A Natural Healthy and Legal Way To Increase Blood Volumne - Pass It Along To Lance

There were several questions that came to mind after watching the Oprah Winfrey and Lance Armstrong interview where Lance finally admitted to using EPO, human-growth hormone, testosterone and blood doping.

So What is Blood Doping?

Blood doping is an illicit method of improving athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood's ability to carry and deliver more oxygen to the connective tissues, including the muscules.

In many cases, blood doping increases the red blood count and its main oxygen carrying molecule, hemoglobin.  So, increasing hemoglobin allows higher amounts of oxygen to reach and alkalize an athlete's muscles.  This can improve stamina and performance, particularly in long-distance events, such as long-distance running and cycling.

Blood doping is banned by the International Olympic Committe and other sports organizations.

What Are Types of Blood Doping?

The three widely used types of blood doping are:

1) Blood transfusions
2) Injections of erythropoetin (EPO), and 
3) Injections of synthetic oxygen oxygen carriers.

Here are some more details about each of these types of blood doping:
Blood transfusions.  In normal medical practice, patients may undergo blood transfusions to replace blood lost due to injury, surgery or chemotherapy. Transfusions also are given to patients who suffer from low red blood cell counts caused by anemiakidney failure, cancer and chemotherapy treatments.
Illicit blood transfusions are used by athletes to boost athletic performance. There are two types.
Autologous transfusion. This involves a transfusion of the athlete's own blood, which is drawn and then stored for future use.  Most commonly this involves the removal of two units (approximately 2 pints!) of the athletes blood several weeks prior to competition. The blood is then frozen until 1-2 days before the competition, when it is thawed and injected back into the athlete. This is known as autologous blood doping.
Homologous transfusion. In this type of transfusion, athletes use the blood of someone else with the same blood type and then injected straight into the athlete.
EPO Injections

EPO is a hormone produced by the kidney. It regulates the body's production of red blood cells.  In medical practice, EPO injections are given to stimulate the production of red blood cells. For example, a synthetic EPO can be used to treat patients with anemia related to chronic or end-stage kidney disease or cancer and its treatment with chemotherapy.
Athletes using EPO do so to encourage their bodies to produce higher than normal amounts of red blood cells, hemoglobin and blood volume called hematocrit to enhance athletic performance.
Synthetic Oxygen Carriers 

These are chemicals that have the ability to carry oxygen. Two examples are:
  • HBOCs (hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers)
  • PFCs (perfluorocarbons)
Synthetic oxygen carriers have a legitimate medical use as emergency therapy. It is used when a patient needs a blood transfusion but:
  • human blood is not available
  • there is a high risk of blood out-fection (A blood outfection is when the blood is breaking down due to metabolic and/or dietary acids or from acidic drug use.)
  • there isn't enough time to find the proper match of blood type
Athletes use synthetic oxygen carriers to achieve the same performance-enhancing effects of other types of blood doping: increased oxygen in the blood carried by the hemoglobin in red blood cells that helps reduce tissue acidosis in the connective tissues and muscles.  This results in reduced tissue or muscle breakdown and tissue acidosis that causes inflammation and pain.

So what could have Lance Armstrong done differently to achieve athletic superiority in his sport without drugs and blood fransfusions? And, how could have Lance Armstrong naturally increased his red blood cell count, hemaglobin and hematocrit and in turn increased his VO2 or oxygen volume to his connective tissues and muscles thus minimizing acid build-up and cellular breakdown, without taking hormones, steroids, EPO and blood transfusions known as blood doping?

Having been a professional athlete myself I have been doing natural blood doping successfully for myself (My blood counts run consistently - RBC count 5.2 million/mcL, Hemoglobin 17.2 g/dl, Hematocrit 53%, White Blood Count 3.8 thousands/mcL, Platelet Count 156 thousands/mcL, Glucose 80 mg/dl, Sodium 146 mEq/L, Chloride 106 mEq/L, Potassium 5 mEq/L, and Calcium 9.8 mg/dl, just to name a few of the most important markers in the blood), other athletes (including Professional and Olympic athletes) and cancer patients around the World for years with NO negative side-effects.

IT IS SIMPLE - IT IS SAFE - IT IS NATURAL - IT IS SMART and IT IS LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No side-effects except for increased health, energy and vitality.

Pass this on to Lance Armstrong?

Here is the formula for natural blood building without medical drugs, hormones, steroids, or blood transfusions (based upon 70kg body): 

1)  Drink 250ml of pH Miracle liquid Chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is the concentrated blood of green plants and is identical to human hemoglobin except for the center atom of magnesium in chlorophyll.  Drinking the blood of green plants will increase hemoglobin in less than two weeks.

2)  Drink 6 liters of pH Miracle Greens with 5 drops of the puripHy per liter.  The pH Miracle greens contains concentrated (28 to 1 concentration) grasses, fruit and vegetables that will increase red blood cell count and blood volume as indicated on a Comprehensive Blood Count Test.  The pH Miracle puripHy drops will increase the pH of the green drink and help to buffer metabolic and dietary acids that break down connective tissue and weaken muscles.

3)  Ingest 16 portions of alkalizing green fruit and vegetables.  Ingesting liberal amounts of green fruit and vegetables daily will help to maintain the high levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

4)  Drink 100ml of the pH Miracle Omega 3, 6 and 9 oil.  The ingestin of polyunsaturated oils from hemp, borage and flax will provide the necessary lipids for building the membranes of stem cells and blood cells and keeping them strong.

5)  Ingest 1 scoop of pHour salts in the morning, 1 sccop at night and 1 scoop any time the pH of the urine drops below 7.2.  The pHour salts contain four foundational mineral salts for the purpose of maintaining the alkaline design of the body fluids and reduce and/or eliminate the metabolic and respiratory acids that build-up during strenuous exercise such as carbonic acid and lactic acid.

6)  Spray the pHlavor salts orally to replace electrolytes and reduce the acids that create lightheadedness, dizziness, cold hands, cold feet, poor circulation, low energy, just to name a few symptoms of low mineral salts.

7) And, finally take 2 scoops twice a day of the pH Miracle L-Arginine Max to improve blood and lymph circulation by breaking up acidic mucous, plaque, calcifications, and cysts in the blood, lymph and connective tissue.

When an athlete follows the above recommendations based upon my clinical research for over twenty years he or she will consistantly show increases in their red blood cell count approaching or exceeding 5 million/mcL, hemoglobin increases approaching or exceeding 15 g/dl, and hematocrit increases approaching or exceeding a volume of  50 percent or higher.

The following article suggests other incredible benefits for eating and drinking daily green fruit and vegetables:



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