What Causes Cancer?

Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, in Valley Center, California has been reseraching the cause and cure for cancer for over twenty-five years.  His exhaustive clinical research has been validated by reserachers at the Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues at Wayne State University School of Medicine.  Dr. Young has stated, "the cause of cancer is the result of a compromise in the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids that bathe the body cells that make up tissues, glands and organs with metabolic and dietary acids, due to an acidic lifestyle and diet.  Cancer is an acidic condition that spoils healthy body cells making them cancerous cells. I have recommended for years that the cure for cancer can be found in treating the body fluids with alkaline compounds rather than poisioning the body cells, tissues and organs with acidic chemotherapy drugs.  The true cure for cancer is to protect and maintain the alkaline design of the blood and tissues while keeping open the channels of elimination for removing toxic metabolic and dietary acids that are the true cause of a cancerous condition."  Dr. Young has also suggested in his theory the following, "the tumor is the body's defense mechanism to encapsulate cancerous acidic body cells or tissues to protect healthy cells, tissues, glands and organs from being spoiled or cancerous.  This would be analagous to putting a rotten apple (the cancerous cells or tissues) in the center of a bushel of healthy apples (the healthy body cells/tissues/glands/organs) causing all the healthy apples to spoil from the acids of a single rotten apple.  This brought me to the conclusion that cancer is a systemic acidic condition that localizes and affects the weakest parts of the body rather than a localized condition that metastasizes."  The original article was published in Cancer Research on January 3rd, 2013 and Science Daily on January 25th, 2013 that greatly supports Dr. Robert O. Young's theory on cancer.

Tumor Cells Engineer Acidity to Drive Cell Invasion

The picture below shows a healthy lung and a cancerous lung.  A cancerous lung is an acidic lung.  90 percent of all cancerous conditions are of the lung and 90 percent of all cancerous lungs is caused by the acidic habit of smoking.  The major acidic ingredient in tabacco smoke that ferments lung cells and tissues is sugar.  When tabacco leaves are harvested they are hung to dry and then coated with sugar.  Smoking tabacco is a sugar addition.  In fact when a smoker decides to quite smoking he or she craves sugar!  All forms of sugars are acids and they ALL cause cancer.


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