Dr. Robert O. Young's Research Validated by Harvard Study - Eating Animal Flesh Causes Cancer and Death!

ABC's Diane Sawyer reveals Harvard study that proves red meat vastly increases the chances of an early death. The study is a microcosm of evidence that has become so obvious in large meat-eating nations like the United States, where the rates of cancer and heart disease are skyrocketing.  Dr. Robert O. Young states, "animal flesh is highly acidic and produces nitric, uric, sulphuric and phosphoric acids that cause cancer and death in humans and animals.  Since the ingestion of red meat does NOT completely digest or liquify the undigested meat sits in your stomach, small and large intestines, fermenting and rotting the cover cells of the stomach, stressing out the pancreas, and destroying the delicate intestinal villi causing stomach inflammation, indigestion, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, irritable bowel, colitis, intestinal ulcerations, colon cancer, anemia,  Type I diabetes, anxiety, depression, immune disorders, blood disorders, muscle and bone wasting, intravascular coagulation, high blood pressure, heart disease and finally death.  I cannot think of one good health reason for eating meat.  The ingestion of meat will over-acidfy the blood and then tissues leading to sickness and disease.  Bottom-line the ingestion of animal flesh is dangerous, stupid and inhumane to animals and their right to life.  My advise is to leave the animals alone. The day we stop eating meat will be the day that the lion will lay down with the lamb.  We must be the change we want to see."


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