The Blender Girl and Scott Brick Narrate The pH Miracle

The Blender Girl narrates the audiobook of The pH Miracle with Scott Brick

The last six months have been both challenging and magical for us. Certainly, life changing and inspiring. Those of you who frequent my facebook page would possibly have seen me promoting my involvement in The pH Miracle audiobook. This really was a passion project, and a story very close to my heart. You see, I lived this story...
My gorgeous partner, Scott Brick, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in August of last year. Whilst his prognosis for full recovery was excellent, it was, nevertheless, a sign that significant changes needed to be made, to not only his diet but the entire way he moved through the world. The fact is, he was working himself into an early grave, and this was a sign from the universe to SLOW DOWN!
Some of you may have read Scott's initial story of transformation when I featured him as myJune 2012 Pig Of The Month. Long story short, when I met Scott three years ago, he was a Type 1 diabetic living on a diet of TV dinners, sugary cereals, soda and processed foods. 
The day we met changed the course of our lives in more ways than we could imagine. Not only did we fall in love and start working together, but we also formed a close bond and lasting friendship with our beloved friend, Denise Chamberlain (who was co-ordinating the event where we met), who would, in turn, introduce us to Dr Robert O Young -- a relationship that would change the course of Scott's life and health forever. 
I had read Dr Young's first book, The pH Miracle, about ten years ago. It made a huge impact on me. The discovery of the power of alkalinity was literally a game changer for me and my health. (You can read more about my personal health story here.) So, when Denise revealed that Dr. Young was her friend and neighbour, I was literally giddy with excitement. 
So, when I met Rob and Shelley Young at an event a few weeks later, it was an epoch in my life. As I sat and listened to countless testimonials of insulin-dependent, Type 1 diabetics from all over the world who got up and courageously shared their personal stories of how Dr Young had helped them become insulin free, I became literally possessed. I was on a MISSION. I wanted Scott to become insulin free, and experience new health and vitality too! 
So, I don't know WHERE my balls of steel dropped from, but I marched up to Dr Young and boldy said, "Rob (yeah...he was suddenly my new MY mind anyway) I see that you don't have audiobooks for your series. Scott Brick is the most prolific audiobook narrator in the world, and is also a Type 1 diabetic. He has narrated Michael Pollan's books, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, The Botany Of Desire, and In Defense Of Food, and would be perfect for your books! How about you cure Scott of diabetes, and in return he narrates all of your books with an audio forward -- 'This was Dr Young's story, this was my story, and this could be your story.'" My boldness immediately melted into utter terror as I realized the magnitude, peculiar assumed familiarity, and apparent insanity of what I was proposing. I quickly added, "Do you think I'm crazy?" As I stood there with my heart racing and palms sweating all the way down my pants, Dr Young looked me straight in the eye, handed over his business card, and cooly replied, "No. Call me tomorrow."
"YESSSSSSSS!"  As I sped through the streets of Beverly Hills like a stunt woman in a B grade Hollywood action movie, clutching a signed copy of The pH Miracle like an addict with their last hit, I screeched up at Scott's house at midnight and banged on the door with the force of thunder. We had been on two dates at this point! HA! AMAZING he didn't show me the hand. He doesn't go to bed until about 2AM every night. But anyway...
At warp speed (imagine the most annoying, helium-inhaled, high pitch, animated voice you can) I vomitted out my plot! He sat and indulged my hysteria with a wry smile on his face, encouraged by my enthusiasm for his health, but clearly confused as to what the hell I had promised. I finally drew breath. "So....will you call him......TOMORROW?"
He calmy responded, "No...I won't." WHAT???? I thought. "But, it could save your life!!!!" I blurted out with utter devastation. To which he replied with utter conviction and prudent wisdom, "I appreciate your concern, and am extremely touched. I don't feel comfortable calling Dr Young..." I cut him off..."Are you CRAZY?" He cut me off with a gentle raise of his hand, "BUT I WILL read the book." Silence... quickly broken by my desperate, whispered plee... "Now?" He gently responded with, "When I am ready." Those four words were a wake up call for me.
When HE was ready. I decided right then and there not to mention it again. I had already spent nine years in a relationship trying to rescue my alcoholic and prescription drug addicted husband to crawl out of the depths of denial. After five years of AL-ANON, I was not going to fall back into bad "rescuing" habits and dysfunctionality. 
About five weeks later, Scott came to me. "Yeah... it really makes sense. I want to go down there and give it a try." You can read more about Scott's visit to The pH Miracle Center in his Pig Of The Month story.  But, briefly, our stay there was hugely successful. Dr Young placed Scott's blood under the microscope and suggested a plan. I also engaged in live blood analysis. I tell you, you can't hide any sins! The blood doesn't lie. By looking at a droplet under a microscope, Dr Young preceded to tell me everything about my life: how much I exericsed, how much fluid I consumed, what foods I was eating etc. I also put me on a program of recovery. Turns out, you can always be healthier. 
Scott spent a week down at the ranch, while I spent a few days. I spent those days in the pH Miracle kitchen, getting a crash course in the principles of alkaline cooking, whereas Scott had alkaline IV unfusions, liquid chlorophyll colonics, hikes, morning yoga, daily consultations with Dr Young and the the consultants, and maintained a very strict vegan, alkaline detox diet consisting of only green liquids: Green Juices, Green Milk, Green Smoothies, and Green Soups.
After just three days, Scott had gotten down to one unit of insulin. He didn't need to take that one unit, he did it for security. I will let Scott tell his story, you can read it here in his blog post, but basically, he wasn't ready to give up the needles and the insulin security he had become used to for 20 years. He also wasn't ready to commit to being an alkalarian. So, he politely fled. To Dr Young's credit, he let him go, and we never recorded the audiobook. I was disappointed, when he had come so close to being insulin-free. But, I had to let him find his way on his own terms.
I continued preparing healthy vegan meals, and Scott maintained a mostly vegan diet that was highly alkaline for the next 9 months. Life continued...
Until a Monday in August, the 6th to be exact, when Scott came home with the devastating news that he had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer after a biopsy from a routine check up revealed malignant tumours. We weren't surprised, after a lifetime of diet and lifestyle abuse. However, it was a blow and a manageable challenge. The prognosis was excellent. Scott's doctors wanted him to have surgery immediately to remove his thyroid and the tumours. 
We knew of plenty of people who had the surgery and were living perfectly healthy lives, albeit on thyroid medication. However, we also knew of several people who had endured irrevocable damage to their vocal chords as a result of the surgery. A risk Scott, as a voice over artist, was not willing to take. He decided surgery would be the last option. However, he was willing to meet with a surgeon while he investigated other options.
After some tears and a breathless walk in the park, I flew into "fix it" mode and called Dr Young. He immediately answered the phone, and with me bawling my eyes out and coughing down the phone, Dr Young kindly invited us to come down to the ranch immediately to stay in the spare room of his house in order to treat Scott! Talk about generous. We were utterly blown away.
As we frantically packed our bags, I realized I was taking control again. So, I stopped and turned to Scott, and said, "How do YOU want to manage your illness?" He sat down, and said, "Can you call New York?"
Six months prior to this, a dear friend of mine had come to stay, and told us about a remarkable drug study being conducted in NYC for FDA approval. The results they were getting with all kinds of cancers was astonishing. I can't go into too much detail about the study due to confidentiality clauses. But, I made one phone call, and my friend got Scott in.
Scott decided he wanted to do BOTH treatments, the study and the diet. Within 48 hours, he was on a plane to NYC. Dr Young proceded to help Scott simulate a version of his protocol in NYC with some trusted colleagues. He introduced us to the remarkable Dr Cruz, who adminstered alkaline IV drips, and the amazing Tracy Piper from the Piper Center For Internal Wellness in Soho. As one of the top colon therapists in the country, she worked with Scott almost every day of the week. Scott also had iridology, lymphatic drainage massage, infrared saunas and counselling, while he also participated in the drug study every day. 
We lived in NYC for almost six months, during which time Scott continued recording audiobooks. I flew back and forth every couple of weeks. When I wasn't in town, the glorious Pamela Elizabeth and the team from her Blossom Du Jour restaurants made custom organic, alkaline, vegan meals and cold pressed green juices for Scott every week. 
Scott also flew back three times to have ultrasounds and thermal imaging done by Dr Young's colleague, the incomparable Dr Galina Mijalko. She was like our fairy godmother, guiding us with her gentle wisdom, and keeping us grounded and hopeful. After just 30 days, Scott's tumours and inflammation had decreased dramatically. We were thrilled. After 60 days, more reduction. We were also fortunate enough to meet with Dr Mark Urken, one of the top throat surgeons in the country as a precaution. "No stone uncovered" as they say. But, you can read or listen to Scott's story in more detail here
During our stay in NYC, we were fortunate to be guests of the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge NYC on West 32nd Street for over five months. The staff there were extraordinary, and we met some incredibly courageous familes from all over the country while they were also undergoing treatment. I will never forget walking the streets of NYC the night before Hurricane Sandy without another human being in front of Madison Square Garden. A surreal experience.
Then, in December, when Scott was almost cured, we finally recorded the audiobook for The pH Miracle at theHachette Audio studios in Manhattan. It was an emotional project for us. We will always be proud of this book. Thankyou to Anthony Goff, Jon Klemm, and our delightful engineer, Charles McCrorey for making this happen, and for making this book such a joy to work on. 
We hope you will listen to it. It was a life changing read for us, and I hope it will be for you too. You can also get aprint copy of the book. 
The latest update: Scott's latest PET scan showed no activity. We have moved back to L.A, and Scott is heading to Dr Young's ranch today for a few weeks to continue treatment just to make sure he is all clear. We will record the remaining books in The pH Miracle series later this year.
We hope that by sharing our story we can help and inspire just one person that you CAN change your life with the power of whole foods, good doctors, and hope.
When I met Scott, he was a Type 1 diabetic, 50 pounds overweight, and eating processed junk foods. If he can start drinking green smoothies, green juicing, making almond milk, etc - ANYBODY can. WHAT a turn around.
I love him, and am SO inspired by his commitment, courage, and grace during this challenging time. Please listen to, or read his story, and share it. It was a really big deal for him to share this story publicly after keeping it private for six months. But, when the book was released with his audio forward, there was such an outpouring of emotion and gratitude that we knew we needed to share this story on a much larger scale.
We really hope it can help.  
"Let Food Be Thine Medicine" Hippocrates
Dr Young, we will be forever grateful. 
To order the pH Miracle Audio Book go to:


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