Consider the Power of Your Thoughts This New Year

Consider the
Power of Your
This New Year

The Effect of Positive and Negative Thoughts on Your Body, Mind, and Spiritual Health

By Dr. Robert O. Young and his wife, Shelley Redford Young, Authors of The PH Miracle

Love, fear, joy, anger, sadness, happiness, and resentment.
Can positive or negative thoughts and emotions affect your body’s delicate biochemistry or the acid/alkaline pH balance?

Can positive or negative emo- tions affect your body’s physical, mental, and spiritual health?

Is a woman more likely to be- come pregnant if she eats a lot of vegetables or if she were to go on a long, relaxing vacation?

Do people who laugh a lot live longer?

Does your anxiety or fear of crowds, elevators, blood, heights, 
spiders, hospitals, or airplanes somehow affect your health?

My theory of one sickness, one disease, and one health, which is set forth in what I call “The New Bi- ology,” not only considers how our diet affects our physiology, but also how our psychology affects our physiology and how our psychol- ogy affects our spirituality.

Not only does the health of your body affect the emotions of your mind, but your thoughts and feelings can affect the health of your entire body.

Bottom line, your mental state is critical. In many ways, your men- tal state, if it’s negative, can create more metabolic acids than the acid- ic food you’re eating.

In fact, you can create up to three times more metabolic acids from your thoughts or your men- tal and emotional state than from ingesting highly acidic foods like dairy, animal protein, sugar, and al- cohol.

Your thoughts are critical. Your thoughts or words do become mat- ter, and can affect your physiology in a negative or positive way. Your thoughts do become biology. The way thoughts become biology is as follows:

1. When you have a thought or say a word, it requires electrical or electron energy for the brain cell(s) to produce those actions.

2. As you carry on with that 
thought, you are burning or consuming energy.

3. When you are consuming en- ergy in your thoughts, you are producing biological waste products called acids, which are an energetic waste product that can be measured in pH, oxida- tive reduction potential (ORP), hertz, and decibels.

4. If the metabolic acids from your thoughts are not properly elimi- nated through the four chan
nels of elimina-tion, which are urination, per- spiration, respi- ration, or def- ecation, then the acids from your thoughts are moved out into your connective and fatty tissues because they must not be allowed to affect the deli- cate pH of the blood that must remain constant at 7.365 to re- main healthy.

5. As the excess and overload of acids is sent into body tissues, it easily can lead to many symp- tomologies: lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme’s disease, arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity, cancerous breasts, prostate, stomach and/or bowels, indi- gestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart attacks, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, autism, etc.

For example, let’s say you’ve been experiencing sadness or de- pression. This downer feeling is coming from a negative experience you loop and re-loop in your head.

It’s like a mind movie, a mini-drama you keep playing over and over. Be- cause you constantly think about it, eventually you become concerned, worried, or preoccupied with it. In addition to the sad drama, you are upset you’re having the drama it- self. All of this thinking requires en- ergy. When you’re consuming ener- gy, you’re also producing metabolic acids.

Do you know any angry people?

Many people who become angry easily not only get angry at various people, events, and situations, but also eventually get irritated with themselves for being so angry at everything else. Anger requires a tremendous energy and emits a great deal of electrical energy.
You may have felt the vibration- al energy of someone who is angry. Or maybe you have felt your own anger and how it can upset your physiology, i.e., upset stomach and bowels with excess acid leading to indigestion, stomach pain, acid re- flux, or ulcers.

For many people, early child- hood represents some of the most fearful, vulnerable years. Have you wondered why you can’t remem- ber much before age five or six? Many of those years are filled with fears and tears, mads and sads, and 
how about the “bads?” Do you remember what happened when you were “bad?” Imagine the acid a child experiences by simply...

a. Remembering such a “bad” ex- perience or
b. Anticipating the possibility of another such “bad” experi- ence...or
c. Both! Some “children” remem- ber these events forever!

On the other hand, positive (e)motions, such as love, peace, hope, faith, joy, forgiveness, and charity can be alkalizing to the blood and tissues.These (e)mo- tions require far less energy and can cause you to be relaxed in your mind and stop the playing of some acidic movie in your head.

Students of higher conscious- ness know you can even enter into a state of bliss wherein you have no thoughts and produce no metabol- ic acid. What do you think is better for you?

“For many people, early childhood represents some of the most fearful, vulnerable years.”

Authors of The pH Miracle, Shelley Redford Young and Dr Robert O. Young have aided the healing of thousands of people 
with their revolutionary alkaline diet and lifestyle known as The New Biol- ogy. They will be speaking at The Health Freedom Expo, March 1-3 / Long Beach Convention Center. More info @ health-

January/February 2013 37


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