What is pHase Angle?

The pHase angle is defined as the relation between the two vector components of impedance: resistance and reactance and is independent of height, weight and body fat. 

It may be interpreted as an indicator of water distribution between the extra- and intra-cellular spaces.  

Lower pHase angles appear to be consistent with either cell death or a breakdown of the cell membrane due to acidosis. Higher pHase angles appear to be consistent large quantities of intact cell membranes and body cell mass due to alkalinity.

All living substances have a pHase angle, in fresh uncooked vegetables pHase angle can exceed 45 degrees. In cooked vegetables phase angle is zero because they are dead. 

pHase Angle is a predictor of outcome and indicates the course of disease or increases as the result of optimal health based on good nutrition and consistent exercise. 

As we get older our pHase angle will decrease and will be approximately 4 or less upon death. Healthy and fit adolescents may have a pHase angle greater than 10. This effect is a result of cell integrity due to aging or fermentation of the body from an acidic lifesyle and diet. 

Low pHase angles are consistent with:

1. Malnutrition 
2. Tissue acidosis 
3. Cancerous condition (most types) 
4. Abusive acidic lifestyles 
5. Chronic alcoholism, and, 
6. Old age (80 - 100 years). 

Good fitness and lifestyle is the key to maintaining a healthy alkaline pHase angle. 

In summary, pHase angle is an excellent indicator of disease progression and should be combined with full body Thermography, full body Ultrasound, and Live and Dried blood anaylsis for a complete picture of health and fitness. 

pHase angle may be thought of as a thermometer with a broad range of normal. We use it at the pH Miracle Living Center to monitor the practice of good health and fitness, which would include a healthy alkaline diet, the use of alkaline pH Miracle nutritional supplements, alkalizing colonics, alkalizing massage and finally alkalizing exercise.

To learn more about pHase angle or to set up an appointment go to: https://www.phmiracleliving.com/t-MedicalImaging.aspx


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