Reversing Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis and Breast Cancer with The pH Miracle Protocol

The following is an unsolicited testimony of a young woman from London, England who has embraced Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and has reversed her diagnosed conditions of Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Breast Cancer. This testimony is an example of millions of people around the world in over 72 countries who are NOW dis-ease free, drug free and living a life of health, energy and vitality because of the work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young and their pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!  This story will be included in their new book release The pH Miracle for Cancer - Preventing and Reversing Cancer without drugs, radiation or surgery!

Dear Dr. Robert O. Young,

My name is Ulviye Ozevlat (Olivia). I am 42 years old mother of two and living in London, UK. From the age of about 17 I had low haemoglobin/low iron levels in my blood. I felt extremely fatigued and wanted to sleep all day. My Doctor put this down to the fact that I was aThalassaemia  genetic trait which is described as a blood disorder affecting haemoglobin. I was prescribed iron tablets in the form of Ferrous Fumarate 210mg. I took these tablets for about 7 years but the health of my blood did not improve. I still felt very tired, unwell and dizzy all day. In 1995, I gave birth to my second child and soon after giving birth I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which is a condition described as inflammation of a part of the large intestine accompanied by stomach pains, extreme urge to go to the toilet with mucous and blood in faeces. I had this condition for about 14 years. On average I had a flare up of ulcerative colitis 2 to 3 times a year and when it came on it would last between a week and three weeks. I was prescribed Mesalazine 400mg (5-aminosalicylic acid) tablets, initially 4 tablets working up to 8 tablets depending on the severity of colitis at the time. I had to go to 6 monthly appointments to have regular check-ups at the hospital, routine blood tests and colonoscopies. My general health did not improve following my doctor's drug treatment protocol.

My partner Mehmet has always commented on how the doctors were only trying to control the disease rather than aiming at creating health. He practices Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and he was an expert in Human Nutrition as he was preparing to undertake a PhD in Alternative Medicine. Mehmet always argued with my doctors for their lack of knowledge and understanding in Nutrition. He was very familiar with Dr Robert  O. Young's work. His life revolved around health, psychology and biochemistry but he had a special connection with The PH Miracle and always talked to me about it. He loved to research and he gave a lot of credit to Dr. Young's The New Biology. In Mehmet's words: 'no other scientific explanation on Human Biology can even come close to making a true sense as that of The New Biology.' He was giving seminars on the Alkaline Diet and he was very busy helping people to lose weight, stop smoking and generally coaching them to re-claim their health.

In July 2009 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent lumpectomy on my left breast. It was described as an aggressive grade 3 tumour. It was 17 millimetres in size. I was advised by my oncologist to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy but I told them that I wanted to think about it. They agreed and booked another appointment 2 weeks later. This is when my life began to change. I came home and sat down with Mehmet and that is when I told him that I was ready to embrace The pH Miracle protocol. I believed that my body was clogged up with acids, toxins and debris and that was the reason for my health challenges. I went on an alkaline green juice diet for 7 days. I juiced everything from cucumbers, spinach, celery, red peppers, green peppers etc. Mehmet taught me how to detox correctly and safely taking correct blend of herbs and alkaline supplements. I felt so ill I could not explain but I knew that my body was going through a healing crisis so I continued with the alkaline diet.  After a week I introduced solid foods but they were all green alkaline vegetables. I gave up coffee, chicken, beef, dairy, bread, potatoes and rice. Was it difficult? Well of course it was but I began to get use to it. I soaked almonds overnight to have them as snacks the next day. I started sprouting different seeds at home and used these as my snacks and in salads. Anything alkaline I was on it. I was drinking around 3 to 4 litres of pH Miracle green drinks a day with PuripHy pH drops. I added in The pHour Salts to increase the Alkalinity. Mehmet showed  me how to test my urine for acidity using pH Hydrion paper and explained to me how the acids in the body corrode our cells and tissues. For the first time in my life, despite being diagnosed with breast cancer and having had debilitating ulcerative colitis for 14 years, I actually began to feel better and set myself a date to give up my Mesalazine tablets (for U.Colitis), and I did.  It has now been over 3 years without medication for Ulcerative Colitis. In the last 2 years I only had a flare up just once (normally this would be 4 to 6 times) and it was a lot milder than before.

My oncologist still encouraged me to do chemo?' 'Never' I said!
He said that I was making a big mistake. I said that I had never felt so healthy in my life before so I was not prepared to go ahead with it. Mehmet tried to explain Dr Robert Young’s principles to the oncologist and his team but they just did not want to listen. I told them that I would take Tamoxifen but in fact I have not even touched it once!!

I still continued with the diet and testing my urine pH daily. I was eating broccoli and avocado for breakfast! We got rid of refined salt and replaced it with Real Salt. I use pHlavor Salt sprayed into my mouth 10 -15 times a day, powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione,anti-bacterial colloidal silver, alkaline Montmorillonite clay, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Co-enzyme Q10, Organic liquid chlorophyll, Aloe vera, Psyllium Husks, pH Miracle pHlush as an internal cleanser and lots more (too long to list here).

I has now been 4 years and  NO CHEMO, NO TAMOXIFEN and NO MESALAZINE for Ulcerative Colitis for 3 years.

I still have my regular check-ups with my consultants: for Ulcerative Colitis and for breast cancer. My consultant for Ulcerative Colitis believes that my success is to do with taking my medications regularly. Little he knows that I have not touched those medications for 3 years! I feel that I will have to reveal the truth to him one day because he may find out if he reads this. He might have a paradigm shift when he does find out! He might well listen and give some credit to the PH Miracle and Dr Robert O. Young.

I have never felt this healthy in my life before!! Mehmet monitors everything I eat, drink and do. All my supplements are specially prepared and there is ZERO Iron in them except which it occurs naturally in Montmorillonite clay. I have to say that my Haemoglobin has improved from all time of 8.0 g/dl (very low) to around 10.5 g/dl and that's without IRON TABLETS and this is all credit to Dr Young's good work and advice. I realized that I did not need those acidic medications and iron?? No, No, No! Three years ago I met lovely Dr Young in London and we had a meal together: Yes, you are right the meal was all vegetables, yummy! He told me that he was impressed with what I was doing.

I don't remember a time in my life when I had not felt dizzy in the mornings or had not felt extremely tired during the day. That is all in the past. Three years without medication for my Ulcerative Colitis? Absolutely! The irony of it all is that I meant to be on medication for the rest of my life! Yeah right! As for my breast cancer, well my attitude to life has changed. People who come to our house to visit us, at first they expect a low-energy atmosphere. Absolutely not! People get shocked when they visit us. Health is everywhere - all around us, there is positive energy everywhere and people comment on it. And it is contagious because people want to do the things we are doing.

Lots of people contact us for information on this new journey that I have proudly chosen to travel. Some people refer to this as a diet. Well it is not! It is a new pH Miracle lifestyle where your diet, thoughts, beliefs, actions and expectations are in alignment with the natural laws of the universe. That is why you feel at ease and at peace when you are on the pH Miracle Lifestyle.

Dr. Young, I know that you have helped so many people change their lives. Well, you truly have changed mine.

God Bless You,
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Beautiful Alkalizing Organic NON-GMO Grapefruits Grown at the Rancho del Sol


Organically Grown at the Rancho Del Sol**Shipping included in price for orders shipped within the continental US**

100% organically grown (without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer), Ruby Red Grapefruits from sunny Southern California. These succulent members of the citrus family are grown in Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's private orchard, Ranch Avorado. With its unmistakable flavor, these grapefruits offer a subtle sweetness and signature tartness that everyone can enjoy. 

Nutritionally, the bitter flavor comes from limonene, a limonoid that gives grapefruit its proven anticarcinogenic properties. Naringine, a flavonoid found in grapefruit, is also effective in preventing cancer. Furthermore, narigine improves blood circulation, while pectin (a soluble vegetable fiber) unclogs arteries. 

These organic grapefruits are waiting patiently - remaining on the tree until we receive your order. They are then hand-picked and packaged. Thus, the organic, natural freshness is impeccably preserved. Do your health, taste buds, and the environment a favor - Order today! 

Estimated shelf life: 1 week at room temperature 
1 month refrigerated
(20-25 grapefruits per box) 

Nutrient Composition
 (100g of raw edible portion) Energy - 30 kcal 
Protein - 0.55 g 
Carbohydrates - 7.68 g 
Vitamin A - 26 Fg RE 
Vitamin B1 - 0.034 mg 
Vitamin B2 - 0.02 mg 
Niacin - 0.224 mg NE 
Vitamin B6 - 0.042 mg 
Folate - 12.2 Fg 
Vitamin C - 38.1 mg 
Calcium - 11 mg 
Phosphorus - 9 mg 
Magnesium - 8 mg 
Iron - 0.12 mg 
Potassium- 129 mg 
Zinc - 0.07 mg 
Total Fat - 0.1 g Saturated Fat - 0.014 g
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70 Percent of Americans Are Poping and Pooping Pills!

Study: 70 Percent Of Americans On Prescription Drugs

Research finds that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. (Getty Images)
Research finds that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. (Getty Images)
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Rochester, Minn. (CBS ATLANTA) –Researchers find that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions.
Mayo Clinic researchers report that antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids are the most common prescriptions given to Americans. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to be on five or more prescription medications.
The study is uncovering valuable information to the researchers about U.S. prescription practices.
“Often when people talk about health conditions they’re talking about chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes,” Dr. St. Sauver stated in a Mayo Clinic press release. “However, the second most common prescription was for antidepressants — that suggests mental health is a huge issue and is something we should focus on. And the third most common drugs were opioids, which is a bit concerning considering their addicting nature.”
Nearly one in four women ages 50-64 were found to be on an antidepressant, with 13 percent of the overall population also on antidepressants. Seventeen percent of people in the study were being prescribed antibiotics, and 13 percent were on painkilling opioids.
As a whole, women and older adults received the most prescription drugs. Antidepressants and opioids were most common among young and middle-aged adults.
The percentage of people who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44 percent in 1999-2000 to 48 percent in 2007-08, the Mayo Clinic reports. Expenditures on prescription drugs reached $250 billion in 2009, and accounted for 12 percent of total personal health care expenditures.
According to the CDC, the percent of persons using at least one prescription drug in the past month increased nearly 50 percent between 2007 and 2010.
And the researchers said prescription drug spending will only increase in the future.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a reserach scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "When an alkaline lifestyle and diet is not present prescription drugs are of NO value,  When an alkaline lifestyle and diet is present prescription drugs are of NO need.  Education NOT Medication1
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The American Medical Association Declares Obesity A Disease!

Yesterday, June 18th, 2012, the American Medical Association (AMA) decided to recognize obesity as a disease which could boost sales and continued development of prescription diet drugs, according to Forbes.
Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "Doctors prescribe drugs of which they know little, for the human body for which they know less, for diseses for which they know nothing at all!  The American Medical Association (AMA) declaration that obesity is a disease is just another indication that Big Medicine and Big Pharma is out-of-touch with the cause and effect relationship between obesity, diabetes, diabesity and heart disease which are ALL modern-day symptomologies of what we eat, what we drink, what we think and how we live.  
The bottom-line is obestity, diabetes, diabesity, and heart disease are NOT diseases at all.  They are symptoms of an over-acidic body due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  Obesity is not a fat problem it is an acid problem from eating acidic meat, cheese, milk, grains, sugar and the lack of daily exercise. Obesity is the body protecting itself from an over-acidic lifestyle and diet.  If the body doesn't pack on the pounds to buffer excess acids from diet and metabolism, which are NOT being eliminated properly through the four channels of elimination - defecation, urination, perspiration, or respiration, the body will immediately go into systemic acidosis and the result is death.  
People become fat, sick and tired with their teeth and their lack of exercise. Diabetes is simply caused by the destruction of the intestintinal villi from eating animal protein which leads to increased blood sugar as the body converts body cells into blood cells. Coronary heart dis-ease happens when the heart is being marinated in a soup of dietary and/or metabolic acid.  
The cure for obesity, diabetes, diabesity, and heart disease is simple - stop eating and drinking acidic foods and start eating and drinking alkaline foods with daily exercise.  There is no need for more useless Big Pharma drugs targeted at a disease symptom and NOT the primary cause!  
Over 70 percent of the US population are drug addicts and are NOW poping and pooping pills and the health of Americans is getting worse NOT better.  If the AMA and Big Pharma had the answers to good health in America than the health of Americans would be getting better NOT worse.  But the AMA and Big Pharma have only one answer - sell more worthless drugs for which they know little, for so-called diseases, including obesity, diabetes, diabesity, heart disease and cancer for which they know NOTHING at ALL!"
The move effectively defines 78 million American adults and 12 million children as having a medical condition that requires treatment, the Los Angeles Times reports.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "The 78 million American adults and the 12 million children who have been wrongly diagnosed do NOT have a medical condition, they have an acidic lifestyle and dietary condition for which can be reversed with an alkaline lifestyle and diet - with NO drugs and NO medical intervention.  Just simply stop eating and drinking acidic foods."
Treatment of obesity-related illnesses drives up the nation's medical bill by more than $150 billion a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a Research Scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "The Nation's medical bill  of $150 million for the treatment of so-called obesity-related illnesses can be totally eliminated through education and NOT medication or medical intervention.  What these over-weight people need is an alkaline lifestyle and diet!"
“Recognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles this complex issue that affects approximately one in three Americans,” AMA board member Patrice Harris, M.D., said in a statement. “The AMA is committed to improving health outcomes and is working to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, which are often linked to obesity.”
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a reserach scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "Recognizing obesty or diabesty as a disease will only lead to more obesty and more diabesity.  Why?  Because obesity and diabesity are NOT diseases!  They are acidic symptoms of an over-acidic lifestyle and diet.  They are consequences of lifestyle and dietary choice and need NO drugs or medical intervention.  The dis-ease or symptoms are the result of what people are thinking, eating and drinking.  Change the diet and lifestyle to an alkaline lifestyle and diet and the symptoms of obesity, diabesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer go away.  The old adages 'you are what you eat', 'you are what you think', 'you are how you live', are true.  You want a healthier America? than stop all the drugging and medical intervention.  I believe the citizens of the world need more Education NOT Medication!"
The following is the entire article covered Nationwide:

Obesity is officially a disease, the American Medical Association declares

Posted: 06/19/2013 
Last Updated: 23 hours ago
The American Medical Association’s decision to recognize obesity as a disease could boost sales and continued development of prescription diet drugs, according to Forbes.
The move effectively defines 78 million American adults and 12 million children as having a medical condition that requires treatment, the Los Angeles Times reports.
“Recognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles this complex issue that affects approximately one in three Americans,” AMA board member Patrice Harris, M.D., said in a statement. “The AMA is committed to improving health outcomes and is working to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, which are often linked to obesity.”
While the AMA’s decision has no legal authority, it is expected to change how insurance companies cover obesity drugs, surgery and counseling.  It could also open up a wider range of treatment options for obese patients who may also have related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancers and disabilities, the New York Times reports.
The new ruling goes against a study released  just last year by the AMA’s Council on Science and Public Health. The council said obesity should not be considered a disease mainly because the measure usually used to define obesity, the body mass index, is simplistic and flawed.
The resolution released Tuesday argued that obesity was a “multimetabolic and hormonal disease state” that leads to unfavorable outcomes like cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, the New York Times reported.
Treatment of obesity-related illnesses drives up the nation's medical bill by more than $150 billion a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Projected increases in the obesity rate could boost that figure by an additional $550 billion over the next 20 years, according to a recent Duke University study cited by the Los Angeles Times.
Currently, 2.3 million Americans are estimated to be overweight or obese, and half of Americans could be obese by 2040 according to some projections, Dr. Jeffrey I. Mechanick, president of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist, told the New York Daily News.

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