Reversing Inflammatory Ductal Cell Carcinoma Breast Cancer with the pH Miracle for Cancer Protocol

The following is the cancer reversal testimony of 
Liliana Gretzer
Broker, Relocation Services

Dear Don,

Hope you and your family are doing well. 
I received news of your cancer diagnosis through our daughters.  They are our blessings, and we are theirs.  Here’s another one blessing…you can stop worrying.  Cancer can be eliminated.  We just have to change our eating and drinking lifestyle. 

I had it, in August 2007.
Here’s my testimony and story:

I was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer on my left side.  I was devastated. I began teaching our son and daughter (then they were 11 and 9) how to do some basic skills around the house like cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes.  I felt I was out of time to help them with a few simple skills and foreseeing a less than desirable future with my health.

I went to my oncologist who recommended a lumpectomy, followed by chemo, and then mastectomy.  Having a history of 3 aunts of breast cancer from my father’s side and his loss of stomach cancer…I realized my genes were not equipped to lead me with a longer life span.  These were my thoughts.  After the 3rd chemo and feeling so “wrong” about it going inside my body, I decided to do some research. 

I looked up many things regarding my type of cancer, found a website for Triple Neg, read and compared notes from subscribers in this site, and found that my protocol being equal to others yet they were facing metastasis in the brain, lung, and bone cancers.  From there, I decided to look up more information on Triple Neg Breast Cancer, and found a site of scientist comparing two Indian tribes somewhere in the states, possibly Arizona, where one village lived within a mile of “civilization” with an array of fast food restaurants, while the other Indian tribe that lived further away grew and ate vegetables they harvested.  The diets being different were also compared.  They describe one diet being “alkaline” used by the Indian tribe that ate vegetables had cancer of a ratio of 1 in 1000.  The other tribe matched the US population ration of 1 in 4!  So I searched for new key words in my life…alkaline foods.  After searching many many websites, I decided to stop at  That very date was, October 24, was when I decided to end the chemo treatment. I followed the recommendations of the first published book by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, The pH Miracle. 

I continued with my plan of changing the way I ate and drank food.  I learned that cancer is not really a disease; it is simply the body in a very acidic state…and this by the way is TRUE.  This meant, I had to replace all acidic foods with alkaline foods.  I could no longer drink coffee, or sprite, or even orange juice.  I drank green smoothies, juiced green drinks, and drank alkaline water.  The first 21 days, I began this journey.  After the 21st day of drinking greens…food and water, then I replaced one meal with salads and a very simple lemon, olive oil (salt) dressing.   I tested my urine before beginning this journey and it read a 4 on the pH scale.  My goal was to get the urine reading 9. This I told my doctor.  And he said it was rubbish!  Well, after failing to convince him to do a pH on my blood, then I asked him about the pH of patience in ICU.  He said that it was very low…3-4.  At that moment, I decided to make the changes in my life as recommended by Dr. Robert Young.  After 2 months, my urine pH hit the alkaline mark!  I also had lost close to 20 pounds.  I walked every morning.  I was in great shape and feeling very good.

After 3 months was my surgery, January 2008.  I made the decision to go ahead with the surgery.  Had I known better, I wouldn’t have done it.  But I did.  A month later, I went to see my surgeon.  He wanted to know from me and asked me, “tests results are great!  Off the record, what have you been doing?”  I told him that I had changed my diet, and added exercising to my daily activities. He wanted to know more and I was curious so I asked him why, and he stated that he didn’t need to remove any lymph nodes!  And the breast tissue had no signs of cancer. 

Ok, so like my husband, you may think that it may have been the 3 lonely chemos that went into my body!  Maybe, but what happened to all those women I encountered on the Triple Neg website with cancer spreading to the brain, lungs, and bone marrow?!  I was expected to take 5 more and to those last 5, I simply said, “no more!”  My oncologist couldn’t believe what I was saying to her.  She told me that I would return in a couple of years.  I fired her.  In my entire life, I have never had to stand up for myself as I did then against all my family members to say “No to chemo!”.    Unfortunately, we don’t do anything about our health until something goes “wrong” and we get a label on our forehead like cancer or diabetes, etc.  God meant for life to be simple, and humankind is only making things even more complicated with drugs!

Many testimonies are out there to prove how well this kind of lifestyle really works especially for those of us whose body basically said, “Enough is enough!”  I decided to share this testimony not just with you, but also, the gentleman, himself, Dr. Robert Young.  His latest book is “pH Miracle for Cancer”.  I pre-ordered one for you and one for me.  The reason for this is because I have fallen off tract in the last couple of years.  My inner voice tells me that I need to get back into it.  I have my weaknesses that I deal with daily, and having gained those 20 pounds I had lost doesn’t help either.  Ugh…LOL!!    I have sensations that I know I should not feel in my body….things that remind me of when I had cancer.   I believe our bodies are so amazing.  God is AMAZING!  He has given us the tools we need, and stupid if we don’t.   I am waiting for the books and as soon as I receive mine, I will read it and follow it again.  I hope you will do the same. 

If you haven’t already, please do not go the route of chemo.  Wait!  You have time!   This is one of the best alternatives out there…pH Miracle worked for me and I just wanted you to know that this is NOT a death sentence….look at it as your second chance to relive and enjoy LIFE!

Kind regards,
Liliana Gretzer
Broker, Relocation Services
Experience and Knowledge…that works towards your best interest


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