The pH Miracle Center/Rancho del Sol Alkaline Heaven!



Chris and I followed up on ‘Alkaline Heaven’ to keep up the health life momentum.
We flew to LA then drove to San Diego and back to LA over ten days, to mainly shoot and film at The Rancho del Sol, Dr. Robert and Shelley Young’s lush PHMiracle retreat in Valley Centre, 50 Acres of California’s finest. 4,000 avocado trees, Grapefruits, Lemons, Limes and an assortment of beautiful home grown vegetables, herbs and spices …. We shot Dr. ROY, his gorgeous wife Shelley Redford Young and their youngest son Alex at their wonderful and hugely successful health retreat …. We also shot and filmed some of their key associates and staff, plus many patients who all had incredible stories to tell …
These images and testimonials will be shown as soon as we finish post production and editing!
Olivia and her friend Spencer flew in from NY to assist me and Bromley.
Carole’s great looking son, Jack (model scout alert)! …… also came to help us film the ranch.
The PHMiracle protocol is the same regime that we experienced at the Ti Sana Spa Italy
Long sunny morning walks, ‘rebounding’ and Younga Yoga … followed up by beautiful breakfast juices, shakes, soups and salads, the ‘don’t ask’ element, the 4 to 6 litres of PH Alkaline water with Greens and Supplements …. A quite awesome combination and protocol!
Our lovely Ida, who is fighting Lupus at the ranch spent some quality time with us, helping with Art direction and styling for the stills on the shoot. Our wonderful hair and make up Uzmee and stylist Bory, the terrible twins, came courtesy of Frank at Celestine. Also special thanks to Milk Studios LA for their great support.
While we were staying at the ranch we witnessed some truly incredible results in late stage cancer reversal and remission as well as other chronic illness reversals.
Quite amazing really! We all had thermogram, ultra sound and live blood test assessments and all came away with positive and encouraging results….
We went back to LA and had a relaxing time for a couple of days, catching up with old friends …. Willy Camden, John Pearson, Alison Pearson, Jacqui, Heinz Holba, Chris Forberg, Nicole Bordeaux and Frank Moore ……. I had a lovely Mother’s day and we were all LApping it up!
LA is really health conscious (unlike London) with a big effort being made by stores and restaurants to embrace the green revolution and provide the health lifestyles that Many people desperately need but can’t easily have because of the frightening shelf dominance power of big farmer and the pharmaceutical giants …
Courage Y’all the new revolution is coming!
Here are some snaps just to catch the trip mood.
I hope you enjoy these snapshot moments as much as we did!!
Love Huggy x
p.s. my LA tip … Try the fantastic new Greenleaf Gourmet Chopshop for the best health food in town!
p.p.s Bristol Farms LA stock Alkaline water PH+ and other new PHMiracle related foods.


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