Reversing Metastatic Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Reversal Without Surgery, Radiation or Chemotherapy
The Testimonial of Inger Hartelius

Summer 2011 I went to the doctor for a health check. I’d been feeling tired and had lost a lot of weight. I ended up having an x-ray, to see if there was anything wrong.

They found a spot on my left lung and I was sent for a Biopsy. On the of July 2011 they told me the tumor was cancer and there were traces in the lymphatic system around the area.

I do not smoke and I am known as the person in the family who is very conscious about eating healthy food – so nobody could explain why I’d got lung cancer.

The doctor who’d informed me about the results said I should have radiation and chemo.
After my family and I had received the diagnosis about the spot in my lung we began searching for ways to help cure me without radiation and chemo.

My son and daughter in law had a book “Cancer is not an illness” by Andreas Moritz. Some of my friends gave me the book: “You die from cancer. And the earth is flat”. These books contained a lot of information both about research and peoples experiences from all over the world – including traditional and alternative ways to help people with cancer.

I knew when the diagnosis was given to me that I’d never go into a traditional treatment. I would rather die from the cancer.

The doctor was very surprised.  He’d never had anyone who’d said no to his suggestion. He told me that I’d probably be very, very ill within a year. The nurse who was looking after me after the consultation (because I was crying) advised me to put my life in the hands of the doctors. They knew what the best form of treatment was for me was.

Even though I was prepared I was in shock.

But I was lucky I had my family around me.

My son had heard about Dr. Robert Young and his live blood tests by Anthony Robbins - so after trying to find support in Denmark my daughter decided to write to Dr. Robert Young. We found his ideas about alkaline food combined with the focus on the blood very useful. And we also liked the fact that we could get support from someone who had a tool to look at the constitution of the body instead of focusing on the cancer.

Initially it was our intention to find someone in Europe who was taught by Dr. Young. However we changed our minds. Wednesday the 3rd of August 2011 my daughter wrote an email to Dr. Young, Thursday we got an answer and a phone number and phoned the pH-Miracle Center. Saturday the 6th of August my husband, my daughter, my son, my daughter in law and I arrived at the pH-Miracle Center.

This was the first miracle. Being there was wonderful – though I was in a special state we enjoyed every second at the center. I often thought: “Am I dreaming?” – some days before I’d thought I was going to die. Here I was in Paradise instead of at a hospital. And I became inspired and believed I wasn’t going to die after all from this cancer because I had the power to build a healthy and strong body.

At the same time we all learned about the pH-Miracle lifestyle. How we can keep our blood alive and healthy, how we can eat to keep our pH high, how we can understand why cancer shows up in a body, how we can cook healthy food plus a lot more.

On top of this we were surrounded by caring men and women and happy children – many of them with a personal story about how the pH-Miracle program had changed their lives.
So I left the Ph-Miracle Center believing in and trusting the program.

In Denmark Dr. Pernille Knudtzon who is an ordinary doctor and trained by Dr.Young followed my progress with new blood tests which showed how my blood changed for the better – exactly as Dr. Young had told me it would.

At home I have been:

Eating alkaline food
Drinking 4 liters of Greens, and green milk every day
Exercising every day – running on the beach
Sitting in my infrared sauna
Jumbling on a rebounder
Using a nebulizer
Practicing yoga every week

And to this I have had:

Lymph massage and reflexology and talked with a psychologist and coach nearly every week to keep my mind focused on the positive choice, I have taken.

Sometimes when I feel it is hard work to do all this – I compare this with what I would have experienced if I had radiation and chemo.

My health is now much better than it was before, I sleep at night, my weight is stable, my lung capacity has grown – I feel so much more alive – which is hard to explain.  I have no signs that I’m sick with cancer and now I know I am not going to die of this cancer.

I think about how lucky I am. I have my family around me – supporting me – and my family and I had the chance to learn about this special approach for keeping the body in balance.

I am so grateful that I met Dr. Young and that he had time to support us and teach us about the program of the pH-Miracle.


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