Lady Gaga Suffering From Acidosis of the Synovial Membranes!

Lady Gaga announced she will be unable to perform at several of her upcoming shows because of a condition called synovitis that has made it hard for her to work, according to news reports.  It has been reported that the "Born This Way" singer has canceled performances this week because of this acid condition that affects the connective tissues.
Synovitis is the name for an inflammatory condition of the synovial membranes that line the inner joints.   Dr. Robert O. Young of the pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California explains that synoial joints are critically important and deceptiely simple biomechanical structures.  They are comprised of articular cartilage that covers each end of the opposing skeletal elements, symovial fluid that lubricates and nourishes the tissues, ligaments that hold the alkaline skeletal elements in check at a pH of at least 7.4, and a fibrous capsule that insulates the joints from metabolic and dietary acids from surrounding the tissues.  When their is congestion of the elimination organs (bowels, respiratory system, urinary tract system and lymphatic system) and excess metabolic and dietary acids are not being eliminated through the urine, bowels or pores of the skin the blood will purify itself in order to maintain its delicate pH balance at 7.365 by pushing acidic waste products out into the synovial membranes causing chronic inflammation.  Dr. Young refers to this condition as, "latent tissue acidosis" caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet.  An acidic lifestyle and diet consists of too much stress, not enough exercise, drinking acidic drinks such as energy drinks, alcohol, coffee, tea, eating chocolate, eating animal meat and eggs, eating dairy products and too much sugar in the diet all cause a build-up of acids in the blood and then tissues, leading to inflammation of the joints and/or connective tissues.

Lady Gaga did not specify which parts of her body were experiencing the joint acid inflammation, though she noted that she is unable to walk right now because of this acidic condition. The inability to walk is a classic symptom of connetive tissue acidosis or "latent tissue acidosis" caused from an acidic lifestyle and diet as described above. Synovitis leads to swelling of the joint, which causes feelings of tenderness, and has only one cause - ACID! that has not been eliminated from the body!

According to Dr. Robert O. Young of the pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California, the membrane swells from acid build-up all from an acidic lifestyle and diet and this may lead to repeated joint bleeds. Dr. Young suggests that it can simply be  treated in three days with an alkaline lifestyle and diet, as outlined as follows:

1)  Hyperperfusiing the tissues with alkaline fluids at a pH of at least 8.4 via intravenous feeds.
2)  Clearing the elimination organs through increased hydration of alkaline water at a pH of at least 9.5.
3)  A series of daily alkaline colonics while infusing sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and calcium chloride to buffer excess dietary and/or metabolic acids.
4)  Eliminating all acidic foods and drinks including meat, dairy, bread, all grains, eggs, vinegar, alcohol, chocolate, peanuts, corn and corn products, all sugar, fermented foods as listed in the pH Miracle revised and updated book by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.
5)  Daily lympatic massages and drainage to remove acids from the connective tissues.
6)  Daily infrared sauna to open up the pores of the skin for the elimination of acids from the connective tissues.
7) Bouncing on a rebounder for at least 15 minutes a day 3 times a day.  Make sure the rebounder has bungey cords and NOT springs.
8) Ingesting 10 grams of L-arginine with 2 grams of magnesium chloride 3 times a day to improve blood and lymph circualtion and buffer dietary and metabolic acids.
9) Drink at least 4 liters of green drink comprising of grasses, green vegetables and green fruit, such as wheat grass, barley grass, spinach, parsley, celery, kale, avocado and cucumber.
10) Stop eating all solid foods and begin immediately a liquid green food diet until the symptoms have been reversed.

Generally the symptoms should improve in less than 72 hours following this protocol according to Dr. Robert O. Young.

For more information contact the pH Miracle Center at: or 760-751-8321.


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