The Cause and Cure for Type I and Type II Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

Let's begin making a difference in our Nations health, especially diabetes - the 3rd leading cause of death in the US and the number 1 leading cause of death in children.

The Centers for Disease and Control has stated that 21 percent of American adults were obese in 2001, up almost 6 percent form the year before. The rising rate of obesity corresponds with an increase in the prevalence of diabetes, which afflicts one in 12 adults, an increase of 8 percent in 2001. In the United States, 16 million patients have the disorder -- 10 million diagnosed and 6 million undiagnosed. These numbers are expected to double during the next 25 years.

I believe they will more than quadruple due to the increase intake amounts of acidifying carbohydrate and protein diets and acidic lifestyle choices. The huge increase in diabetes reflects an enormous rise in Type 2 diabetes due to increased aging, obesity, poor nutrition, coupled with high emotional stress and physical inactivity. Once again, all of these challenges are a reflection of an over-acidic lifestyle and diet! Diabetes is the oldest disease known to humankind, dating back to the hieroglyphics depicting a person wasting their muscle mass into their urine. Diabetes has become an epidemic, yet the disease and insulin metabolism are not fully understood by current savants.

My hope is to change the world's awareness and understanding of diabetes with further light and knowledge of the "New Biology: and the pH Miracles of Type I and Type II Diabetes. There are several misunderstandings of diabetes that exist; they include the following but are not limited to:

1) Current medical science suggests that obesity is a cause of diabetes or leads to Type II diabetes -- True or False?

The answer is false.

Obesity is a result of increased complex carbohydrate or simple sugar ingestion and the fermentation of carbohydrates and simple sugars that leads to excess acidity. In addition to the complex carbohydrates, obesity is the result of eating animal proteins that produce acids that destroy the intestinal villi and set the stage for body wasting that leads to diabetes. The body deals with the increase of gastrointestinal and metabolic acids by holding on to fat to store and protect the body from these debilitating acids. Therefore obesity is a symptom of metabolic acids and is protecting the body from excess acids that are not eliminated through normal elimination.

2) Current medical savants perceive that Type I diabetes is the result of an autoimmune response or virus leading to an attack on the insulin-producing beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans -- True or False?

The answer is false.

There is no attack on the insulin-producing beta cells and there is NO virus! When we increase the acidic sugars in our diet we increase the need for insulin and at the same time increase stress on the insulin-producing beta cells. This increased stress causes the beta cells to breakdown or age prematurely. When any cell is broken or begins to disorganize it is the white blood cells that clear out the cellular debris. This so-called autoimmune response is nothing more than the white blood cells clearing out the garbage or broken-down beta cells from overstressed acidic lifestyles and diets!

3) Current medical science believes that insulin is needed to regulate blood sugar levels in the body -- True or False?

The answer is false.

In the 1950's, scientists incorrectly coined the term "insulin dependent" to mean that muscle and fat required insulin to take up glucose. However, glucose is transported into the cells with or without insulin. There are enough glucose transporters in all cell membranes to guarantee adequate glucose uptake to have a cell's respiration requirements work, even WITHOUT INSULIN! It has been shown that adipocytes can uptake glucose without insulin through stimulation of glucose transporters.

4) Current medical science suggests that physical (over-exercise) or emotional stress results in an increase of insulin and the release of the hormone epinephrine which lowers blood glucose levels rapidly -- True or False?

The answer is false.

During the recovery period or with chronic stress, glucose levels increase not decrease. The reason for the increase in blood sugar is the result of sugars being released from cells that are breaking down due to over-exercise and/or emotional stress. I call this the banana effect. We all know that bananas get sweeter the older they get. The reason is simple. The cells that make up the banana release their sugars as they begin to breakdown. This is how bananas get their black spots or turn to black. It is the result of the banana rotting or turning into the acid, sugar. As human cells begin to breakdown or turn into the acid sugar due to over-exercise or emotional stress and as their cellular sugars are released, the insulin-producing beta cells kick in to release the hormone insulin to lower blood sugars back to normal or to balance. If one continues to do physical or emotional stress this will lead to hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance or Syndrome X an d eventual diabetes or even pancreatic cancer. The biphasic effects of insulin and epinephrine on blood sugar control are significant factors if we are to understand the cause of Type I and Type II diabetes. Hyperinsulinemia is the biphasic glucose response to epinephrine, first low glucose levels and then hyper-glucose surges and insulin resistance. Therefore, emotional and perceptual sensations regulate the body's insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance.

The limbic system, especially the hippocampus that controls memory, sense of safety, survival instincts, eating and appetite drives and learning, also contains high densities of insulin receptors and is the main system that controls glucose and insulin homeostasis.

5) Current medical science suggests the common treatment of insulin resistance or Type II diabetes is to use insulin injections -- True or False?

The answer is false!

Type I and Type II diabetes is a symptom of excess acidity due to physical and emotional stressors that causes imbalances in the limbic system that leads to insulin dysregulation. Either there is too little insulin being secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas as found in Type I diabetes and, occasionally, in advanced Type II diabetes, or the insulin receptors have lost their sensitivity, damaged by dietary, environmental, respiratory and/or metabolic acid, leading to a buildup of both insulin and glucose in the bloodstream. In an attempt to compensate for this insulin resistance, the pancreas secretes more insulin into the bloodstream to try to force the issue by swamping the insulin receptors. While this strategy may help somewhat to reduce glucose levels in the bloodstream, it also leads to an overload of insulin, which, in the long term only exacerbates insulin resistance and the onset of diabetes. Insulin sensitivity which is the effective utilization of insulin and insulin resistance which is the ineffective utilization of insulin represents a dynamic polarity we all have to deal with throughout our lives.

Our very health and longevity depends to a great extent on how well our body deals with physical and emotional stressors, acid and alkaline balance and the regulation of the release of hormones, especially insulin. Women who consume large amounts of refined carbohydrates and sugar during pregnancy will often induce insulin resistance in their newborn. This could be a major contributing factor in the increasingly early onset of type I diabetes in children.

Insulin resistance brought on through an inverted way of living, eating and thinking occurs primarily in the liver, muscles and fat cells, and which is exacerbated by caffeine and chocolate, as well as excess sugar and carbohydrates. This leads to elevated levels of circulating sugar from disorganizing body cells and diet and increased insulin in response to increased sugar which then leads to the following symptomologies:

1) Premature aging

2) High Blood Pressure

3) Elevated triglycerides

4) Atherosclerosis

5) Congestive heart failure

6) Inhibition of the release of glycogen from the liver

7) Development of osteoporosis

8) Reduction of energy levels

9) Acceleration of the process of glycated, leading to inflammation and tissue damage

10) Development of malignancies

11) Inhibition of fat metabolism I consider one of the most important factors for health and longevity and to reverse the aging process, to be blood pH and insulin levels.

In order to determine these two factors I suggest a urine and glucose tolerance test following a fast of a minimum of eight hours. After taking a fasting blood glucose reading and a fasting pH urine reading, the client is given a 12 ounce glass of distilled water mixed with approximately 40 grams of pure sugar and 1 gram of potassium. Thirty minutes after the ingestion of the glucose water, a second urine and blood glucose reading is taken, followed by third and fourth readings at additional 45 and 20 minute intervals.

While our primary purpose in taking these readings is to determine the relative acidity or alkalinity of the blood and urine, they also have a great deal of significance in identifying dysglycemia, insulin resistance and acid and alkaline balance. An ideal blood sugar curve might look as follows:

Fasting 80
+30 minutes 130
+45 minutes 110
+20 minutes 100

An ideal urine pH curve might look as follows:

Fasting urine pH range 6.8 to 7.2
+30 minutes 5.6 to 5.8
+45 minutes 6. 0 to 6.4
+20 minutes 6.6 to 6.8

The following is a severely diabetic reading:

Fasting 140/5.8 pH
+30 minutes 275/5.6 pH
+45 minutes 285/5.5 pH
+20 minutes 300/5.4 to 5.2 pH

The following blood and urine pH curve may or may not indicate full-blown diabetes, but certainly it suggest a seriously dysglceimic condition that will almost inevitably evolve into diabetes.

Fasting 80/6.5 pH
+30 minutes 205/5.8 pH
+45 minutes 200/6.0 pH
+20 minutes 190/6.2 pH

The normal fasting glucose in the above example means the client has good beta cell and acid buffering activity, and is producing adequate insulin. However, lack of insulin metabolism occurs when confronted with glucose and excess acidic challenges.

This has to be addressed by eliminating all carbohydrate foods, such as potatoes, grains, sweet fruits, sweet vegetables and fruit juices. This includes all sugar and refined carbohydrates which have to be completely avoided to maintain pH and insulin balance. The foods that must be included to bring homeostasis and glucose and alkaline balance are all the green vegetables and green drinks, all the good fats from olive, flax, avcoda, borage, primrose, etc. and finally good plant proteins from sprouted grains and legumes such as wheat, barley, kamut, moringa, and soy sprouts.

To learn more about preventing and reversing Type I and Type 2  diabetes may I suggest reading our book,The pH Miracle for Type I and Type II Diabetes.

You will find our book at any major bookstore or on line at: or

You can also view several videos on reversing Type I Diabetes on at the phmiraclecenter, such as:


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