Inflammation or Pain in the Body - What Does It Mean and How Can It Be Treated Without Drugs?

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said this, "first do no harm." That is why I have stated, "Education NOT Medication" in reversing all sickness and disease.

I have suggested that  when a patient is in pain or experiencing inflammation they are in a state of tissue, organ and/or glandular acidosis.  Why?  Because you cannot have pain or inflammation without dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid.   So what can pain or inflammation tell us about our health and how can inflammation or pain be treated?

Inflammation is one of the body’s defense mechanisms and is recognized by swelling, redness, fever, throbbing, irritation and a hot feeling all caused by acidic waste products that have NOT been properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiratory. When the mucus in the bladder, stomach, and intestine are affected, it is called catarrh, while other kinds of inflammation affecting the joints are known as rheumatism and is also caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids.. When you are bitten by a mosquito, the skin swells because the body sends blood and lymph to the area to eliminate the acidic poison and reprair damage to the tissues from the bite.

Often you may consider the pain or inflammation itself to be the problem, but you can turn that around and look at it as a healthy reaction to mediate, eliminate and repair the acidic condition. 

When you drink coffee, tea, sodas or alcohol or eat animal protein, dairy products, grains and sugary food the stomach reacts by producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acids of the specific food and/or drink forming a protective layer of mucus or catarrh.  The same thing happens when you expose yourself to acidic smoke, polluted air, chemicals, processed or natural sugars, trans-fatty acids and emotional stress. 

One should consider the pain or inflammatory reaction as a cry for help instead of trying to get rid of it by taking an acidic medicines that do not address the over-acidic condition. Instead of fighting the body’s reactions, maybe it would be a better idea to help the body to protect itself, dealing with the cause and not just treating the symptoms.

One patient in his 70s had severe inflammation in his bladder. The catarrh was so thick that the urinary tract was constricted, so urinating was slow and painful, but constant.  Toxic acidic antiobiotics didn’t help because they are also acidic and contributed to more pain and inflammation.  Doctors had tried to scrape the inflammation or acid damaged cells off the walls of the bladder, and then give chemo-like infusions in the bladder to bring down the inflammation.  Addressing pain or inflammation with acidic treatments will not and do not work.

My client felt that his body was too acidic, and measuring the pH of his urine with a pHydrion test strip proved him right. If you will look at reversing acidic inflammation and pain through my ‘acid-alkaline-balance’ glasses then the pain or inflammation and catarrh is simply the body’s reaction to the excess tissue acidity. I describe acidic conditons in our pH Miracle books I call the New Biology(R), which shows how acidity reveals itself as one sickness and one disease in seven stages:

1. Loss of energy is the first stage.
2. Sensitivity and irritation - as in IBS. 
3. Mucus and congestion. 
4. Inflammation and pain.
5. Hardening of soft tissue - including lupus, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries and plaque.
6. Ulcerations of the glands, organs or tissues. 
7. Degeneration –  such as in the symptoms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, AIDS, ALS, MS, and diabetes is the last stage of an over-acidic condition of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.

In the early stages of acidic imbalance, symptoms may not be very intense and can easily disappear.  As body fluid and tissue acidity continues, more serious situations arise. Weakened organs and organ systems start to give way, oxygen levels decrease and cellular metabolism will slow and even stop. In other words, blood and body cells begin to die and so you begin die.

This is a New Biology(R) approach to the one that is currently taught in medical school, so it pays to look at sickness, disease, health and fitness through different glasses sometimes. As a naturopathic medical doctor, I have taken the oath: “Primum non nocere” – “First, do no harm".

"First do no harm" is exactly the focus of preventive, alternative and comlimentary medicine and of course the pH Miracle Lifestyle protocol. With all of our  patients we examine their blood using a compound microscope, run comprehensive blood, urine and saliva tests, run a full blood and urine chemistry, including a homocysteine, C-reactive protein cardiac, and a C-reactive protein quantative, view the body's physiology with a full body thermapraphy scan and finally  we scan the full body using non-radioactive Ultrasound which shows the healthy or acidic state of the anatomy.  All of these tests help to show any excess acidity in the blood, tissues, organs and glands and the location of the inflammation or pain the patient is experiencing.  The best news is that all of our medical tests are non-invasive and reveal any clear and present acidic danger.

I give all of my patients alkalizing mineral salts such as sodium bicarbonate, magensium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and calcium chloride.  Over a couple of months the 70 year old patient I spoke of above with diagnosed severe bladder inflammation followed an alkaline lifestyle and diet and his symptoms went away while is over-all health improved. 

Originally his blood tests showed severe lack of vitamin D, which is essential for the immune system to work properly in keeping the internal environment of the body fluids clean and alkaline. His condition improved by simply supplementing his diet with an alkaline organic green plant based diet with plant-based Vitamin D3.  He loved all the green fruit and vegetables and his wife happily made him daily green smoothies, soups,  and juices.  He also enjoyed lots of good plant oils, like olive, hemp, avocado and flax. The oils help as a buffer against acidity and a builder of the membranes of stem and blood cells. He loved eating green fruit like avocado and cucumber.  He was also challenged with a sweet tooth so I resolved this problem with green smoothies, mineral salts, homemade almond milk with berries, cinnamon and vanilla.  He had weekly acupuncture work and reflexology that helped him cleanse and relax the bladder.  He is now urinating normally without inflammation or pain.

His own statement speaks for itself:  “I had been treated for nearly six years by Urologists and undergone three operations and was still getting worse....I kept saying that I felt like I had some sort of acidity or inflammation....when I asked the urologist if it was possible to find out the reason for the inflammation, I was told that it was more complicated than I could imagine and when I mentioned to my GP whether it could be due to Candida I was told that it was all in my head. The digestive system specialist told me that it was just IBS and that I should eat plenty of fibre, but my common sense told me it had to be related to my food as certain things I ate made me feel worse than others, and so I started to look for somebody that could help me... one day my dear wife was reading in a magazine and saw an article about acidity and this is when I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. After just 6 months I have started to improve. At the age of 76 without having had the knowledge that I am acquiring now I can not expect to go back to normal overnight, but I feel much better and both my blood and urine analysis shows a great improvement.”  Mr. Apis


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