Deborah Tumlinson Reversed Her Breast Cancer While Losing 111 pounds.

Dr. Robert O. Young is pictured below with his patient Deborah Tumlinson at the Health Freedom Expo in Schaumburg Renaissauce Convention Center, in Schaumburg, Illinois.  Deborah shares her before pictures 9 months after being diagnosed with Stage 3+ Sarcoma Breast Cancer and tested positive for the BRCA 1 gene.  Her Doctors scheduled her for a radical mastectomy with follow-up chemotherapy.  Three days prior to her surgery she came to the pH Miracle Living Center and decided to start the pH Miracle Lifestyle Protocol for reversing breast cancer and decided to postpone her surgery for 3 weeks.  After 3 weeks on the pH Miracle Cancer Protocol she went back to her Oncologist for an Ultrasound scan of the breast and the technician found that  tumour had shrunk from 3.18cm to just over 1cm.  Her Doctor was amazed but still recommended surgery.  Deborah said thank you but NO thank you and continued on the pH Miracle for Cancer Protocol.  Six weeks later the tumour was gone with no surgery, no chemo and no radiation! All that remained in the breast tissue was the titanium marker, marking the spot where the tumour had been present.  In addition to reversing her medically diagnosed sarcoma breast cancer she released 111 pounds of acidic weight in 10 months and now weighs 106 pounds. She had liver disease and now her liver enzymes are normal. She had high cholesterol and now she has normal cholesterol levels with LDL levels of 113. She was pre-diabetic and now no longer pre-diabetic. She had low blood pressure which normalized and mitro valve prolapse that repaired itself without surgery. She no longer had asthma and no longer needed asthma medications.  For the first time in ten years she didn't have to go to the hospital for respiratory therapy. She had less than 10 percent mobility in her extremities and she is running over 3 miles a day. She lost her wrinkles, skin spots, cellulite, acne, liver spots, stretch marks, and sagging skin on her waist line, buttocks and underarms.  She released her 3 stomachs and 3 chins. She was irritable and depressed and that is all gone.  She looks 10 years younger and feels and acts 30 years younger. To learn more about preventing and/or reversing dis-ease, even cancer, heart disease or diabetes and you are interested in looking younger, feeling younger and acting younger then contact the pH Miracle Center at 760 751 8321 for a pH Miracle Coach or go to our website at:  I would also suggest reading The pH Miracle books 1 and 2, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. This weekend you can meet Dr. Robert and Shelley Young personally at the Health Freedom Expo in Schaumburg, Illinois and learn how to prevent and/or reverse cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS, Lupus, arthritis, depression, with a drug-free alkaline lifestyle and diet called The pH Miracle Lifestyle.  Dr. Robert O. Young will be lecturing on Friday June 7th at 4pm and Sunday, June 9th at 12pm.  He will also be  a member of a panel on June 7th at 2pm, June 8th at 4pm and June 9th at 2pm on "Solving Cancer Today." Please share this post with everyone you love and care for and let them know that there is a way to prevent and reverse ALL sickness and disease, including Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease.  Knowledge is Power and with the knowledge of the pH Miracle you can begin to enjoy a life full of health, energy and vitality. Health and Fitness is All about Education NOT Medication, Vaccination or Radiation!


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