Good News in Colorado! Please Support The National Health Freedom Coalition!

National Health Freedom Coalition 
supports the following Action Alert from
National Health Freedom Action
August 6, 2013
Good News in Colorado 
Natural Health Protected
The Colorado Natural Health Consumer Protection Act (Colorado Senate Bill 13-215) was signed into law on June 5, 2013, by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper . Congratulations Colorado on being the ninth state to have a safe harbor health freedom law! Access to natural health practitioners is now protected for almost all Colorado consumers! A downside to the bill was that it prohibited the newly protected natural health practitioners from treating children less than two years of age. But NHFA is committed to helping Colorado in 2014 remove the unconstitutional ban. All parents have the right to choose and obtain natural non-invasive therapies for all of their children and we will help Colorado preserve that right!
Thank you to Colorado Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation and Colorado Natural Health Coalition for your tireless efforts over the past eight years to get a health freedom bill introduced and successfully passed. Your work on behalf of the people of Colorado is deeply appreciated. Colorado is the ninth state to have protection of natural health care practitioners ensuring consumer access to natural and complementary and alternative health care approaches for their health and healing. Other states that have safe harbor laws are: Minnesota, Rhode Island, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Idaho, Arizona, and New Mexico.
And thank you to Colorado Senator Jahn, and Colorado Representative Ginel for their leadership, dedication, and hard work sponsoring and moving the Natural Health bill forward to a successful passage. The new law now makes it clear that in Colorado a person who is practicing complementary and alternative health care services consistent with the requirements of the new law will not be unfairly prosecuted for not having a licensed to practice medicine as long as they do not engage in an activity listed on the prohibited list in the new law such as performing surgery, puncture of the skin, prescribing legend drugs or controlled substances, or fail to fulfill the disclosure duties in the new law. Click here to read the entire new law.
Thank you to Colorado for giving natural health fair hearings . The courageous Sponsors and Cosponsors of these bills were Senators Jahn, Newell, Nicholson, Ulibarri, Todd, Giron, Tochtrop and Representatives Ginal, Stephens, and Schafer. Lively hearings were held, some even up to five hours in length, and the sponsors and cosponsors continued their support. A good and fair forum for discussion took place. Thank you to these wonderful legislators. NHFA honors Colorado legislature for airing this most important consumer and practitioner issue.
The issue of treatment of small children by natural health practitioners was brought up on the very last days of the legislative process by some Pediatricians and they were able to successfully gain support for an amendment to the bill on the House floor to ban unlicensed natural health care practitioners from treating children less than two years of age. One of their concerns was that they claimed natural health practitioners were more likely to advise clients against dangerous vaccines however natural health practitioners testified that they do not advise parents on vaccines but rather educate them so that they can make an informed choice for their child. The amendment was a shocking blow to practitioner and consumers of natural health and they worked hard to remove the amendment. But in the end the amendment remained on the bill.
Passionate health freedom organizations have now met about what many of them believe is a challengeable unconstitutional amendment and they plan to work to remove the language in the 2014 session. The organizations that have indicated thus far that they will work to remove the child ban language are Colorado Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation,, National Health Freedom Action, Citizens for Health, and Colorado Springs Citizens for Health Freedom. Please contact NHFA or any of these organizations if you wish to support the upcoming efforts.
NHFA is grateful to the entire citizen outpouring about these bills and hopes that citizens will remain involved in the legislative process in positive ways in their future successful efforts to protect health freedom.  

National Health Freedom Coalition
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2136 Ford Parkway
St. Paul, MN 55116-1863
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