Stephen Barrett - The Real Quack!

Failed MD Stephen Barrett
What kind of man would drop out of the medical profession and dedicate his life to STOPPING advancement in the health sciences?
Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that...
It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King Bio), to be "Biased, and unworthy of credibility."
What that statement means, in layman's terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY - NOTHING HE SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON.
Frequently, unethical attorneys use Barrett's writings to discredit victims in a courtroom, or administrative hearing, situation.  This activity is, literally, a "Fraud on the Court" and should be dealt with in the harshest manner possible - including a request for Sanctionsand a complaint to the local Bar Association against the attorney's license to practice law. 
Should the attorney using Barrett's writings, be an employee of a government agency, acting in that capacity, then this activity is cause for discipline, including termination.  Use this situation to stop any, and all, proceedings, and make the "use of Barrett" the issue immediately.  Every government agency has aninternal investigative branch - go there immediately and file a complaint against the employee, and the employee's supervisor.  Also, file a complaint to the local Bar Association against the attorney's license to practice law. 
Sometimes, but not as often as before, journalists quote Barrett.  This activity constitutes outright libel, every time, and is actionable immediately.  Start by filing a formal complaint to the top Editor or Publisher of the media.
"Quackbusting" - is a Profitable Business...
Frankly, "quackbusting" is a profitable industry, and Stephen Barrett plays it to the hilt.
In a Canadian lawsuit (see below) Barrett admitted to the following:
"The sole purpose of the activities of Barrett & Baratz are to discredit and cause damage and harm to health care practitioners, businesses that make alternative health therapies or products available, and advocates of non-allopathic therapies and health freedom."
Stephen Barrett testifies for money.  He claims he's an"expert" in virtually everything.  Those "expert witness"fees seem to be a significant part of Barrett's existence.
In a California Court case, former Barrett peer, and fellow Board Member of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), William Jarvis PhD, testified, under oath, that Stephen Barrett and Robert Baratz conspired to use the NCAHF, without Board permission, as a Plaintiff in over 40 cases in California, where Barrett and Baratz were to testify as "expert witnesses," and get expert witness fees.  The NCAHF Board was never consulted.
However, sometimes their plans fail.
One of those cases caused the NCAHF to be saddled with over $100,000 in legal fees awarded their victim - and the NCAHF doesn't have the money to pay that debt.  In fact, the NCAHF is SO DESPERATE for funds it is being run out of a cardboard box in the back room of Robert Baratz's Braintree, Massachusetts hair removal and ear piercing salon.
Those type of cases Barrett involved the NCAHF in were considered so heinous that the people of California just passed an initiative (Proposition #64) banning this kind of lawsuit for all time.
Barrett's claim to be a Consumer Advocate is an insult to American consumers. 
Organized Stupidity is the Hallmark of the Quackbuster Conspiracy...
Barrett, and his vacuous minions, like to spout off other stupid "rules" that they think should apply to health care - the application of which, has to make the scientific community shudder.
One of the other totally BRAINLESS statements Barrett, and his parrotts, like to to screech out is "It hasn't been double-blind studied!!"
The "double-blind study" is one of about 45 different kinds of scientific studies used, and approved for use, within the scientific community.  It was designed for, and  is usually restricted to, testing new dangerous drugs for the claims drug companies wish to make about their new laboratory produced products.  Generally, in this type of study, you give half of the group the new pill, and the other half gets a sugar pill that looks just like the original. This type of study simply does not apply to new research.  Never has, never will.
And worse, the "double-blind study" is considered to be heinous, and was banned by world government during the Helsinki Accord in 1964.
There's a lot more...
 Stephen Barrett -  Professional Crackpot...The Internet needs health information it can trust. Stephen Barrett doesn't provide it...
Barrett is one of those people whose ambitions and opinions of himself  far exceeds his abilities.  Without ANY qualifications he has set himself up as an expert in just about everything having to do with health care - and more.
And this from a man who is a professional failure.
Records show that Barrett never achieved any success in the medical profession.  His claim to being a "retired Psychiatrist" is laughable.  He is, in fact, a "failed Psychiatrist," and a "failed MD."
The Psychiatric profession rejected Barrett years ago,  for Barrett could NOT pass the examinations necessary to become "Board Certified."  Which, is no doubt why Barrett was, throughout his career, relegated to lower level "part time" positions. 
Barrett, we know, was forced to give up his medical license in Pennsylvania in 1993 when his "part-time" employment at the State Mental Hospital was terminated, and he had so few (nine) private patients during his last five years of practice, that he couldn't afford the Malpractice Insurance premiums Pennsylvania requires. 
In a job market in the United States, where there is a "doctor shortage,"Stephen Barrett, after his termination by the State mental Hospital, couldn't find employment.  He was in his mid-50s at the time.  He should have been at the top of his craft - yet, apparently, he couldn't find work.
It is obvious, that, after one humiliation after another, in 1993 Barrett simply gave up his medical aspirations,  turned in his MD license, and retreated, in bitterness and frustration, to his basement.
It was in that basement, where Barrett took up "quackbusting" - which, in reality, means that Barrett attacks "cutting-edge" health professionals and paradigms - those that ARE achieving success in their segment of health care. 
And there, in "quackbusting" is where Barrett finally found the attention and  recognition he seems to crave - for, a while, that is, until three California Judges, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court decision, took a HARD look at Barrett's activities, and declared him "biased, and unworthy of credibility."
Bitterness against successful  health professionals is Barrett's hallmark.  To him they're all "quacks."  In this, his essays are repetitive and pedestrian. 
Barrett, in his writings,  says the same things, the same way, every time - change the victim and the subject, and still you yawn your way through his offerings.  It's like he's filling out a form somebody gave him...
Take an overactive self importance, couple it with glaring failure and rejection in his chosen profession, add a cup of molten hatred for those that do succeed, pop it in the oven - and out comes Stephen Barrett - self-styled "expert in everything."
Barrett, we know, along with his website, was named, among other things, in a racketeering (RICO) case in Federal Court in Colorado. 
He's also being sued for his nefarious activities in Ontario, Canada. 
Barrett, in the Canadian case, has formally admitted, according to Canadian law, to a number of situations put to him by the Plaintiff, including:
"The sole purpose of the activities of Barrett & Baratz are to discredit and cause damage and harm to health care practitioners, businesses that make alternative health therapies or products available, and advocates of non-allopathic therapies and health freedom."
"Barrett has interfered with the civil rights of numerous Americans, in his efforts to have his critics silenced."
"Barrett has strategically orchestrated the filing of legal actions in improper jurisdictions for the purpose of frustrating the victims of such lawsuits and increasing his victims costs."
"Barrett failed the exams he was required to pass to become a Board Certified Medical Doctor."

Barrett's Funding - TOP SECRET...
Barrett was cornered in a Federal case in the State of Oregon not long ago, and asked about his income.  He testified that over the past two years he made a TOTAL of $54,000.
How then does he afford to carry on fourteen (14) separate legal actions at one time?
If each legal action cost him $100,000, that would come to 1.4 million dollars ($1,400,000).
How do you squeeze 1.4 million out of a $54,000 total income?
Good question...


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