The Cause and Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis - An Acidic Symptomology


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic, progressive, and frequently fatal acidic condition of the elimination organs, of the respiratory system (lungs), bowels, urinary tract system, reproductive organs and the skin as the alkaloid glands (the salivary glands, stomach, and small and large intestines) produce and secrete alkaline compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate to buffer and preserve the alkaline design of the body.  This acidic condition can affect any organ or organ system but primarily affects the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive tracts in children and young adults. On average, individuals with CF have a lifespan of around 37 years.

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, about 30,000 Americans have CF. This acidic condition occurs mostly in whites whose ancestors came from northern Europe, although it cuts across all races and ethnic groups. About 3,500 babies are born with this acidic condition each year in the United States. Moreover, about one in every 30 Americans suffer from CF.

Signs and Symptoms:

CF is often accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
  • Thick, viscous mucus in the lungs caused by the glandular secretion of sodium bicarbonate in the chelation of excess dietary and/or metabolic acids.
  • Changes in color and amount of sputum (material coughed up from the lungs) is in direct relationship to the build-up of acidic waste products that are not being properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - the lungs, bowels, kidneys and skin.
  • Chronic cough, possibly with blood streaking is a result of increased acidic and the lung and other elimination organs ridding itself of excess dietary and/or metabolic acids.
  • Wheezing is caused by an increase in sticky acidic mucous.
  • Bronchitis is stage four acidosis.
  • Chronic sinusitis is an acidic condition or stage two acidosis which is experienced by congestion and irritation.
  • Asthma is a higher valance of congestive acidosis leading to congestive acidic mucous.
  • Nasal polyps (fleshy growths inside the nose) are groups of cells bound together with dietary and/or metabolic acids.
  • Weight loss, failure to thrive in infants, abdominal swelling all caused by the retention of acids.  Weight loss due to dietary acids destroying the delicate villi in the small intestines.
  • Excessive salt in sweat, dehydration due to the build-up of acids that are not being properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, kidneys and/or skin.
  • Failure of newborn to pass stool is the result of ingesting acidic foods and/or drinks.
  • Abdominal pain, flatulence are both caused by trapped acids that have not been properly eliminated through the bowels or urinary tract system.
  • Fatigue is the first sign congestion of the elimination organs and dietary and/or metabolic acids are building up.
Other acidic conditions that are caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet such as late onset of puberty, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the pancreas, cirrhosis (a liver condition), and infertility may also be signs of CF.

What Causes Cystic Fibrosis According to Traditional Medical Savants?

Current medical science suggests that CF is caused by a defective gene that tells the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky fluid, called mucus. This mucus builds up in the breathing passages of the lungs and the pancreas, the organ that helps break down and absorb food. This collection of sticky mucus results in life-threatening lung infections and serious digestion problems. Medical science also suggests that this so-called disease may also affect the sweat glands and a man's reproductive system.

What Causes Cystic Fibrosis According to the Research of Dr. Robert O. Young?

When I talk about disease or "dis-ease", such as CF, I am really focusing on the state of imbalance in the body, especially the lungs, that is brought on by an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  All disease or dis-ease, including CF is caused by individual lifestyle and dietary choice or for children how parents are feeding and caring for their children.  I have suggested that you do not get sick you have to do sick by making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices.  When you choose or parents choose for their children to eat acidic foods or drink, such as animal flesh, eggs, dairy products, like cheese, yogurt and ice cream, you set yourself up for excess tissue acidosis and a serious health challenge, such as breast cancer for a woman, prostate cancer of a man or cystic fibrosis of the lungs for a child or young adult.

Over 30 years ago I postulated a theory that ALL sickness and disease is the result of an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  And, that genetic defects were caused by acidic dietary and lifestyle choices that caused the genetics to express themselves in abnormal ways.  In the case of CF, the alkaphile glands (stomach and pancreas) are secreting sodium bicarbonate into the acidic tissues or organs, such as the lungs to maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids and protect the lung cells from breaking down.  The result is when sodium bicarbonate binds to dietary and/or metabolic acid it creates mucous.  The mucous is the effect of the body protecting itself from excess dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid.  

The intelligence of the cell or its genetics is only as healthy as its environment.  I like to compare the intelligent expression of the cellular genetics to a dangerous game called Russian Roulette.  To play the game you put one bullet in the chamber, spin the chamber and then put the gun up to your head and pull the trigger.  The object of the game is to avoid blowing your head off.  The bullet is a metaphor for the genetics and the trigger represents your daily personal lifestyle and dietary choices.  The result in cellular genetics will always be if you continue to pull the acidic lifestyle and diet trigger the genetic bullet will be fired and the symptom will be expressed.  The expression of cellular genetics in producing excess mucous in the condition of CF can be stopped when you stop pulling the acidic lifestyle and dietary trigger.  The human cell is only as healthy as the fluids it is bathed in just as a fish is only as healthy as the water it swims in.  Change the water and you will change the genetic expression.  

This new science is called epigenetics and it is showing that the genetic expression of a cell can be turned on or turned off depending on changes in the cellular environment affected by lifestyle and dietary choice.

It is critical to understand this foundational principal in achieving and maintaining a healthy body and a healthy respiratory function.  The foundational hypothesis of my work is the understanding that the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function.  The mucous in the body is the evidence that the body is protecting itself from its acidic functions (breathing, thinking, moving, eating) when dietary and/or metabolic acids are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination.

When you understand that the body needs to be maintained in an alkaline state in order to have sustainable energy, health, fitness and vitality, then everything you drink, everything you eat, every activity you engage in, even your thoughts, produce acidic waste products that affect the health, fitness and vitality of the blood, tissues, organs and glands. 

Your health, fitness, energy and vitality is an expression of what you are eating, what you are drinking and what you are thinking.  If you are ingesting an abundance of acidic foods and liquids, that's creating an internal acid environment leading to a breakdown or fermentation of body cells, this will lead to a host of dis-ease conditions, including CF.

There are seven stages of ALL sickness and dis-ease or acidity even though there is only one sickness and one disease.

The one sickness and one disease or dis-ease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.  This one sickness and one disease or dis-ease has seven stages or or seven expressions, which have been categorized by medical science as separate or different types of disease without any association or connection.  But, there is NOT many diseases only one disease and one health!

For example, cancer is part of that one acidic disease.  Cancer is an acidic condition that spoils healthy cells making them cancerous.  Multiple sclerosis is part of that one disease as acid destroys the myelin sheath.  Heart disease is the result of acid damage as is diabetes.  Cystic fibrosis is also part of this one disease as healthy body cells are being protected from dietary and/or metabolic acids creating sticky mucous.  Allergies, arthritis, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, bowel restrictions and constipations, from diverticulitis to diverticulosis, IBS, ulcerated colitis, Crohn's, all of these so-called diseases are the result of a compromised alkaline environment from individual acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.

The seven stages of disease or dis-ease or excess acidity begins in the bowels, then in the blood, pushed out into the tissues, organs and glands and expressed as follows:

1) The first stage of acidosis is enervation or the loss of energy.  In this stage the body does not have the sufficient energy to completely remove dietary and/or metabolic acidic waste products which build up first in the blood and then in the connective and fatty tissues.

2) The second stage of acidosis are sensitivities and irritation.  An example of stage two acidosis are sensitivities to food and/or air-born allergies.

3)  The third stage of acidosis is catarrh or mucous buildup.  An example of stage three acidosis would be the acidic condition of the lungs called cystic fibrosis.  It is important to understand that mucous is created when the glands of the body release the alkaline compound sodium bicarbonate for the purpose of binding up dietary and/or metabolic acids.  The combining of sodium bicarbonate to acid creates a sticky mucous.  Since dietary, environmental and metabolic acids can breakdown and destroy healthy tissues and organs the glands of the body, such as the salivary glands, the pylorus glands, the pancreas and even the stomach release the alkalizing compound, sodium bicarbonate to protect and preserve healthy body cells that make up our tissues and organs.

4) The fourth stage of acidosis is inflammation.  There is only one cause of inflammation and that is acid.  Acid equal pain and pain equals acid.  There is no other cause.  Any pain or inflammation in the body is the result of localized acid that has not been properly removed by the lymphatic system.  That is why exercise is so important because the lymphatic circulation is activated by the contraction of muscle and especially the calf muscles.  Therefore, inflammation is always caused by dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acid.

5) The fifth stage of acidosis is induration or fibrotic tissue or the hardening of the tissues or organs.  This is the classic symptomology of cystic fibrosis.  The tissues and organs are turning into leather.  Another classic symptomology of induration is atherosclerosis or the hardening of the vascular system.

6)  The sixth stage of acidosis is the ulceration of tissues and/or organs such as in ulcerated colitis, or cirrhosis of the liver, or any lesion where ever it may appear.

7)  And, the seventh and final stage of acidosis prior to death is the degeneration of tissues, organs and glands.  All degenerative conditions are caused by dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acids, such as in the symptomologies of osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, ALL cancerous conditions, heart disease and all respiratory dis-eases, including cystic fibrosis.

It is important to keep in mind that whatever the disease or dis-ease condition there is only one cause.  And, that one cause is the retention of excess acids first in the blood and then the tissues and organs.  This excess acid is not eliminated through the four channels of elimination they are then deposited into the connective and fatty tissues.  This is why I call the connective tissues the "acid catchers" of the blood.

You do not need a doctor to tell you your stage of acid imbalance. You can know this based upon your the symptom(s) you are experiencing or feeling.  If you are overweight this is an acidic condition and the body protecting the organs that sustain life from excess dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acids.  In other words, obesity is NOT a fat problem any more then cystic fibrosis is a genetic problem.  They are both an acid problem.

Anyone who lives an acidic lifestyle will eventually sit down to the banquet of his/her choices.

There is NO escape!

Make no mistake.  Cystic fibrosis or any "osis" condition is a progressive acidic  condition that I call "latent tissue acidosis" that begins with fatigue, then congestion, then retention, irritation, mucous build up, inflammation, induration, ulceration, degeneration and finally a painful early death.

The cure is simple.  

1) Open the channels of elimination.

2)  Heal the root system or the intestinal villi of the small intestines.

3) Build healthy stem cells and red blood cells.

4) Hyper-perfuse the blood and tissues with alkalinity.

Who's Most At Risk?:

CF is caused by the genetic expression of body cells to excess dietary and/or metabolic acidity. To change the genetic expression of the body cells one must restore the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet I call the pH Miracle diet.  To have CF, a child must inherit the acidic lifestyle and diet of the parents that then causes two abnormal genes -- one from each parent.  The new science of epigenetics suggests that genes can change their expression.  In other words, when a child with CF changes his/her diet from a standard acidic American diet to the pH Miracle alkaline diet the genes will change and begin slowing down and even stopping their secretion of alkaline sodium bicarbonate.  This in turn will reduce congestion  from sticky mucous.

What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

A baby born with the CF gene usually has symptoms during its first year, although signs of the disease may not appear until adolescence or even later.

Your child's health care provider can help make a diagnosis and guide you in determining which treatment or combination of therapies will best alleviate symptoms of the disease. Your health care provider will perform a physical exam and run laboratory tests, including a sweat test, which checks for higher than normal amounts of sodium and chloride in the sweat. Other tests include a sputum test, genetic screening, and a stool analysis. Imaging techniques may help reveal lung conditions and abdominal obstruction.

Alkalizing pH Miracle Treatment Protocol for Cystic Fibrosis

Prevention and Alkalizing is the Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

The best cure for Cystic Fibrosis will be found in its prevention NOT in its treatment. Preventing CF must begin with the parents switching to an alkaline lifestyle and diet before conception.  At birth the parents can help avoid the symptoms of CF or any other dis-ease with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and diet.

Natural pH Miracle Treatment Plan for Cystic Fibrosis

The hope for the future is that the pH Miracle  therapy can repair or replace the defective CF gene and cause the gene to express itself differently by changing the environment and restoring the alkaline design of the body fluids.  This will cause the gene to express itself in an alkaline way rather than in a defensive way to protect itself from an acidic lifestyle and diet.  This environmental approach for treating CV may prove to be the cure for this acidic lifestyle and dietary symptom.

CF patients suffer from frequent lung outfections leading to obstructed breathing caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. So, the mainstays of a treatment plan are:

1) Open up the channels of elimination of dietary and metabolic acids.
2) Hyper-perfuse the tissues with alkalinity to buffer the retained dietary and/or metabolic acids.
3) Heal the root system of the body or the intestinal villi of the small intestines to improve the quality and quantity of stem cell and red blood cell production.
4)  Alkalizing physical therapy to remove acids out of the tissues, especially the lungs.
5) Alkalizing  exercise to remove dietary and/or metabolic acids in the connective tissues out through the pores of the skin, and 
6) Alkalizing natural organic and colloidal medications for reducing the acids that cause mucus blocking the lung's airways.

Natural pH Miracle Therapies

Natural organic colloidal nutrients can by pass the alimentary canal and go directly into the blood and tissues through a process of nebulization or misted alkaline nutrients that are inhaled through the mouth and nose. These include the following:
  • Nebulizing 5ml of Glutathione and 5ml of N-acetyl-cysteine to reduce acidic mucous in the sinuses and lungs 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Nebulizing 10ml of a mucolytic such as colloidal silver at 5 to 10 ppm once a day
  • Nebulizing 10 ml of colloidal silica which acts as a decongestant (which reduce swelling of the membranes of the breathing tubes).
  • Antibiotics are highly acidic and should NEVER be used with CF.  To reduce infection you reduce tissue acidity which is the cause of infections.
The alimentary canal problems of congestion caused by an acidic diet causing CF are managed with these natural organic remedies.
  • Whole leaf cold pressed aloe vera juice will reduce inflammation caused by increased amounts of hydrochloric acid when the stomach is producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the retention of tissue acids.
  • Alkalizing hydrocolon therapy or colonics and enemas with mucolytic agents such as magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, calcium glutamate and Vitamin C to treat intestinal obstructions and to infuse alkalizing compounds into the blood stream via the messenteric blood vessels.

pH Miracle Nutrition and Supplements

Following these dietary nutritional tips will help reduce ALL acidic symptomologies:
  • Eliminate all inflammatory acidic liquids and foods that increase sodium bicarbonate and the formation of mucous, including dairy products (milk, cheese, sour cream, and ice cream), wheat (gluten), processed soy except for non-GMO organically sprouted soy, corn, potatoes, all high-sugar fruit including bananas, oranges, pineapple, berries, apples, all forms of sugar including honey, maple syrup, fructose, maltose, dextrose, glucose, preservatives, food additives and excessive salt and all animal meats including fish, poultry, beef and pork.
  • Eat more foods that decrease acids and the formation of mucous, including garlic, onions, watercress, horseradish, mustard, parsley, celery, cucumber, broccoli, spinach, rose hips tea, lemon, lime, tomato, avocado and anti-inflammatory/anti-acid oils from nuts and seeds.
  • Eat more foods that are high in potassium, such as avocado sprouts and kale.
  • Avoid all processed and refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
  • Eliminate all red meats and lean meats, pork, poultry, fish, processed soy and all legumes.  Increase plant based proteins from avocado, hemp and sprouted organic soy.
  • Use healthy oils in foods, such as cold pressed olive oil and avocado oil.
  • Eliminate trans fatty acids, found in commercially baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine.
  • Eliminate all grains from the diet.
  • Eliminate all corn products.
  • Eliminate peanuts.
  • Eliminate all forms of vinegar.
  • Eliminate all forms of mushrooms.
  • Eliminate coffee, black teas and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco.
  • Eliminate sport drinks, energy drinks and soft drinks.
  • Drink 4 to 6 liters of 9.5 alkaline water daily based upon 1 liter per 30 kg of weight.  Add 10 grams of pH Miracle green powder with 5 drops of pH Miracle puriphy in each liter of water.  This will help build healthy stem cells and blood in the crypts of the small intestines and reduce latent tissue acidosis which is the cause of CF.
  • Alkalizing exercise moderately, for 60 minutes daily, 6 days a week.  Choose from walking, jogging, elliptical machines, rebounding, swimming, biking, Younga Yoga, isotonic weight lifting, just to name a few.
You may address nutritional deficiencies and excess tissue acidosis with the following supplementation to the daily diet:
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, such as Hemp, Flax and Borage oils, 4 - 6 capsules or 1 tablespoonful of a 2 to 1 to 1 (Omega 3 to 6 to 9) combination of these three oils at least three to four daily, to help decrease inflammation caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids and improve the health and strength of the lipid membranes of stem, blood and body cells.
  • A multivitamin daily, containing the acid chelating antioxidant vitamins A, D, E, K, the B-vitamins and trace minerals, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and selenium.
  • Digestive acid buffers of sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride to reduce hydrochloric acid in the stomach, bowels, blood and tissues, 1 - 2 capsules 4 times daily with 9.5 pH alkaline water.
  • Magnesium oxide with Vitamin C to breakdown undigested acid foods of animal protein, dairy products and mucous in the 9 yards of the small intestines.
  • Coenzyme Q10, 100-200 mg at bedtime, for antioxidant and supporting the white blood cells in removing bacteria, yeast and solidified acids from the the blood and tissues.
  • N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 2000 mg daily 3 times a day, for antioxidant effects for buffering metabolic acids of acetylaldehyde and ethanol alcohol that effect the respiratory and neurological systems. NAC can also be given by IV at 5ml where each ml equals 200mgs.
  • Grapefruit seed extract (Citrus paradisi), 100 mg capsule or 5 - 10 drops (in alkaline water) 3 times daily, for buffering the acids of diet, metabolism, bacteria and yeast for increasing the alkaline pH of the gastrointestinal system to 8.4..
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), 3,000 mg twice a day, to help decrease the acids that cause inflammation.
  • Organic hemp protein, 10 - 20 grams daily mixed in fresh organic hazel or almond milk, for supporting the white blood cells and blood building.
  • L-Arginine, 10 grams 3 times a day to break up solidified acid crystals causing circulation problems of the vascular and lymphatic system.
  • Magnesium chloride, 2 grams 3 times a day to oxidize dietary and metabolic acids.
  • Pure organic chlorophyll from sprouted Moringa,  5 to 10 drops in 4 ounces of 9.5 pH alkaline water 3 times a day.  This mixture at 10ml can also be put into a nebulizer to reduce acid congestion in the sinuses and lungs.
  • Glutathione, 2000mg 3 to 4 times daily, neutralizes harmful acids or oxidants introduced into the lungs from the air or blood or those released by cells. Exotoxins from bacteria can overload the endobronchial terrain and feed the fires of acidic inflammation. This staggering burden increases the oxidative sensitivity of the CF lung, resulting in further injury of lung parenchyma. Data supports evidence of a decrease in the antioxidant tri-peptide glutathione. (Roum JH, Buhl R, McElvaney NG, et al. Systemic Deficiency of Glutathione in Systic Fibrosis. J Appl Physiol 1993; 75:19-24).
  • Glutathione is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort of emotional or physical stress, fatigue and even moderate exercise. Some well-known causes of glutathione depletion are as follows:

    1) Acidic lifestyle and diet
    2) Air and Water pollution
    3) Prescription and recreational drugs
    4) Ultraviolet and Radiation from cells phones, computers, electrical cars, power lines, hair dryers, etc.
    5) Emotional and physical stress
    6) Injury, trauma or burns
    7) Heavy metals
    8) Cigarette smoke
    9) Household chemicals
    10) Acetaminophen poisoning
    11) Exhaust from motor vehicles
    12) Septic shock caused by the retention of metabolic and/or dietary acid.
All of these above factors lead to a build up of acidic toxins that cause the loss of glutathione as a non-nutritive buffer leading to cellular aging, dis-ease and finally death.

Alkalizing Medicinal Herbs and Organically Sprouted Grasses

Medicinal herbs, grasses, fruit and vegetables is a safe way to strengthen and tone the body's alkalizing buffering system, detox the alimentary canal and build blood in the crypts of the small intestines. You should use the whole unprocessed or non-fermented herbs, grasses, fruit and vegetables titrated to a fine powder so they that can be mixed in 9.5 pH alkaline water or put into veggie caps to be taken orally. 

  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), 40 - 80 mg 3 times daily, for inflammation and as an antioxidant to buffer acids in the blood, tissues and organs.
  • Wheat, Barley and Kamut rrganically sprouted grasses, 250 - 500 mg daily, for building blood, detoxing the alimentary canal,  buffering dietary and metabolic acids and supporting the white blood cells in the removal of solidified acids. You may also prepare teas from these grasses.
  • Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) , 20 mg 3 times a day, for inflammation caused by dietary and/or metabolic acids,  supporting the white blood cells and reducing acids from bacteria, yeast and mold in the blood and tissue fluids.
  • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), 80 - 160 mg 2 - 3 times daily, for detoxification of acids in the blood, liver and kidneys.
  • Bromelain (Ananus comosus) , 40 mg 3 times daily, for pain and inflammation caused by dietary acids. 
  • Ground Ivy (Hedera helix) , 50 mg 3 times daily, to decrease acids and the build-up of mucous and to loosen phlegm.

Intravenous (IV) Alkalizing Therapy

The main purpose of IV therapy is to hyper-perfuse the tissues with alkaline compounds of sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate and calcium glutamate and thus buffer the retention of excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the body tissues, especially the lungs reducing inflammation, mucous, solidfication of tissues, and cysts.

Acupuncture may alleviate symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Acupuncture may help enhance blood and lymph circulation to the lungs which in turn will help the immune function to remove cellular debris and acid crystals.  Because acupuncture improves circulation it also helps remove acids throughout the alimentary canal, and strengthen.


Therapeutic lymphatic massage can help drain acidic mucus from the lungs and remove latent tissue acidosis.

Infared Sauna
Therapeutic infared sauna can help increase blood and lymphatic circulation and open up the pores of the skin to eliminate excess dietary, environmental and metabolic acids from the tissues.  This passive form of exercise will cause you to sweat at every pore removing latent tissue acids.  I recommend at least 30 minutes a day or until you start sweating.  Once you start sweating remain in the sauna for at least 15 minutes.  Make sure you are adequately hydrated with alkaline mineral rich water at a pH of 9.5.  To adequately hydrate drink at least 1 liter of akaline fluids for every 30 kg of weight.  You can also drink before, during and after your infared sauna. 

Prognosis/Possible Complications

Respiratory problems due to acid build-up and the solidification of dietary, environmental and/or metabolic acids forming acid crystals and cysts in the lungs are the most common complication from CF.

Following Up

CF patients receive pulmonary function tests every 3 - 6 months. They also receive chest x-rays every 2 - 4 years, or more often if needed.

Supporting Research

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