URGENT! THE SENATE VOTES TODAY: Tell your Senators to Stop the Monsanto Rider and Support the Tester Amendment!


It’s back! Monsanto’s lobbyists have managed to slip the Monsanto Protection Act, also known as the Monsanto Rider (Sec. 735), into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill. Fortunately, Senator Tester has introduced an amendment (#74), co-sponsored by Senators Boxer, Gillibrand and Leahy, to strike the rider from the bill. But we have to act fast, as the Senate is voting on this bill today!

The so-called “Monsanto Rider” would require the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for planting or cultivating a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed. That’s right, even the federal courts won’t be able to stop Monsanto from planting unproven, potentially dangerous crops if this bill passes today.

Don’t let Monsanto get away with genetically altering our food. Please sign the alert below, then call your senator today!

You can look up the phone number for your senators here:

URGENT! TAKE ACTION TODAY: Tell your Senators to Stop the Monsanto Rider and Support the Tester Amendment!


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