Omega 3's, 5's, 6's and 9's Slow Brain Glioma Cancer and Prostate Cancer

Research in mice suggests that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and certain types of fish could potentially improve the prognosis of men who are genetically prone to develop prostate cancer.

One of the best sources of Omega 3's for alkalarians and vegetarians is hemp seed, borage seed, pomegranate and flax seed oils.

"This study clearly shows that diet can tip the balance toward a good or a bad outcome," said senior researcher Yong Q. Chen, Ph.D., from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. "It's possible that a change in diet could mean the difference between dying from the disease and surviving with it."

In mice that were engineered with a genetic defect that caused prostate cancer, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids beginning at birth reduced tumor growth, slowed disease progression and increased survival. The research is reported online today by the Journal of Clinical Investigation and will appear in the July 2 print issue.

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and is a leading cause of death in men in the United States.

Population studies have suggested that consumption of fish or fish oil and certain seed oils reduces prostate cancer incidence. However, these investigations have been hampered by the difficulty people have in accurately reporting their dietary intake.

The goal of the current study was to explore an alkaline gene-diet interactions in prostate cancer. It involved mice that were engineered with a genetic defect — they lacked a tumor suppressor gene and spontaneously developed prostate cancer. This gene (Pten) is absent in 60 percent to 70 percent of metastatic cancers in humans.

The engineered mice and "wild-type" (or non-engineered) mice were fed varying levels of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Both are "essential" fatty acids, which means the body needs them for proper cell function but cannot produce them. Many seed oils contain omega-6 PUFA and some like Hemp and Flax contain omega-3. Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon are high in omega-3 fats.

Dr. Robert O. Young recommends that people consume 3 to 4 ounces per day (based upon 70k or 154lb. man or woman) of three parts omega-3 to one part omega-6 PUFA. However, in current Western diets, the proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 is between 30 to 50 omega-6 to 1 part omega-3. These proportions are too high in omega-6.

The mice were fed either a diet high in omega-3 (ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 was 1-to-1) a diet low in omega 3 (ratio omega-6 to omega-3 was 20-to-1), or a diet high in omega-6 (ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 was 40-to-1). The scientists compared survival rates and weighed the animals' prostates to measure tumor progression.

Mice with the tumor suppressor gene remained free of tumors and had 100 percent survival, regardless of diet. In mice with the gene defect, survival was 60 percent in animals on the high omega-3 diet, 10 percent in those on the low omega-3 diet and 0 percent in those on the high omega-6 diet.

"This suggests that if you have good genes, it may not matter too much what you eat," said Chen, a professor of cancer biology. "But if you have a gene that makes you susceptible to prostate cancer, your diet can tip the balance."  My research demonstrates the importance of an alkaline pH Miracle Diet interactions, and that genetic cancerous risk can be modified favorable by high doses of omega-3 PUFA from fish or hemp seeds.

Chen said dietary changes may be particularly beneficial in people prone to prostate cancer because the disease is usually diagnosed in older men and the tumors are slow-growing. It's possible that eating a high omega-3 diet could delay tumor development or progression long enough for the man to live out his natural lifespan with a cancerous prostate.

I am suggesting an alkaline lifestyle and diet which includes liberal amounts of healthy long chain fats from hemp, flax, borage and pomegranate.

Another oil which can also be helpful in the prevention or reversal of a cancerous prostate is omega-5 oil from pomegranate, also known as conjugated linoleic acid or CLA.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to exert beneficial effects against carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

It has been demonstrated that CLA modulates lipid metabolism through the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs).

The PPAR family comprises 3 closely related gene products, PPAR alpha, beta/delta and gamma, differing for tissue distribution, developmental expression and ligand specificity. It has also been demonstrated that activated PPARgamma results in growth inhibition and differentiation of transformed cells or cancerous cells of the prostate and the brain.

These observations stimulated a great interest toward PPARgamma ligands as potential anticancer drugs to be used in a differentiation therapy.

Glioblastomas or cancerous brain tumours are the most commonly diagnosed primary tumours of the brain in humans. The prognosis of patients with high-grade gliomas is poor and only marginally improved by chemotherapy.

The aim of CLA research was to study the effects of CLA and of a specific synthetic PPARgamma ligand on cell growth, differentiation and death of a human glioblastoma cell line as well as on parameters responsible for the metastatic behavior of this tumour.

Research indicates that CLA and PPARgamma agonist strongly inhibit cellular transformation and proliferation rate and induce apoptosis or the death or transformation of a cancerous cell.
The results obtained show that CLA acts, directly or indirectly, as a PPARgamma activator, strongly suggesting that this naturally occurring Omega 5 fat may be used as brain antitumour non-nutritive agent.

For more information on plant based Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 oil from Hemp, Flax and Borage seeds and Omega-5 CLA from Pomegranate is now available for those clients challenged with any acidic cancerous symptomology, go to: and  For more information of Omega 3's from fish oil go to:


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