Reversing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with The pH Miracle Alkaline Protocol

The following email was recieved on January 13th, 2013 from Lulu Langford, a pH Miracle alkalzing health and fitness coach.  It is a wonderful motivating testimony of a reversal of chronic fatigue syndrome using the pH Miracle alkaizing therapy.  If you have any questions feel free to contact Lulu directly or you can contact the pH Miracle Center at: 760 751 8321 or 

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Lulu Langford <> wrote:
Dear Robert and Shelley:

How are you? I received the following lovely testimony from a patient on the East coast overnight. The reason I am emailing you is I am trying to help her future, once she is again ready to join the living world. 

Basically, hers was a childhood of neglect and abuse - and from the age of 5 she was chronically unwell and at one stage just a year or so ago she'd even had her funeral planned.

For about 4 years, she'd been in the care of all forms of doctors, alternative professionals and she was getting worse as days went by. When she came to me, her prognosis was probably in the tiny top group of people I hold little hope for. She was very keen but her capabilities, not to mention her support network were almost non existent. And as she had quite a lot of health knowledge it was difficult to get through - I usually find this group are the hardest to reach.

As a long term practitioner I have used a broad range of modalities but sadly, despite (or maybe because of) studying natural nutrition and food combining in amongst all the others, I never branched into raw, alkaline food until the last few years and the testimonies I have keep flying in thick and fast. 

One year on, this is her testimony. I would like to, in light of the very skewed and misleading study format in not just orthodoxy but alternatives these days, to save her from wasting any more time studying the wrong pathway, and steer her in the right direction and I truly feel her forte will be public speaking. She is keen to push for a future with teaching what she now calls the truth in health care and recovery - she is a true survivor and I believe her story will inspire millions - incest, abuse, mental health, near death, severe chronic incapacity. I know without fear of contradiction if our paths did not cross she would be close to death now, if not already gone - at the least, she was sick enough to attempt suicide. 

I am currently writing  my daughter Shadi's chronic fatigue story - along with her husband Nathi's TB recovery story, which became complete with the introduction of alkaline lifestyle in the protocol and I am currently working with dozens of similar cases purely based on the results I have seen. A few recovering sufferers are helping me to establish a CFS portal online, linking the best treatment options, best clinics and experts worldwide - and Karina will no doubt be part of this. 

She is keen to do all she can to share her story - I'd like to ask you to read the following and then maybe discuss it to determine if you could think of a way between you, to put her story to good use? As she depends now on welfare all her money is taken up on healthy diet, the supplements and homœopathics that I recommend - and the studies that she now sees as increasingly useless. I am therefore seeking a coach or training provider willing to cover her expenses - I know this is a huge undertaking and request, but her future is immense - I know she will be an incredible living testimony to whoever takes her on.

It is a bit colourful but apart from a few grammatical points, I have left it as is - I am sure you'll see why once you read it -

"You're an absolute fool, if you dont listen to Lulu Langford, your ignorance and opinions have conquered you.....

I met Lulu Langford in Febuary last year; I was riddled with a virus, that I caught and even though I still have some off it (chronic flu syndrome), I couldnt even walk to the post box which was ten meters from my door..... 

In my ignorant, opinionated view I had tried everything???? Everything western med and nutritionists, had told me, and look where it had got me - chronic cfs
chronic multiple chem allergies 
chronic sal, amine, and glutamate allergies/sensitivities year on from meeting Lulu Langford, I have diminished my allergies by 80%, no longer have sal, amine, and msg allergies and eat them all day long, when 6 months ago I could not eat the tiniest trace without relapse......

I react more to non sal, amine, and msg foods which are diet is completely different, all vegan alkalized, sometimes have a naughty treat like carob milk bar or butter in my 2o% acid, but only now that I have improved so much, (I never used to be able to do more than one thing a day), now I can have a whole day doing things.

I am not hundred % as yet, but its definitely coming....the massive crashes always heal into strength, so im not sure if im having a massive healing crisis consistantly....the right supplements are critical and I would of never have got to where I am without them.....

Neways supplements are superior; they are like the Ferrari of the supplement world, and I have gone on them and off them experimenting, and it's really a piss off to realize they are the bees knees and get you better quicker......but they have been the missing link with stubborn symptoms and damage.

It's annoying as they are dearer and as an invalid relying on welfare this is difficult as medicare wont cover them....but they bloody well work...practitioner supplements like eagle, and metagenics, and mediherb, bioceuticals all do ok, but nothing compared to Neways.....

Her diet advice which I was ignorant to at first changed my life... There's no point taking supps if you're on an animal laden acid diet....waste of time...

Her homeopathic advice was powerful - I feel homeopathy works best on conscious individuals as it is an energy form of medicine and you need to be aware of what you are when you aren't in the body......when my symptoms came to a peak and stubborn problems remained, one or two doses of the right remedy moved me on like nothing I have ever seen.

If you have this woman in your space and she's helping you, you are a very rich thankful, cause you wont find better, more accurate advice .....anywhere....

Goodluck....and thankyou Lulu."

Considering this was written on a phone, it's incredible, passionate and from the heart. This time last year, this young woman couldn't string a sentence together clearly, based simply on her weakness and poor concentration. She'd not long come out of hospital where they had told her she would not live much longer.  I'd love to utilise her story - and her drive, as it grows. If you can think of anything that would benefit her and the pHmiracle future, please share. Thanks and God bless

Lulu Kenzig (nee Langford)Integrated Health PractitionerVegetarian book -
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