking that you share this with as many people as possible.
Help a loved one with the information you learn, and pass it on to others.

We are excited to help connect you with experts and options available for preventing, healing, and overcoming cancer, and this is bar non top of the line information.

We hope it helps support your journey towards health and healing.
Don't wait, the video is now playing here.

With admiration and appreciation,
Dr. Robert O. Young
The pH Miracle Living Center

Nathan Crane & Jean Swann
The Panacea Community &
Integrated Health International


We know so many of you have been waiting patiently for the Cure to Cancer Book. We are working dutifully to release the Cure to Cancer Book and CD set for pre-orders sometime next week, and we think you will be so excited once you see what we have in store for you. 

Thanks for being such an important part of this mission in helping us share empowering information to millions of people around the planet to help prevent, heal, and reverse this debilitating acidic disease.


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