Foods Rich In Chlorophyll For Building Healthy Blood & Body Cells

Green Electron Rich Foods and Drinks For Building Blood, Detoxing Blood and Tissues and Building Healthy Body Cells

Green electron rich foods are a most effective natural cure for heart dis-ease, MS, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, low energy, gaseous stomach, constipation, IBS, Crohn's and most important cancer. In order to understand how green foods work, any preconceived ideas about nutrition must be put aside. While green foods contain a number of vitamins, minerals, proteins, electrons, chlorophyll and more, they are actually catalysts that support chemical chain reactions within the body.

Most cancers start when incomplete chemical reactions occur during digestion or food transformation, respiration and elimination, which create acidic toxic waste in the body that ultimately interferes with cellular transformation. Each cell by the body processes is liable for replicating itself. During cellular transformation from liquid food, chromosomes split into chromatides and reassemble into genes. If they can’t match up properly, cellular defects cause aging, bone loss, heart disease and cancer.

Green electron rich foods help “maintain the alkaline design of the body” and create an environment where a cancerous condition is unlikely to occur. Low pH or acidity in the colloidal connective tissue is often the root cause of many if not ALL dis-eases. It begins when the root system or small intestine is congested or damaged and is not making healthy red blood cells to transform into healthy body cells. In addition the fluids of the body are deprived of alkaline ash food that creates a low alkaline buffer reserve in the interstitial tissue fluids to help maintain the alkaline design of the body. As the alkaline interstitial tissue fluid reserve is “used up” by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the blood at 7.365, acidity begins to increase in other organs causing latent tissue acidosis and stressing normal metabolic performance. To buffer the formation of lactic, uric and other damaging acids from food and metabolism, the body will leach calcium from the bones or magnesium from the muscles, or iron from the red blood cells to sodium ions from the plasma to “buffer” and neutralize these acids. Unfortunately this causes bone loss, muscle loss, arthritis and osteoporosis. Another defensive measure is to store the ammonia acids in the kidneys so as to conserve the alkaline buffer reserve. This ultimately leads to kidney stones, endocrine imbalance and contributes to the cellular stress that leads to cancerous body cells.

The leading cause of low pH and over acidity is the consumption of processed foods (carbohydrates, sugar, white flour), meat, protein and carbonated beverages. Of course the ultimate way to create a strong alkaline reserve is to consume alkaline mineral salts and alkaline ash foods like green foods, which will in turn balance the pH of the body allowing other important aspects of anti-oxidative defense to be unleashed. However, as important as pH is, it is simply one aspect of green food nutrition, and any cancerous condition is only one of many ailments that green electron rich foods may be helpful in preventing.

Green Chlorophyll Rich Foods & Cancer Prevention

“Scientist have discovered that green juices increase the oxygenation of the body, purify the blood and organs, assisted in the metabolism of nutrients and counteract acids and toxins. Green juices are the superstars of the nutrition world.” As scientists gain more insight into explanation for cancers, it is becoming increasingly clear that the focus of treatment must change dramatically.

While many researchers have become convinced, most medical doctors and oncologists are still overcoming their previously deep rooted belief in the genetic origin of cancers. This belief has virtually discredited those who focus on lifestyle modification and a disease preventive diet as the primary defense against cancer, and since doctors thought genetics were the cause, surgery, medications and chemotherapy became widely accepted as the best “reaction” to the “genetic” malfunction. So much is changing with current revelations provided by the human genome project, indicating that only 20% of all cancerous conditions are genetically linked.

This paradigm changing revelation has lead many researchers to turn their attention to ³phyto² chemistry, which is the research into plant-based compounds that act as cellular anti-oxidants. Recently a unanimous chorus has gone up from myself, other doctors, dietitians and nutritionist to significantly increase the amount of green-pigmented electron rich foods people get in their diet.

The real reason for the reason being a huge body of scientific evidence currently indicates that green electron rich foods will be the biggest part of a blood building, blood and tissue detox, dis-ease prevention and life extending pH Miracle diet.

April 1999 Publication of the Harvard Health Letter

According to Harvard researchers, probably the most important steps anyone can take to avoid cancer is to consume more deep green-pigmented foods. With cancer rates climbing, researchers noted that such a dietary change must be the first line of defense. (Note: Over 1 million cases are diagnosed each year!) At the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Tim Beyors has seen how adding green foods to every diet can increase cancer prevention dramatically. Studies at the CDC show that people who eat a high fiber, low fat diet can decrease their risk for colon/rectal cancer by less than 10%.

However, adding five servings of greens to the same low fat, high fiber diet the risk fell by nearly 40%. Other studies show a lack of green vegetables increases breast cancer risk nearly 25%, with skin cancer results being very similar. While these studies focused on leafy green vegetables, sea greens are also impressive in human studies conducted at UC Davis by T.L. Mao, Jean De Water and M.E. Gershwin.

These studies published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods shows certain sea plants with green and blue pigments induce interleukin (IL)-1ß,IL-4 and interferon (IFN). In fact, after only two weeks of oral ingestion (of platensis), IFN increased just as much as 13 times. (Note: These are important to cellular defense and increase macrophage activity, an important aspect of fighting cancer.)

Research Beginnings, So where did the research begin? 

All the details are somehow either inspired by or is a continuation of the functional foods program that operated under Dr.Herb Pierson from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD. He convinced the U.S. Government to fund $20 million in research into the disease preventive aspect of food. It was Dr. Pierson who coined the term “phytochemical” to describe the yet unidentified compounds in food that help prevent disease.

He was also a pioneer in documenting the cancer-fighting compounds in green high chlorophyll foods such as endole carbinole 3 and sulphurophane through his support of research on broccoli. With the overwhelming amount of new research being published every year, it is inevitable that botanists, chemists and others will catalogue hordes of endoles, bioflavanoids and polyphenolic compounds in green plants sometime soon.

However, we need to examine the form and function of green plants to fully understand their place in nature¹s apothecary. We know chlorophyll as the pigment that makes plants green. But it’s Chlorophyll’s amazing similarity to hemoglobin which is the first clue to it’s potential.

Form Follows Purpose 

As chlorophyll performs photosynthesis, it is exposed to hours of ultraviolet and radioactive light. As a byproduct of this, damage is done to the plant¹s nucleic acids causing oxidative stress. In reaction, green plants develop an array of unique bioflavanoids that act as blocking agents or others that act as repairing and suppressing agents. Recent research has shown that those green plant activities can be transferred to the humans who consume them. In fact, scientists have documented green plants¹ effect on cellular rejuvenation and the DNA repair in human cells. One study conducted at UC San Diego showed a component of green leaves from young barley plants to promote the repair of DNA significantly in comparison to the control group. This study was conducted by a team led by Dr. Hotta and Dr. Kubuto.


Today 83% of Americans who die suffer from a version of a chronic disease, and with life expectancy at an all time high it’s high time for change.

In Roman times the average life span was a mere 22 years old, while today at least people are reaching ages well into the 100s (Jean Colment of France at 122 years old.) As a society, Japan leads the life expectancy race, with an average of 80 years, while American women come in at a close second with a 78 year average. The stark realization that any extended lifespan comes with an increased likelihood of developing chronic degenerative conditions has driven home the message echoing from the voice of the father of medicine himself who said, “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food.”

While researchers continue to achieve unprecedented success with cancer treatments, it may be 10-20 years before the most promising treatments become widely available. With 1.2 million Americans diagnosed with cancer last year alone, an aging baby boomer population is running out of time. Today with the scientific validation of green, high chlorophyll foods as a dis-ease-fighter, the gray generation is NOW becoming the green generation or should we say the pH Miracle Generation!


1. Hughes and Letner. “Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin Regeneration,” American Journal of Medical Science, 188, 206 (1936)
2. Kohler, Elvahjem and Hart. “Growth Stimulating Properties of Grass Juice,” Science. 83, 445 (1936)
3. The Scandanavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 37, Number 4/April 1, 2002, pages 444-449 talks of a study titled: “Wheat Grass Juice in the treating Active Distal Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial.” Conclusion: “Wheat grass juice appeared effective and safe as a single or adjuvant treatment of distal UC.
4. Kohler, Randle and Wagner. “The Grass Juice Factor.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 128, 1w (1939)
5. Miyake, T. and Shibamoto, T. Inhibition of Malonaldehyde and acetaldehyde formation from blood plasma oxidation by naturally occurring antioxidants. 1998, J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 46 (9): 1135-1138.
6. Hagiwara, Y. Study on green juice powder of young barley (Hordeum vulgare L) leaves II: Effect on several food additives, agricultural chemicals, and a carcinogen. Presented at the 98th National Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Science (1978).
7. Hagiwara, Y., Sayuki, S., Miysuchi, T., Otake,H., Abe, S., Kuramoto, M., and Takada, K. Study on green barley extract. Presented at the 99th National Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Science, Sapporo (1979).
8. Osawa, T., Katsuzaki, H., Hagiwara, Y., and Shibamoto, T. A novel antioxidant isolated from young green barley leaves. 1992, J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 40 (7): 1135-1138.
9. Digirolamo M. Diet and cancer: markers, prevention and treatment. New York: Plenum Press; 1994. p 203. 10. Nakajima, S., Hagiwara, Y., Hagiwara, H., and Shibamoto, T. Effect of the Antioxidant 2″-O-Glycosylisovitexin from young green barley leaves on acetaldehyde formation in beer stored at 50 degree C for 90 days. 1998, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 46 (4): 1529-1531.


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