Your Body Is Electric and Runs On Electrons - NOT Sugar, Protein or Fat!

The Spark of Life - The Negative Charged Ion

Every breath we take, every move we make... so goes the song.

Yet every move we make does depend on every breath we take and every drink (or meal) we take, because our movement is fueled by electrical energy that we store in the body. We receive our energy from the triune sources of air, food and water.

Electrical energy doesn't just 'drop' out of the air, food or water that we ingest. In its usual form it is not chemically available. It can't always be called upon to support every move we make because it is not always ready for chemical reaction.

For any chemical reaction to occur there needs to be two molecules involved, and each of these molecules must have something to 'trade', in the form of compatible atoms that are either positively or negatively charged.

Positively charged molecules (and the atoms within them) will easily and naturally unite with negatively charged molecules of equivalent and compatible charge.

Put simply, all of your body functions rely on the electrical energy released from the unity of the 'charge' of the molecules in it and the opposite 'charge' in food water or air that enters it.

So what is an ion?

positive ion
Positive Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has lost one or more electrons due to a high-energy impact. Natural forces that generate positive ions include the decay of radioactive minerals, radon gas, forest fires, lightning and ultraviolet rays.
positive ion
Negative Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has gained one or more extra negatively charged electrons. Negative ions are naturally generated by evaporating water.

An ion is any atom that has a positive or a negative charge. A positively charged ion will seek a negatively charged one to unite with, have a glorious 'coupling' and then turn into something totally new and available.

So why do we rave on so much about negative ions?

Because the result of every move you make (a net spending of electrical energy) is a positively charged body. The molecules in your body are left holding a positive charge. They are unavailable for future 'couplings' unless we get a new batch of attractive and giving negative ions in quickly.

As we hear so often these days, things ain't what they used to be. The air is different. Putting it very frankly and unscientifically, it's full of crud or acid. Positively charged ions are crud or acid. Nothing ever 'goes away' on our little green planet and every exhaust, every chimney plume, every release of gas, stays within our thin and fragile ionosphere.

It stays in the air we gulp as we run along the beach, it stays in the water we drink, and it stays in the food we eat. And all of this acidic pollution or positive ions are useless for energy production within the body.

The air we breath in our garden, only 500 meters from the beach, contains only around 150 negative ions/cc/sec. but it also contains around 700 positive ions. This means that even as we lay on the beach doing absolutely nothing, our bodies are getting short-shifted by 2000 (required) plus 700 positive charged ions less 150 negative ions = 2550 ions/cc/second.

Negative and Positive Ion Levels Measured in Various Locations
Negative IonsPositive Ions
Industrial Areas50300
Shopping Arcades220280
Residential Areas200180
Kowakidani Hot Spring2,500820
Near Minoh Waterfall5,000300
(These measurements were taken in Japan)

In some offices with computer stations, no negative base ions were detected at all! Inside typical Tokyo residences, positive ions were found to be 500 times more numerous than negative ions. These findings may be due to inadequate ventilation both in office buildings and energy - efficient houses, as well as from the use of electronic devices that generate electromagnetic fields and from building materials that emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes. On the other hand, high negative ion levels, such as at waterfalls, hot springs and other highly moist areas, will neutralize positive ions, leading to very low positive ion levels.
In any case, these measurements suggest that it is difficult to maintain sufficient levels of negative ions in the present age.

Because the environment can no longer supply our basic negative ions, our bodies have to negatively ionize the air, water and food that enters our bodies just to get bare minimum negatively charged ions needed, and lying there in the sun, the body is working non-stop just to supply enough available electrical energy to the body just to get up off the sand and walk to the car!

Did we always have to do this?


We have managed to take our beautiful planet from a garden paradise to a techno-aicid-trash world in less than a century, and we have done one 'good' job.

Where once clear air and spring or glacial water gave us all the negative charged ions we needed, today the same basics actually rob our bodies of energy.

Like the idea of drinking pure alkaline rainwater?

Don't .

It robs you of negatively charged electrons from your body. It is also acidic, having combined with CO 2 and pollutants as it falls from the clouds, and so it only contributes to the acidic state of your body.

Want to go to the beach and reinvigorate on pure ocean air?

That air just blew all the way from a Brazilian chemical factory and now it's your turn to breath it in.

So we are suffocating in our air, drying up in our water, and toxifying as we eat our so-called clean supermarket food.

In a radical state, radical action is required - and we are indeed in a radical state of personal bodily survival. We have lost the negative ions, the life electrical energy we need to even breathe freely.

It's not hard to understand how we age the way we do. Suddenly we are old and we wonder how it happened. Yet it's been happening for years because every day our wonderful, amazing bodies have been slugging it out and losing the battle to keep aging at bay by maintaining its alkaline design.

Instead of performing daily housekeeping functions, it is flat out ionizing water, food and air to make it energetically available for energy storage.

The Chinese adepts well knew the power of this negative charge ionization process. They call the energy in the body chi, and they say it comes from the air, from water and from food.

In his book, "The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity", author and longevity expert Daniel Reid says, 'Since there exists no equivalent term in English for 'Chi' or 'Prana', we shall refer to it as 'bionic' or 'bioelectric' energy.

This combines the idea of living energy uniquely associated with living organisms (bio-) with that of electricity (-electric) and negatively charged ions (ionic).'

In 1838, deHufeland wrote in The Art of Prolonging the Life of Man, ' A careful study of the phenomena of the vital force in the organized world leads us to recognize in it the following properties ands laws: the vital force is the most subtle, most penetrating, most invisible agent we have known until now in nature; in this respect it surpasses even light, electricity and magnetism, with which in other respects it seems to have the greatest analogy...

We find a striking analogy between the vital force and magnetism. The life force can exist in a free and latent state, and in this respect has a close analogy to heat and electricity.'

More recently, French Scientist Dr J. Belot said, 'When we consider organic life in the light of biophysics, we find that electrical phenomena are at the root of all cellular life and we conclude that the end of everything is an electrical charge.'

In March 1968, 44 years ago, Le Monde reported that the presence of negative ions or ionization facilitates oxygen absorption, aids elimination of CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs, yet positive ions have precisely the opposite effect. Gases, dust, chemical fumes, acidic foods such as meat, dairy, high sugar fruit, grains, coffee, soda pop, tea, vinegar, alcohol, etc., all enter the body as positively charged ions, trapping the tiny negative charged ions in their large absorbent form, rendering your air technically 'dead'.

When we read the work of Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel Scientist, we begin to understand the absolute importance not only of ionizing alkalizing oxygen, sodium, hydrogen and nitrogen, but the utter importance for our longevity of their entry into the body in a negatively charged form.

We also begin to see the extent of the effect of common-use substances. A plastic seat will accelerate mental fatigue, as will plastic wall coverings. Objects covered in polyethylene produce fields of between 5 and 10,000 volts/meter.

In a space enclosed by polyethylene the rate can skyrocket to 100,000 volts/meter . Certain synthetic clothes are strong enough to set up a field that repels all negatively charged ions in your immediate vicinity! Go stand on a mountain; it won't help much if you're wearing your favorite synthetic ski jacket or plastic synethic shoes!

In any case, these measurements suggest that it is difficult to maintain sufficient levels of negative ions in our present age.
How Positive and Negative Ions Affect Our Bodies
Negative IonsPositive Ions
Blood vesselsDilate blood vesselsConstrict blood vessels
Blood PressureStabilize BPIncrease BP
BloodIncrease blood alkalinityIncrease blood acidity
BonesStrengthen bonesWeaken bones
Urinary tractPromote urination;
increase nitrogen in urine
Suppress urination;
decrease nitrogen in urine
RespiratoryStabilize respiration and make breathing easierAccelerate respiration and make breathing more difficult.
Pulse rateDecrease pulse rateIncrease pulse rate
HeartEnhance heart functionImpair heart function
FatigueSpeed physical recoveryProlong physical recovery
Autonomic Nervous SystemCalm and relax nervesTense and strain the nervous system
GrowthPromote healthy growthSuppress and delay growth

Harmful Effects of Positive Ions

Ions were first linked to human health by a Japanese medical study in 1910, which showed that patients with arthritis experienced greater pain when weather fluctuations elevated the percentage of positive ions in the atmosphere. As a result of this and other research, in Japan the close relationship between ions and health has long been widely recognized.

Cold fronts and low pressure systems increase the percentage of positive ions in the atmosphere, leading to a decrease in the number of negative ions in our bodies. Doctors in Japan report that under such conditions, the symptoms of their asthma and arthritis patients are aggravated, and the number of strokes increases.

In North America, the relationship between positive ions and asthma has also been studied. Positive ion winds (in which there are extremely high concentrations of positive ions) in Calgary, Alberta, southern California, and other places around the world have been found to coincide with increased incidence of asthma attacks (Guy Cramer, "Advanced Research on Atmospheric Ions and Respiratory Problems", Certified Medinex Website, Sept. 2, 1996,

Moreover, in recent years a number of doctors in Japan report that high levels of positive ions in the immediate environment - due to electromagnetic fields generated from computers, cell phones and other electronic devices - can both impair brain function and suppress the immune system, leading to a host of ailments. Symptoms include headache, lack of energy, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, nausea, stomachache, breathing difficulty, vertigo (dizziness), poor concentration and mental performance, and sleep disturbance. When blood or urine samples from individuals reporting such symptoms are analyzed, extremely high levels of the stress hormone serotonin are detected. This hormone is known to be potentially harmful to the body at high levels, and it is thought that positive ions may work to increase serum serotonin. (Negative base ions, on the other hand, cause the body to convert excess serotonin into a harmless compound).
Positive acidic ions or free radicals in the body, oxidizing cells throughout the entire system. They damage healthy cells and increase the acidity of the blood and tissues. When cells are oxidized, lactic and uric acid levels rise drastically, resulting in a variety of maladies, including cancer. The balance of the endocrine, immune, and autonomic nervous systems is thrown off, and blood and lymph circulation declines. As a result, aging processes accelerate, and premature aging or body fermentation occurs.

The following are human-made environmental factors that increase positive ion levels; each hazard is either new to the last century, or has magnified significantly during that time.

Human-Made Hazards that Increase Positive Ion Levels
  1. Exhaust fumes - the major environmental cause
  2. Factory smoke
  3. River pollution and acidic rain
  4. Dioxin produced from the burning of waste materials
  5. Pesticides and food additives
  6. Formaldehyde
  7. Phosphorus compounds used in everyday products
  8. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) over 3 mG, generated by X-rays, electric appliances, computers and other electronic devices, power lines, etc.
Negative Base Ions Neutralize Acids or Positive Charged Ions

It is said that 2% of the oxygen we breathe turns into free radicals in our bodies. When these free radicals combine with free radicals produced by other sources (such as heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, and positive ions or acids), they become even more harmful. Negatively charged ions work to prevent oxidation or fermentation of the blood and tissues by neutralizing the free radicals in our cells. As a result, cells are revitalized, and immunity and resistance are strengthened. Negatively charged ions also work to balance the autonomic nervous system and improve gastrointestinal function. They can relax the mind and body, promote deep sleep, increase metabolism, stabilize appetite and blood pressure, enhance recovery from physical exhaustion, and help one feel refreshed and invigorated. Negatively charged alkalizing ions are essential to overall health. Below is a summary of the healing properties of negatively charged alkalizing ions.

Healing Properties of Negative Ions

Recovery from physical exhaustion or fatigue - by increasing nascent oxygen levels in the blood and facilitating more efficient oxygen utilization, negative ions help accelerate recovery from fatigue.

Stabilizing brain function - by promoting abundant nascent oxygen levels in the blood, negatively charged ions help normalize brain function, resulting in relaxation and calmness.

Blood purification - by increasing the levels of calcium and sodium in the blood stream, negatively charged ions help restore a healthy (slightly alkaline at 7.365) pH balance to the blood and tissues.

Increasing metabolism - by stimulating the exchange of electronic substances in cell walls, negatively charged ions help increase metabolism.

Strengthening the immune system - high levels of negatively charged ions promote production of globulin in the blood, resulting in stronger resistance to illness.

Balancing the autonomic nervous system - negatively charged ions can calm and relax taut nerves by balancing the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.

Promoting better digestion - by counteracting over-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, negatively charged ions help ease tension in the stomach and intestines, promoting the production of digestive enzymes and enhancing digestion.

Cell rejuvenation - negatively charged ions help revitalize cell metabolism, enhancing the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs.

For overall health - negatively charged ions can rejuvenate and revitalize all of the body's systems and cells, promoting a stronger overall constitution.
Researching the Effects of Negatively Charged Alkalizing Ions

Studies Conducted in Japan

Many doctors and researchers in Japan have been studying the effects of negative ions. According to them, an insufficient number of negative ions in our environment results in suppressed immune, nervous, and digestive function, eventually leading to a variety of illnesses. Some doctors in Japan even treat their patients using a medical device that produces natural (not artificially produced) negative ions, with successful results. Below are some of the research results on the effects of negative ions.

In 1975, Nanzandoh Medical Clinic in Japan published some astonishing results from their research on negative ion therapy, finding it effective in the treatment of high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), as well as for various disorders of the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems, thyroid gland, and skin. It was also found to speed recovery from illness and slow aging processes.

A clinic near Ueyamada Hot Spring in Shinshu, Japan, treated Alzheimer's patients with negative ion therapy, and more than half were cured of the disease, recovering on their own with no further treatment! Following this, a medical team at Shinshu University also found that negative ions work to heal damaged cells in mice.

Dr. Tomoh Tsubushi, a medical professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University and sports medicine specialist, has closely followed negative ion research. In 1997, he concluded from his own studies that when negative ion therapy was applied after exercise, it quickly normalized blood pressure, reduced serum serotonin levels, and accelerated recovery time from exhaustion. In 2000, his paper on the beneficial effects of negative ions on the human body was published in Shuki no Kenkyu, a Japanese scientific journal.

According to research conducted by Shiseido, the world renowned Japanese cosmetics company, inhaling air containing 3,200 positive ions per cubic centimeter for 20 minutes resulted in thirst, loss of voice, and nasal congestion due to elevated serum serotonin levels. In contrast, inhaling negative ions for 10 minutes stabilized brain waves, resulting in a sense of calmness. In the group that inhaled negative ions, hardly any serotonin was detected in blood or urine samples. (Negative ions cause the body to convert excess serotonin - the antagonist for most of the problems - into a harmless chemical compound).

Studies Conducted in the U.S. and Other Counties

The following is excerpted from an article by Guy Cramer, entitled "Advanced Research on Atmospheric Ions and Respiratory Problems" (Certified Medinex Website, Sept. 2, 1996,
"A doctor treating burn victims with negative ion generators found that those patients who also had respiratory problems - chronic bronchitis or asthma - all reported that negative ion therapy helped them breathe more easily. With these findings the doctor started research into the effects of ions on respiratory ills. This research was carried out at the Northeastern Hospital, at the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital, and the Frankford Hospital in Philadelphia. He found 63% of patients suffering from hay fever or bronchial asthma 'have experienced partial or total relief' because of negative ion therapy. One hospital doctor who worked on the project said later, 'They come in sneezing, eyes watering, nose itching, worn out from lack of sleep, so miserable they can hardly walk. Fifteen minutes in front of the negative ion machine and they feel so much better they don't even want to leave.'"

"The U.S. experimenters Windsor and Becket gave sixteen volunteers overdoses of positive ions for just 20 minutes at a time and all of them developed dry throats, husky voices, headaches, and itchy or obstructed noses. Five of the volunteers were tested for total breathing capacity, and it was found that a positive ion overdose reduced that capacity by 30 percent. Exposed to negative ions for ten minutes, the volunteers' maximum breathing capacity was unaffected. What is significant here is that negative ions did not affect the amount of air breathed, but positive ions made breathing more difficult."

"In Britain, two Oxford University statisticians conducted a study among 100 victims of asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever chosen at random from a list of people who had purchased negative ion generators in the hope that it would help their problems. In the end their report was based on interviews with only 74 of the 100. They found that 18 of 24 asthmatics; 13 of 17 bronchitis sufferers; 11 of 12 hay fever victims; and 6 of 10 people afflicted with nasal catarrh reported that negative ion generators had noticeably improved their condition. A few claimed the generator had cured them."

"Brazilian Hospitals have commonly used ionizing devices for the treatment of breathing problems, including allergies, following a test involving 36 children with asthmatic allergies. All of them had consistent and in some cases crippling problems before taking negative ion therapy; during the treatment only one of them suffered an allergy attack and afterward all were reportedly cured, at least to the point that they no longer suffered problems so long as they took part in occasional negative ion therapy sessions."

"In 1966 at a hospital in Jerusalem, doctors performed a series of tests on 38 infants between two and twelve months old. All suffered to about the same degree from respiratory problems. They were divided into two groups of nineteen, one kept as a control group in a ward without any ion charge and the other where a negative ion generator was in use."

"The researchers reported that negative ions without any other treatment - that is, no drugs - seemed to cure attacks of asthma and bronchitis more quickly than drugs, antibiotics included. They also observed that there were none of the 'adverse side effects' frequently found when treating such children with drugs. They concluded that the children treated with negative ions were less prone to 'rebound attacks' (relapses). As to objectivity, the scientific report said that the tests 'demonstrated that the atmospheric ions have an effect on infants, especially those suffering from asthmatic bronchitis.' Less scientifically, they found that babies didn't cry as often and as loudly when they were breathing negative ions as they did in normal air. And there is nothing subjective about a bawling baby."

Without adequate negatively charged ions, we are literally working ourselves to death and we don't even realize it. Yet the technology now exists to replace the body's load, to support the alkaline design of the body, the white blood cells, and to promote not just a long life, but a strong, vital electron rich life.

With pH Miracle Water Ionization (ionized water) and negatively charged food and nutritional supplements, you are now able to derive huge quantities of negatively charged ions as Hydroxyl ions (OH-) in a microclustered form that will flow between cell walls and react with acidic positively charged wastes that are causing energy loss, lethargy and a predisposition to almost every major illness; all in water direct from your tap or in a glass bottle or in your acidic foods, like high sugar fruit, meat, and dairy.

With the ionization of air you will receive ionized nitrogen and oxygen that gives itself away immediately to facilitate energy conversion and storage. The ionized nitrogen acts on your cellular communication system and dilates the blood vessels to maintain not only a strong nutrient transport system, but an efficient messaging service, allowing your body to reinstate real communication. You begin to know your own body again.

The cost, when we look realistically at a future that statistically means ill health, cancer, heart disease and bodily degeneration, is incredibly small. Like the tiny negatively charged atom, this technology is easy to dismiss, but deceptively powerful.

The technology is here and now with pH Miracle ionized water machines, foods and supplements.

To learn more about how to make pH Miracle ionization water, foods and nutritional supplements 
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