The Cause and Cure for Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease

Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease and Hypertension - They Are ALL Acidic Progressive Symptomologies Leading to Heart Attack, Stroke and Finally Death!


Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Carotid Artery Disease (CAD), Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), and Hypertension are ALL an excess dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid diseases in which acidic waste products are chelated with alkaline compounds forming plaque that builds up on the insides of the arteries and lymphatic vessels. Plaque is made up of alkalizing fats, cholesterol, calcium, sodium bicarbonate, potassium and other alkaline substances found in the blood.  Over time, acid bound plaque hardens or crystallizes forming a solid mass and narrows the arteries and lymphatic vessels as seen in the above picture.  The flow of oxygen-rich blood and alkalizing compounds to the organs that sustain life and other parts of the body tissues is reduced.  This can lead to other serious acid caused conditions, including heart attack, stroke, and eventually death.

Signs and Symptoms

Atherosclerosis is often accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
  • Atherosclerosis is caused when dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acids are retained in the blood and NOT properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination (urination, defecation, perspiration or respiration).  The retention of excess acid in the blood is chelated with cholesterol, blood calcium or sodium bicarbonate solidifying the acid and forming a plaque which builds up on the insides of the arteries.  This build up of solidified acid causes restrictions in blood flow leading to hypertension.  When the artery is completely solidified with acid this causes a heart attack or stroke and then death.  Keep in mind that atherosclerosis, coronary blockages, hypertension, heart attack and stroke are NOT the disease.  The disease is an acidic lifestyle and diet that increases excess blood acidity leading to acid retention, solidification of acid and then the symptoms medical science calls Atherosclerosis disease.
  • Acids build up in the blood and on the arterial wall that causes atherosclerosis can affect any artery, vein or lymphatic vessel in the body.  These acidic build ups can be seen through a non-radioactive Ultra Sound examination of the major blood vessels and organs of the body.
    • Acid Caused Coronary Artery Disease (ACCAD) occurs when solidified acids or plaque builds up in the coronary (heart) arteries.  ACCAD is a leading cause of death in the United States.  Or better said "ACID" or an acidic lifestyle and diet is the leading cause of death in the United States.
    • Acid Caused Carotid Artery Disease (ACCAD) happens when solidified acids or plaque builds up in the carotid arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your brain).
    • Acid Caused Peripheral Arterial Disease (ACPAD) occurs when solidified acids or plaque builds up in the major arteries of the legs, arms, and pelvis.
  • Dr. Robert O. Young states, "The exact cause of atherosclerosis is NOW known.  It is caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet leading to excess acid retention in the blood and then tissues leading to acid solidification or plaque that builds up on the arterial wall causing poor circulation, cold hands, cold feet, light headedness, dizziness, muddle thinking, forgetfulness, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and finally death."  Dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid can also damage the inner layers of arteries. When the cover cells of the arteries are damage and the basement membrane is exposed, your body starts a healing process to prevent death by internal bleeding.  This healing causes the solidification of acid or plaque to build up where the arterial wall has been damaged by acid. Over time, the solidified acid or plaque may crack and causes blood clots to form in the arteries. This can worsen angina (chest pain which is also caused by acid) or cause a heart attack when the artery is completely blocked with solidified dietary and/or metabolic acid.  
  • The adjacent pHase contrast live blood micrograph shows a solidified sulphuric acid crystal surrounded by unhealthy red blood cells or codocytes.  The sample of blood was taken from a patient whose diet is high in animal protein, including beef, pork, fish, turkey and chicken.  Animal proteins produce strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric and uric acid that acidify, pollute, destroy the blood and cause circulation problems.  These four dietary acids from beef, pork, fish, turkey and chicken if not chelated or buffered with cholesterol, alkaline minerals, such as potassium, calcium or sodium bicarbonate, they will destroy the arterial wall and cause internal bleeding leading to eventual death.
  • There are many acidic factors that raise your risk for atherosclerosis. Major risk factors include an increase of cholesterol levels to solidify dietary and/or metabolic acids, high blood pressure from the build up of solidified acids in the blood vessels, acids from smoking including sugar and nicotine which are solidified by alkaline buffers, diabetes which is the result of increased acids, namely all forms of sugar, overweight or obesity as the body retains fat to buffer excess retained acids, lack of physical activity to remove excess acid through the pores of the skin in the form of sweat, age, and a family history of early heart disease which is a reflection of familiar acidic lifestyle and dietary habits passed on to the children from the parents or care takers.
  • Atherosclerosis usually doesn't cause signs and symptoms until it severely narrows or totally blocks an artery. Many people don't know they have this acidic condition until they have a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke.  The best prevention for preventing the solidification of dietary and/or metabolic acids in the blood and lymphatic vessels that causes atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and finally death is an alkaline lifestyle and diet, I call the pH Miracle "LIFE"style.  
  • I also recommend a yearly Ultrasound of the major arteries and veins of the body.  An Ultrasound will reveal any solidification of acid or solid mass in the blood vessels, organs or glands.
  • Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease and Hypertension usually doesn't cause signs and symptoms until acid bound crystals severely narrows or totally blocks an artery. Many people don't know they have the disease until they have a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke. Other signs and symptoms depend on which arteries are narrowed or blocked by crystallized acids.
  • Your doctor will diagnose atherosclerosis based on your medical and family histories, your risk factors, and the results of a physical exam and diagnostic tests.
  • Treatments for atherosclerosis will include alkalizing lifestyle and dietary changes, alkalizing nutraceuticals, and chelation to remove acidic plaque on the blood and lymphatic vessels. Lifestyle changes include following a healthy alkalizing eating plan, increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and reducing acidic stress.
  • Taking steps to control your acidic risk factors can help prevent or delay atherosclerosis and its related diseases. These steps include making lifestyle changes and/or taking alkalizing foods, drinks and nutrients.
  • Improved alkalizing natural treatments have helped reduce deaths from atherosclerosis-related diseases. However, the number of people diagnosed with atherosclerosis remains high.
  • If you've been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, you can control this symptomology with an alkaline lifestyle changes and/or natural remedies. See your doctor regularly, and call him or her if you develop any new acidic symptoms or your symptoms worsen.
  • Atherosclerosis is stage seven acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Coronary Artery Disease is stage three acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Carotid Artery Disease is stage three acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Peripheral Arterial Disease is stage three acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Heart Disease is stage seven acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Stroke is stage seven acidosis. (Refer below to the Seven Stages of Acidosis)
  • Excessive salt in sweat, dehydration due to the build-up of acids that are not being properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, kidneys and/or skin.
  • Abdominal pain, flatulence are both caused by trapped acids that have not been properly eliminated through the bowels or urinary tract system.
  • Fatigue is the first sign congestion of the elimination organs and dietary and/or metabolic acids are building up in the connective and fatty tissues.
Other acidic conditions that are caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet such as late onset of puberty, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the pancreas, cirrhosis (a liver condition), and infertility may also be signs of an acidic lifestyle and diet and atherosclerosis.

What Causes Atherosclerosis According to Medical Savants?

Current medical science states that the cause of Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Hypertension, Heart Attack and Stroke are unknown. 

As ccurrent medical science continues to look at why atherosclerosis develops, they hope to find answers to such questions as:

1) Why and how do the arteries become damaged? 
2) How does plaque develop and change over time. 
3) Why does plaque break open and lead to clots?

So here are the answers to these three unanswered questions from current medical savants:

1) The arteries become damaged from an increase in dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids due to the body's inability to buffer and then eliminate these acids through the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration.

2) Plaque is the body's alkaline defensive system to protect the blood and lymphatic vessels, tissues and organs from dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids.  Plaque can build up in the blood vessels causing restrictions leading to hypertension and congestion or blockages leading to heart attack or stroke.

3) Plaque is crystallized acid and can break just like glass causing injury to the arterial lining or cover cells leading to clotting.  When the basement membrane of the blood vessel wall is exposed from acidic damage this activates the complex clotting factor VII leading to the production of fibrinogen and fibrin monomers to repair acidic damage and prevent internal bleeding.

What Causes Atherosclerosis According to the Research of Dr. Robert O. Young?

When I talk about disease or "dis-ease", such as Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Hypertension, Heart Attack and Stroke, I am really focusing on the state of acidic imbalance in the body, especially the vascular and lymphatic systems, that is brought on by an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  

All disease or dis-ease, including Atherosclerosis is caused by individual lifestyle and dietary choice or for children how parents are feeding and caring for their children.  I have suggested that you do not get sick you have to do sick by making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices.  When you choose or parents choose for their children to eat acidic foods or drink, such as animal flesh, eggs, dairy products, like cheese, yogurt and ice cream,  sugar, chocolate, alcohol, coffee and tea, just to name a few, you set yourself up for excess tissue acidosis and a serious health challenge, such as breast cancer for a woman, prostate cancer for a man, cystic fibrosis of the lungs for a child or young adult or  Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Artery Disease the leading causes of death in the United States.

Over 30 years ago I postulated a theory that ALL sickness and disease is the result of an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  And, that genetic defects are caused by acidic dietary and lifestyle choices that cause the genetics to express themselves in abnormal ways.  In the case of atherosclerosis and the production of  mucous and/or artheosclerotic plaque, the alkaphile glands (stomach and pancreas) are secreting sodium bicarbonate into the blood, tissues or organs to maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids and protect the body cells, even the epithelium cells that protect the walls of the arteries and veins  from breaking down.  The result is when sodium bicarbonate binds to dietary and/or metabolic acid it creates sticky mucous and/or solidified acid crystals like the one in the micrograph above. The mucous and/or the solidification of the liquid poisonous acid from diet and/or metabolism are neutralized and therefore cannot damage or destroy the artery or vein.  Even though current medical science perceives cholesterol, sticky mucous and solidified crystal masses as disease causing or disease they are NOT!  This is the human body's innate intelligence trying to restore the body fluids back to their delicate alkaline state of 7.365.  

The intelligence of the cell or its genetics is only as healthy as its environment.  I like to compare the intelligent expression of the cellular genetics to a dangerous game called Russian Roulette.  To play the game you put one bullet in the chamber, spin the chamber and then put the gun up to your head and pull the trigger.  The object of the game is to avoid blowing your head off.  The bullet is a metaphor for the genetics and the trigger is the metaphor for your daily personal lifestyle and dietary choices.  The result in cellular genetics will always be if you continue to pull the acidic lifestyle and dietary trigger the genetic bullet will be fired and the symptom of dis-ease will be expressed.  The expression of cellular genetics in producing excess mucous and solid crystals or masses in the condition of Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Heart Disease and Stroke can be stopped when you stop pulling the acidic lifestyle and dietary trigger.  The human cell is only as healthy as the alkaline fluids it is bathed in just as a fish is only as healthy as the alkaline water it swims in.  Change the water and you will change the genetic expression of every body cell!  

This new science is called epigenetics and it is showing that the genetic expression of a cell can be turned on or turned off depending on changes in the cellular environment affected by lifestyle and dietary choice.

It is critical to understand this foundational principal in achieving and maintaining a healthy body and a healthy circulatory, vascular, pulmonary and lymphatic function.  The foundational hypothesis of my work is found in the understanding that the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function.  The mucous, or cholesterol crystals or solid uric acid crystals in the blood is the evidence that the body is protecting itself from its acidic functions (breathing, thinking, moving, eating) when dietary and/or metabolic acids are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination.

When you understand that the body needs to be maintained in an alkaline state at a delicate pH of 7.365 in order to have sustainable energy, health, fitness and vitality, then everything you drink, everything you eat, every activity you engage in, even your thoughts, all produce acidic waste products that affect the health, fitness and vitality of the blood, tissues, organs and glands. 

Your health, fitness, energy and vitality is an expression of what you are eating, what you are drinking and what you are thinking.  If you are ingesting an abundance of acidic foods and liquids, that's creating an internal acid environment leading to a breakdown or fermentation of body cells, this will lead to a host of dis-ease conditions, including Atherosclerosis.

What Are the Seven Stages of ALL Sickness and Disease, Including Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Heart Disease and Stroke?

There are seven stages of ALL sickness and dis-ease or acidity even though there is only one sickness and one disease.

The one sickness and one disease or dis-ease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  This one sickness and one disease or dis-ease has seven stages or or seven expressions, which have been categorized by medical science as separate or different types of disease without any association or connection.  But, there is NOT many diseases only one sickness, one disease, one health and one treatment!

For example, Atherosclerosis, as explained above is part of the one acidic disease as the body creates cholesterol and secrets alkaline compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate to buffer and solidify the acids that spoil and destroy cells, even vascular cells preventing internal bleeding and death.  Cancer is an acidic condition that spoils healthy cells making them cancerous.  Multiple sclerosis is part of that one disease as acid destroys the myelin sheath.  Heart disease is the result of acid damage as is diabetes.  Cystic fibrosis is also part of this one disease as healthy body cells are being protected from dietary and/or metabolic acids creating sticky mucous.  Allergies, arthritis, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, bowel restrictions and constipation, from diverticulitis to diverticulosis, IBS, ulcerated colitis, Crohn's, all of these so-called diseases are the result of a compromised alkaline environment from individual acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.

The seven stages of disease or dis-ease or excess acidity begins in the bowels, then in the blood, pushed out into the tissues, organs and glands and expressed as follows:

1) The first stage of acidosis is enervation or the loss of energy.  In this stage the body does not have sufficient energy to completely remove dietary and/or metabolic acidic waste products which build up first in the blood and then in the connective and fatty tissues.  Without sufficient body energy, dietary and/or metabolic acids cannot be removed through the four channels of elimination and are then solidified or pushed out into the connective and/or fatty tissues.

2) The second stage of acidosis are sensitivities and irritation.  An example of stage two acidosis are sensitivities to acids in food and/or air-born toxins or acid allergies.  

3)  The third stage of acidosis is catarrh or mucous buildup and the solidification of acids forming crystals and/or solid masses or tumors.  An example of stage three acidosis would be the acidic condition of the lungs called cystic fibrosis.  It is important to understand that mucous is created when the glands of the body release the alkaline compound sodium bicarbonate for the purpose of binding up dietary and/or metabolic acids.  The binding of sodium bicarbonate to acid creates a sticky mucous.  Since dietary, environmental and metabolic acids can breakdown and destroy healthy blood, tissues and organs, the glands of the body, such as the salivary glands, the pylorus glands, the pancreas and even the stomach release alkalizing compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate to protect and preserve healthy body cells that make up our tissues and organs.  This pathology is the same for Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease and the progressive manifestation of an acid attack or what medical science calls a heart attack or stroke. 

4) The fourth stage of acidosis is inflammation or pain.  There is only one cause of inflammation or pain and that is acid.  Acid equals pain and pain equals acid.  There is no other cause.  Any pain or inflammation in the body is the result of localized acid that has not been properly removed by the lymphatic system out through the pores of the skin via sweat or deposited back into the blood to be eliminated via urination.  That is why exercise is so important because the lymphatic circulation is activated by the contraction of muscle and especially by the calf muscles.  Therefore, inflammation is always caused by dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid unless caused by a physical trauma to the body cells such as in a head bang injury.

5) The fifth stage of acidosis is induration or fibrotic tissue or the hardening of the blood vessels, tissues or organs.  This is the classic symptomology of Atherosclerosis and Cystic Fibrosis.  The blood vessels, tissues and organs are turning into leather - they are hardening.  Another classic symptomology of induration is atherosclerosis or the hardening of the vascular system.

6)  The sixth stage of acidosis is the ulceration of the blood vessels, tissues and/or organs such as in ulcerated colitis, or cirrhosis of the liver, or any lesion of the vascular system where ever it may appear.

7)  And, the seventh and final stage of acidosis prior to death is the degeneration of blood, tissues, organs and glands.  All degenerative conditions are caused by dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acids, such as in the symptomologies of  Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, ALL cancerous conditions, respiratory disease such as Cystic Fibrosis, lymphatic disease, such as Hodgkin's Lymphoma and blood diseases, such as leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia.

It is important to keep in mind that whatever the disease or dis-ease condition there is only one cause.  And, that one cause is the retention of excess acids first in the blood and then in the tissues and organs.  If this excess dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acid is not eliminated through the four channels of elimination they are then deposited into the connective and fatty tissues.  This is why I call the connective tissues the "acid catchers" of the blood.  This of course causes of all the connective tissue diseases.

High Cholesterol Prevents Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease!

You do not need a doctor to tell you your stage of acid imbalance. You can know this based upon the symptom(s) you are experiencing or feeling.  If you are overweight this is an acidic condition and the body protecting the organs that sustain life from excess dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids.  In other words, obesity is NOT a fat problem any more than cystic fibrosis is a genetic problem or Atherosclerosis is caused by high cholesterol.  They are all a problem with too much acid.  In the case of Atherosclerosis cholesterol generally increases in direct proportion to the acid levels of the blood and tissues.  A landmark study on heart disease and cholesterol called the Framingham Heart Study shows that the risk of heart disease decreases as cholesterol increases proving that low-density lipo proteins are preventing heart disease and NOT causing heart disease.  So why does LDL cholesterol protect and prevent heart disease?  Because it is buffer the dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids that are the TRUE cause of Arteriosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Hypertension that all lead to heart attack, stroke and finally death.

So What Is The Leading Cause of Death In The World?


There is NO Escape From Acid!
The human body while it is alive is constantly producing acid - from respiration to circulation.  Anyone who lives an excessive acidic lifestyle will eventually sit down to the banquet of his/her choices.

There is NO escape!

Make no mistake.  Atherosclerosis or any "osis" condition is a progressive acidic  condition that I call "latent tissue acidosis" that begins with fatigue, then congestion, then retention of acid, to irritation, to mucous build up, inflammation or pain, induration or hardening of the tissues and organs, to ulceration, then degeneration and finally a painful miserable early death.

The Cure is Simple  

1) Open the channels of elimination to remove dietary, environmental and metabolic acids.

2)  Heal the root system or the intestinal villi of the small intestines.

3) Build healthy stem cells and red blood cells.

4) Hyper-perfuse the blood and tissues with alkalinity.

Who's Most At Risk For Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease and Hypertension are all caused by the genetic expression of body cells to protect against excess dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acidity. To change the genetic expression of the body cells one must restore the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet, I call the pH Miracle "LIFE"style.  To have Atherosclerosis you must do Atherosclerosis with an excessive acidic lifestyle and diet.  High cholesterol is a response to high acidity.  High triglycerides is a response to high acidity.  High blood plasma C-reactive protein is a risk factor to high acidity and high inflammation/pain.  When you lower your acidic contributing factors from what you eat, drink and think then and only then does your blood cholesterol, triglycerides and C-reactive protein normalize - all markers for Atherosclerosis  In other words, when you change your diet from the standard American acidic diet to the pH Miracle alkaline diet the environment changes and than the genes will change and begin slowing down and even stop their secretion of alkaline compounds such as sodium bicarbonate.  

The liver will also stop sending LDL cholesterol to the blood to chelate acid and then your cholesterol and your triglycerides will normalize.  As you reduce your acids from acidic foods and drink your inflammation reduces because you are reducing your blood plasma acid load and then your C-reactive protein will normalize.  The pH Miracle "LIFE"style will also reduce congestion from sticky mucous and the creation of solid acidic masses because you are no longer on an acidic lifestyle and diet.


  • High levels of dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids may cause blood cholesterol levels to increase as a protection to the blood, tissues and organs. This includes high LDL cholesterol  and low HDL cholesterol that help to chelate acid and protect the blood, tissues and organs from acidic damage.
  • High blood pressure. Blood pressure is considered high if it stays at or above 140/90 mm Hg over a period of time.  High blood pressure indicates high acid retention and acid crystals that are accumulating on the walls of the blood and lymphatic vessels.  This causes a narrowing of the blood and lymphatic vessels which causes the heart to work harder to pump blood through general and peripheral circulation.  This causes the blood pressure to increase and the heart the beat faster.
  • Smoking. This can damage and tighten blood vessels, raise cholesterol levels, and raise blood pressure. Smoking also doesn't allow enough oxygen to reach the body's tissues contributing it an already acidic condition.
  • Insulin resistance. This condition occurs when the body can't use its own insulin properly. Insulin is a alkaline buffer that helps to chelate and reduce blood plasma glucose which is a metabolic acid.
  • Diabetes. This is an acidic symptomology in which the body’s acidic blood sugar level is high because of blood and body cell degeneration, constipation of the bowels and the body's need for energy in the form of electrons to remove this acidic metabolic waste products.
  • Overweight or obesity. Overweight is having extra acidic body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Obesity is having a high amount of acid and the body packing on the fat to park excess dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids into the fatty tissues in order to protect the blood, tissues and organs that sustain life from acid damage.
  • Lack of physical activity. Lack of activity can worsen other risk factors for atherosclerosis because you are NOT removing acids out of the connective and fatty tissues.  Exercise opens up the pores so you can urinate your acidic waste products via the pores in the form of sweat.
  • Age. As you get older, your risk for atherosclerosis increases because you ability to remove dietary and/or metabolic acid has been significantly reduced. Genetic or lifestyle factors cause acid bound plaque or mucous to build-up in your arteries as you age, and when you are on an acidic lifestyle and diet. By the time you're middle-aged or older, enough acid bound plaque and mucous has built up to cause signs or symptoms of Atherosclerosis.
    • In men, the risk increases after age 45.
    • In women, the risk increases after age 55.
  • Family history of early heart disease. Your risk for atherosclerosis increases if your father or a brother was diagnosed with heart disease before 55 years of age, or if your mother or a sister was diagnosed with heart disease before 65 years of age.  Why?  Because you are living your acidic family's lifestyle and diet.
Although age and a family history of early heart disease are risk factors, it doesn't mean that you will develop atherosclerosis if you have one or both and especially if you reduce these factors to zero when you understand the cause of Atherosclerosis and are living and alkaline lifestyle and diet.

Making lifestyle and dietary changes and taking alkalizing nutritionals to reduce and eliminate other risk factors can often lessen genetic influences and prevent Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease and Hypertension that leads to heart attack and stroke from developing, even in older adults.


Current medical scientists continue to study other possible risk factors for atherosclerosis but unfortunately do not understand the cause or the connection between dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids as the ONLY cause of Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Hypertension that all lead to heart attack, stroke, the leading causes of death in the United States.

High levels of a protein called C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood may be an indicator for Atherosclerosis and heart attack. High levels of CRP are proof of inflammation and pain in the body due to and acidic lifestyle and diet.  Inflammation is the body's symtomology to injury from an acidic lifestyle and diet, emotional trauma or physical injury.  Damage to the arteries' inner walls from dietary, environmental, respiratory, and/or metabolic acid is the trigger that causes inflammation and pain and leads to the symptomologies of Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease and Hypertension.

People with low CRP levels may get atherosclerosis at a slower rate than people with high CRP levels. My research indicates that reducing inflammation and lowering CRP levels with an alkaline lifestyle and diet also can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

High levels of acid bound fat that is solidified called triglycerides in the blood also may raise the risk of atherosclerosis, particularly in women.  This risk factor is significantly reduced on a reduce acid diet, I call the pH Miracle "LIFE"style


Other risk factors also may raise your risk for developing atherosclerosis. These include:

  • Sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which your breathing stops or gets very shallow while you're sleeping. Untreated sleep apnea can raise your chances of having high blood pressure, diabetes, and even a heart attack or stroke.
  • Stress. Research shows that the most commonly reported "trigger" for a heart attack is an emotionally upsetting event—particularly one involving anger because of the increase of metabolic acids that pour into the bloodstream.  This increase in acid is caused by the increase amount of energy used in a highly charged emotional upset.  Remember, when energy is used in an emotional upset excess acid is created. When excess acids are created and NOT eliminated they can cause damage to the blood cells, paralyze the white blood cells, damage the lining of the blood vessels and even anesthetize the heart causing it to stop beating.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is a strong acid and poisons the blood and body cells.  Heavy drinking can also damage the heart muscle and worsen other risk factors for atherosclerosis. To prevent or reverse Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Hypertension that lead to heart attack and stroke you must eliminate alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Atherosclerosis usually doesn't cause signs and symptoms until solidified acid severely narrows or totally blocks an artery. Many people don't know they have the disease until they have a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Some people may have other signs and symptoms of the disease. These depend on which arteries are severely narrowed or blocked.
The coronary arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. When acidic plaque narrows or blocks these arteries (a condition called coronary artery disease, or CAD), a common symptom is angina.
Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. Angina may feel like pressure or a squeezing pain in your chest. You also may feel it in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back.

This acid caused pain tends to get worse with activity and goes away when you rest. Emotional stress also can trigger the pain.  Why?  Because emotion is Energy in Motion which requires a huge amount of energy and creates a huge amount of metabolic acid.

Other symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease are shortness of breath and arrhythmia's (irregular heartbeats).

The carotid arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your brain. When acidic plaque narrows or blocks these arteries (a condition called Carotid Artery Disease), you may have symptoms of a stroke. These symptoms include sudden numbness, weakness, and dizziness.

Acidic plaque also can build up in the major arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the legs, arms, and pelvis (a condition called Peripheral Arterial Disease). When these arteries are narrowed or blocked, it can lead to numbness, pain, and sometimes dangerous outfections.  What is an outfection? It is when acids are spoiling body cells and these cells are releasing toxic acidic waste products as the degenerate.

Alkalizing pH Miracle "LIFE"style Treatment Protocol for Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Periperal Artery Disease, Deep Tissue Thrombosis, Hypertension lead all lead to Heart Attack and Stroke!


The best cure for Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease, Hypertension that lead to heart attack, stroke and death will be found in their prevention NOT in their traditional medical treatment. Preventing these acidic disease conditions must begin with YOU switching to an alkaline lifestyle and diet before it is too late.  YOU can avoid the symptoms of Atherosclerosis or any other dis-ease with the pH Miracle "LIFE"style.


The hope for the future is that the pH Miracle "LIFE"style therapy can repair the acidic damage and cause the gene to express itself differently by changing the environment and restoring the alkaline design of the body fluids.  This will cause the gene to express itself in an alkaline way rather than in a defensive way to protect itself from an acidic lifestyle and diet.  This environmental approach for treating Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Disease, Deep Tissue Thrombosis and Hypertension that lead to heart attack and stroke may prove to be the cure for these acidic lifestyle and dietary symptoms.  Remember when the fish is sick you change the water you do NOT treat the fish.  And so it is, when the body is sick you change the water you do NOT treat the cells or the symptomology.  You now understand the cause and effect relationship.  The effect is the Atherosclerosis and the cause is excess dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acid.  The treatment is simple.  Restore the alkaline design the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet I call the pH Miracle "LIFE"style.

Atherosclerosis patients suffer from frequent lung outfections leading to obstructed breathing caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. So, the mainstays of a treatment plan are:

1) Open up the channels of elimination of dietary and metabolic acids.
2) Hyper-perfuse the tissues with alkalinity to buffer the retained dietary and/or metabolic acids.
3) Heal the root system of the body or the intestinal villi of the small intestines to improve the quality and quantity of stem cell and red blood cell production.
4)  Alkalizing physical therapy to remove acids out of the blood, tissues and organs.
5) Alkalizing  exercise to remove dietary and/or metabolic acids in the connective tissues out through the pores of the skin, and 
6) Alkalizing natural organic and colloidal medications for reducing the acids that cause mucus and plaque build-up on the arterial wall causing poor circulation that can lead to oxygen deprivation and the symptoms of cold hands, cold feet, light headedness, muddle thinking, dizziness, memory loss, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery Disease, Carotid Arterial Disease, Peripheral Artery Disease that leads to heart attack, stroke and eventual death.


Natural organic colloidal nutrients can by pass the alimentary canal and go directly into the blood and tissues through a process of nebulization or misted alkaline nutrients that are inhaled through the mouth and nose. These include the following:
  • Nebulizing 5ml of Glutathione and 5ml of N-acetyl-cysteine to reduce acidic mucous in the sinuses and lungs 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Nebulizing 10ml of a mucolytic such as colloidal silver at 5 to 10 ppm once a day
  • Nebulizing 10 ml of colloidal silica which acts as a decongestant (which reduce swelling of the membranes of the breathing tubes).
  • Antibiotics are highly acidic and should NEVER be used with CF.  To reduce outfection you reduce tissue acidity which is the cause of infections.
The alimentary canal problems of congestion caused by an acidic diet are managed with these natural organic remedies.
  • Whole leaf cold pressed aloe vera juice will reduce inflammation caused by increased amounts of hydrochloric acid when the stomach is producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the retention of tissue acids.
  • Alkalizing hydrocolon therapy or colonics and enemas with mucolytic agents such as magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, calcium glutamate and Vitamin C to treat intestinal obstructions and to infuse alkalizing compounds into the blood stream via the mesenteric blood vessels.

pH Miracle Nutraceuticals and Colloidal Supplements

Following these Dietary Nutritional Tips will help reduce ALL Acidic Symptomologies
  • Eliminate all inflammatory acidic liquids and foods that increase sodium bicarbonate and the formation of mucous, including dairy products (milk, cheese, sour cream, and ice cream), wheat (gluten), processed soy except for non-GMO organically sprouted soy, corn, potatoes, all high-sugar fruit including bananas, oranges, pineapple, berries, apples, all forms of sugar including honey, maple syrup, fructose, maltose, dextrose, glucose, preservatives, food additives and excessive salt and all animal meats including fish, poultry, beef and pork.
  • Eat more foods that decrease acids and the formation of mucous, including garlic, onions, watercress, horseradish, mustard, parsley, celery, cucumber, broccoli, spinach, rose hips tea, lemon, lime, tomato, avocado and anti-inflammatory/anti-acid oils from nuts and seeds.
  • Eat more foods that are high in potassium, such as avocado sprouts and kale.
  • Avoid all processed and refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
  • Eliminate all red meats and lean meats, pork, poultry, fish, processed soy and all legumes.  Increase plant based proteins from avocado, hemp and sprouted organic soy.
  • Use healthy oils in foods, such as cold pressed olive oil and avocado oil.
  • Eliminate trans fatty acids, found in commercially baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine.
  • Eliminate all grains from the diet.
  • Eliminate all corn products.
  • Eliminate peanuts.
  • Eliminate all forms of vinegar.
  • Eliminate all forms of mushrooms.
  • Eliminate coffee, black teas and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco.
  • Eliminate sport drinks, energy drinks and soft drinks.
  • Drink 4 to 6 liters of 9.5 alkaline water daily based upon 1 liter per 30 kg of weight.  Add 10 grams of pH Miracle green powder with 5 drops of pH Miracle puriphy in each liter of water.  This will help build healthy stem cells and blood in the crypts of the small intestines and reduce latent tissue acidosis which is the cause of All sickness and disease, including Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease.
  • Alkalizing exercise moderately, for 60 minutes daily, 6 days a week.  Choose from walking, jogging, elliptical machines, rebounding, swimming, biking, Younga Yoga, isotonic weight lifting, just to name a few.
You may address nutritional deficiencies and excess tissue acidosis with the following supplementation to the daily diet:
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, such as Hemp, Flax and Borage oils, 4 - 6 capsules or 1 tablespoonful of a 2 to 1 to 1 (Omega 3 to 6 to 9) combination of these three oils at least three to four daily, to help decrease inflammation caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids and improve the health and strength of the lipid membranes of stem, blood and body cells.
  • A multivitamin daily, containing the acid chelating antioxidant vitamins A, D, E, K, the B-vitamins and trace minerals, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and selenium.
  • Digestive acid buffers of sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride to reduce hydrochloric acid in the stomach, bowels, blood and tissues, 1 - 2 capsules 4 times daily with 9.5 pH alkaline water.
  • Magnesium oxide with Vitamin C to breakdown undigested acid foods of animal protein, dairy products and mucous in the 9 yards of the small intestines.
  • Coenzyme Q10, 100-200 mg at bedtime, for antioxidant and supporting the white blood cells in removing bacteria, yeast and solidified acids from the the blood and tissues.
  • N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 2000 mg daily 3 times a day, for antioxidant effects for buffering metabolic acids of acetylaldehyde and ethanol alcohol that effect the circulatory, respiratory and neurological systems. NAC can also be given by IV at 5ml where each ml equals 200mgs.
  • Grapefruit seed extract (Citrus paradisi), 100 mg capsule or 5 - 10 drops (in alkaline water) 3 times daily, for buffering the acids of diet, metabolism, bacteria and yeast for increasing the alkaline pH of the gastrointestinal system to 8.4..
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), 3,000 mg twice a day, to help decrease the acids that cause inflammation or pain.
  • Organic hemp protein, 10 - 20 grams daily mixed in fresh organic hazel or almond milk, for supporting the white blood cells and blood building.
  • L-Arginine, 10 grams 3 times a day to break up solidified acid crystals causing circulation problems of the vascular and lymphatic system.
  • Magnesium chloride, 2 grams 3 times a day to oxidize dietary and metabolic acids.
  • Pure organic chlorophyll from sprouted Moringa,  5 to 10 drops in 4 ounces of 9.5 pH alkaline water 3 times a day.  This mixture at 10ml can also be put into a nebulizer to reduce acid congestion in the sinuses and lungs.
  • Glutathione, 2000mg 3 to 4 times daily, neutralizes harmful acids or oxidants introduced into the lungs from the air or blood or those released by cells. Exotoxins from bacteria can overload the endobronchial terrain and feed the fires of acidic inflammation. This staggering burden increases the oxidative sensitivity of the lung, resulting in further injury of lung parenchyma. Data supports evidence of a decrease in the antioxidant tri-peptide glutathione. (Roum JH, Buhl R, McElvaney NG, et al. Systemic Deficiency of Glutathione in Systic Fibrosis. J Appl Physiol 1993; 75:19-24).
  • Glutathione is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort of emotional or physical stress, fatigue and even moderate exercise. Some well-known causes of glutathione depletion are as follows:
  • 1) Acidic lifestyle and diet
    2) Air and Water pollution
    3) Prescription and recreational drugs
    4) Ultraviolet and Radiation from cells phones, computers, electrical cars, power lines, hair dryers, etc.
    5) Emotional and physical stress
    6) Injury, trauma or burns
    7) Heavy metals
    8) Cigarette smoke
    9) Household chemicals
    10) Acetaminophen poisoning
    11) Exhaust from motor vehicles
    12) Septic shock caused by the retention of metabolic and/or dietary acid.
All of these above factors lead to a build up of acidic toxins that cause the loss of glutathione as a non-nutritive buffer leading to cellular aging, dis-ease and finally death.

Alkalizing Medicinal Herbs and Organically Sprouted Grasses

Medicinal herbs, grasses, fruit and vegetables is a safe way to strengthen and tone the body's alkalizing buffering system, detox the alimentary canal and build blood in the crypts of the small intestines. You should use the whole unprocessed or non-fermented herbs, grasses, fruit and vegetables titrated to a fine powder so they that can be mixed in 9.5 pH alkaline water or put into veggie caps to be taken orally. 

  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), 40 - 80 mg 3 times daily, for inflammation and as an antioxidant to buffer acids in the blood, tissues and organs.
  • Wheat, Barley and Kamut rrganically sprouted grasses, 250 - 500 mg daily, for building blood, detoxing the alimentary canal,  buffering dietary and metabolic acids and supporting the white blood cells in the removal of solidified acids. You may also prepare teas from these grasses.
  • Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) , 20 mg 3 times a day, for inflammation caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids,  supporting the white blood cells and reducing acids from bacteria, yeast and mold in the blood and tissue fluids.
  • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), 80 - 160 mg 2 - 3 times daily, for detoxification of acids in the blood, liver and kidneys.
  • Bromelain (Ananus comosus) , 40 mg 3 times daily, for pain and inflammation caused by dietary acids. 
  • Ground Ivy (Hedera helix) , 50 mg 3 times daily, to decrease acids and the build-up of mucous and to loosen phlegm.

Intravenous (IV) Alkalizing Therapy

The main purpose of IV therapy is to hyper-perfuse the tissues with alkaline compounds of sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and calcium glutamate and thus buffer the retention of excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the blood, body tissues, especially the organs reducing inflammation, mucous, solidification of tissues, cysts and tumors.

Acupuncture may alleviate acidic symptoms of inflammation. Acupuncture may help enhance blood and lymph circulation to the organs that sustain life which in turn will help the immune function to remove cellular debris and acid crystals.  Because acupuncture improves circulation it also helps remove acids throughout the alimentary canal, and strengthens the blood, tissues and organs.


Therapeutic lymphatic massage can help drain acidic mucus and/or plaque in the blood and remove acid crystals and plaque build-up on the arterial blood vessel walls.

Infrared Sauna
Therapeutic infrared sauna can help increase blood and lymphatic circulation and open up the pores of the skin to eliminate excess dietary, environmental and metabolic acids from the tissues.  This passive form of exercise will cause you to sweat at every pore removing latent tissue acids.  I recommend at least 30 minutes a day or until you start sweating.  Once you start sweating remain in the sauna for at least 15 minutes.  Make sure you are adequately hydrated with alkaline mineral rich water at a pH of 9.5.  To adequately hydrate drink at least 1 liter of alkaline fluids for every 30 kg of weight.  You can also drink before, during and after your infrared sauna. 


Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery problems due to acid build-up and the solidification of dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acids forming acid crystals and cysts in the lungs, liver, kidney, and blood are the most common complications.

During the physical exam, your doctor may listen to your arteries for an abnormal whooshing sound called a bruit. Your doctor can hear a bruit when placing a stethoscope over an affected artery. A bruit may indicate poor blood flow due to acidic plaque.

Your doctor also may check to see whether any of your pulses (for example, in the leg or foot) are weak or absent. A weak or absent pulse can be a sign of a blocked artery.


Your doctor may order one or more tests to diagnose atherosclerosis. These tests also can help your doctor learn the extent of your disease and plan the best treatment.

Blood Tests

Blood tests check the levels of certain fats, cholesterol, sugar, and proteins in your blood. Abnormal levels may show that you have risk factors for acids that cause atherosclerosis.

EKG (Electrocardiogram)

An EKG is a simple test that detects and records the electrical activity of your heart. An EKG shows how fast your heart is beating and whether it has a regular rhythm. It also shows the strength and timing of electrical signals as they pass through each part of your heart.

Certain electrical patterns that the EKG detects can suggest whether CAD is likely. An EKG also can show signs of a previous or current heart attack.

Chest X Ray

A chest x ray takes a picture of the organs and structures inside the chest, including your heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
A chest x ray can reveal signs of heart failure.

Ankle/Brachial Index
This test compares the blood pressure in your ankle with the blood pressure in your arm to see how well your blood is flowing. This test can help diagnose PAD.


This test uses sound waves to create a moving picture of your heart.  Echocardiography provides information about the size and shape of your heart and how well your heart chambers and valves are working.

The test also can identify areas of poor blood flow to the heart, areas of heart muscle that aren't contracting normally, and previous injury to the heart muscle caused by poor blood flow.

Computed Tomography Scan

A computed tomography, or CT, scan creates computer-generated images of the heart, brain, or other areas of the body. The test can often show hardening and narrowing of large arteries.

Stress Testing

During stress testing, you exercise to make your heart work hard and beat fast while heart tests are performed. If you can't exercise, you're given medicine to speed up your heart rate.

When your heart is beating fast and working hard, it needs more blood and oxygen. Arteries narrowed by acidic plaque can't supply enough oxygen-rich blood to meet your heart's needs. A stress test can show possible signs of Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease, such as:
  • Abnormal changes in your heart rate or blood pressure
  • Symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain
  • Abnormal changes in your heart rhythm or your heart's electrical activity
During the stress test, if you can't exercise for as long as what's considered normal for someone your age, it may be a sign that not enough blood is flowing to your heart. But other factors besides Atherosclerosis or Coronary Artery Disease can prevent you from exercising long enough (for example, lung diseases, anemia, or poor general fitness).

Some stress tests use a radioactive dye, sound waves, positron emission tomography (PET), or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to take pictures of your heart when it's working hard and when it's at rest.

These imaging stress tests can show how well blood is flowing in the different parts of your heart. They also can show how well your heart pumps blood when it beats.


Angiography is a test that uses dye and special x rays to show the insides of your arteries. This test can show whether acidic plaque is blocking your arteries and how severe the plaque is.

A thin, flexible tube called a catheter is put into a blood vessel in your arm, groin (upper thigh), or neck. A dye that can be seen on x ray is then injected into the arteries. By looking at the x-ray picture, your doctor can see the flow of blood through your arteries.

Ultra Sound and Thermography

Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease patients receive an Ultra Sound and Thermography tests every 3 - 6 months. They also receive chest x-rays every 2 - 4 years, or more often if needed.

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