Drug Resistant Bacteria - MRSA - A Blessing In Disguise!

"Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle—if proven—could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds." Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D.


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Drug Resistant Bacteria—MRSA— A Blessing In Disguise!

I have been watching with some horror, as I know you may have, the development of the epidemic of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in hospitals, churches, and public schools. MRSA is now ONLY susceptible to Vancomycin, the antibiotic of last resort. And, soon Vancomycin will cease to be effective through overuse.

Here are just a few of the CBS links that cover this MRSA epidemic in disguise!

1) The Over-use of Antibioitics
2) MRSA: Fighting The Superbug
3) Superbugs a Ticking Time Bomb!
4) Drug-resistant bacteria found in half of U.S. meat
5) Animal Antibiotics hurting humans
6) Flesh Eating Bacteria


Because bacteria cannot be destroyed it can only change its form and function!

The panic presently beginning in the public schools is reminiscent of the onset of the Polio Epidemic in the 1950's.

The progressive virilization and drug-resistance of bacteria, and other infectious agents, tracts the irresponsible overuse of acidic antibiotics (yes, by our medical "experts"), and there are NO NEW CLASSES of antibiotics on the horizon. The Human Race has medicated itself into a real chance of extinction. In a world with 6.6 billion people, and growing, future pandemics, without effective antibiotics, could virtually wipe out civilization as we have come to know it.

Fortunately, the human body has an exquisite, built-in, unfailing, alkaline protection against micro-organisms, even MRSA... its alkaline pH tissue environment. However, we have culturally inactivated this defense mechanism with our modern commercial diets of refined sugars, carbonated beverages, meats, dairy products and our ever increasing acidic atmosphere.

So, now the human race is totally vulnerable to collapse from acid rain from within. With the body's own pH defense system disabled, and acidic antibiotics no longer working against increasing numbers of micro-organisms, has modern medicine become the architect of our demise as a species?

BUT. . .

Maybe MRSA, and other non-susceptible, micro-organisms are a BLESSING IN DISGUISE!

It's a terrible thing to say, I know, but frequently it takes terrible tragedies for societies to "wake up" and correct known problems. This seems to be the Rule rather than the exception.

The Human Race has reached a critical junction, where the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet may be the ONLY SURVIVABLE OPTION! The Pharmaceutical Companies can no longer save us. Antibiotics, increasingly, no longer work. Future Pandemics.... maybe even MRSA.... could bring civilization crashing down. Already the public school systems are threatened by an inability to control MRSA infections, and parents are already beginning to pull their children out of schools, and avoiding crowded public venues.


The world having been hit in the head with the Two-by-Four of MRSA, is now listening. NOW THE STORY OF THE PH PROTECTION AND HEALING SYSTEM OF THE HUMAN BODY CAN BE TAUGHT AND HEARD.

If the emergence of MRSA, and other drug-resistant micro-organisms, FINALLY gets the world to listen to the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet message, then it may truly be a "BLESSING IN DISGUISE!

We need your help to get the message out about The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

We are offering a one time price on The pH Miracle and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss hard back copies for only $15.00. You can purchase up to 6 books each for your friends and family. Also, you can get the pH Miracle on audiobook at Amazon here:

Please give us a call at, 760-751-8321 to order your books today and begin sharing the life-changing and life-saving information of the pH Miracle.


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