The pH Miracle for Cancer Website


I am very grateful to share my cancer research with you, what I call the New Biology®. My hope is that you and your loved ones will find answers to your cancer questions as you search these webpages, read The pH Miracle for Cancer, and enjoy our nutritional cancer-condition-fighting Supplements.

Cancer affects all of us. Its growing pervasiveness forces us to think hard about the current state of health care and the future of medicine. Have any of these questions weighed on you? What is the cause of all cancers? What is cancer—a mutant cell, a virus, a mold or an acidic liquid? Is cancer a noun or is it actually an adjective that explains what’s happening to the body cells? Are tumors bad or good? These questions have certainly weighed on me.

Most of the last 30 years of my cancer research has been focused on what is happening to the cells as it pertains specifically to the environment around those cells. Because medicine should not solely focus on the diagnosis and treatment of a disease but also endeavor to prevent illness by the promotion of health and fitness. Why? Because disease is an illusion! In reality, what we call disease is the manifestation of the body struggling to prevent over-acidification/fermentation/breakdown of the body’s cells, tissues, organs or glands. Disease is the body in preservation mode straining to maintain the homeostasis of its internal, alkaline fluids.

The focus for preventing and reversing cancer must be on maintaining the alkaline pH of the body fluids, and a
recognition that cancer is a systemic acidic condition. The key to preventing and reversing cancer is to obtain the necessary sustainable energy for optimal body function and the elimination of toxic and acidic waste products from diet, metabolism, respiration and the environment, all of which contribute to the cause of a cancerous condition.

I truly believe in the words of Ghandi when he said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

If you are looking for the cure for cancer, I believe you must be the change you want to see. You'll have to look at cancer differently—expanding your views and your perspective as it relates to prevention and the true cause of cancer.


Cancer is the body attempting to maintain alkaline homeostasis. Cancer is the body in preservation mode trying to maintain its natural healthy alkaline design. So first, you must understand that cancer is unequivocally not a disease, but a symptom, or better yet an effect of gastrointestinal, respiratory, environmental and metabolic acids that build up in the blood and then thrown off into the tissues poisoning and suppressing our immune system, making it increasingly difficult to maintain the alkaline pH of the internal fluids of the body.

Cancer is not a cell, but an acidic, toxic liquid that spoils and degenerates the body cells that make up our tissues, organs and glands. This happens when toxic acidic waste products are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination, which are urination, perspiration, respiration, and defecation.

Your body is like a car. You’re motor runs 24/7, which requires energy. And when energy is being used, a waste product is produced. Just like a car produces exhaust, your body produces carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, lactic acid, or uric acid when it uses energy. So acid is constantly being created by the body cells, which has to be eliminated. If not, it will cause cancer!

When energy is being used to think, to move, to breathe, at the same time an acidic waste product is being created. If the acid is not eliminated, it is pushed out into the connective tissue. It is your connective tissue that becomes the 'acid catcher' in order to maintain the purity and alkalinity of the blood. The blood has to maintain its purity and alkalinity. If the blood varies even just one-tenth of one point, from its healthy pH of 7.365, you can have ill effects. When the blood pH starts dropping or if it starts going up, the body will do whatever it can to maintain its delicate pH. This is very significant in order to understand the cause and treatment of cancer and why it’s not a cell but the spoiling of the cells by dietary and metabolic acids, which have not been properly eliminated through normal elimination. When you are enervated or fatigued you do not have the energy to move the acidic waste products out of the body to maintain the purity of the blood. When this happens the blood pushes these acidic waste products out into the connective and fatty tissues in order to preserve its alkaline 7.365 balance.

For example, when acidic waste elimination takes place through the mucus membrane of the nose, it is called a cold—catarrh of the nose. And when this crisis is repeated for years, the mucus membrane thickens and ulcerates, and the bones enlarge, closing the passages. At this stage hay fever, then asthma develop. When the tonsils or any other respiratory passages become the seat of the crisis of acidity then we have tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and finally cancer. You see, it’s progressive. It’s the same disease at different levels of acidity. All of these symptoms are happening in different progressions from the same thing—varying levels of acidosis.

Hence all cancerous conditions are the expulsion of acids from the blood and then the tissues, organs and glands and are essentially the same character evolving from the same cause, namely systemic acidosis—a crisis of toxemia.

Cancer is not a noun but an adjective expressing the process of cellular transformation. Sugar is the waste product. In fact, that’s why a banana gets sweeter and sweeter as it ferments. So sugar cravings are the body’s signal that the body needs more sustainable energy. However, sugar stimulates and gives the body a deceptive quick-fix—an illusion. Whereas salt provides the matrix of life and gives your body the rise in sustainable energy, over a longer period of time, without the high and extreme lows that come from eating an acid—whether it be sugar or any other acidic food or drink. 


If you don’t want cancer, if you want to prevent cancer, you have to eliminate your acidic wastes through defecation, urination, respiration or perspiration. Because cancer is not a cell, but a poisonous acidic liquid. A cancer cell is a cell that has been spoiled or poisoned by this acidic liquid—the metabolic, respiratory, environmental and/or gastrointestinal acids that are produced internally, or may be taken in via the lungs or skin. When this condition develops within us, the body will go into the preservation mode. One preservation tactic the body employs is to form fibrous materials, which cross-link, to encapsulate the spoiled cancerous cells, thus forming a protective tumor. Hence, the tumor is the body’s protective mechanism to encapsulate spoiled or poisoned acidic cells which have not been properly eliminated—isolating them from healthy cells that make up the tissues, organs and glands of the body.

So, the tumor is not the problem. Let the tumor go. Let it do its job. The focus must be placed not on the tumor but on the internal environment around the tumor, which is full of acidic cells. Think of any cancerous condition as a systemic acidic condition that affects first the weakest parts of the body.

The composition of our body fluids, that bath the outside of our cells, must be controlled very carefully from moment to moment and day to day with no single important constituent varying more than a one percent. The good news is that this condition of health can be controlled and you can do it yourself!

All conditions of cancer potentially can be reversed if the treatments are focused on the fluids and not the cells of the body. Therefore it doesn’t matter what the cancerous condition is, because cancer is not the cause but the effect of an over-acidic lifestyle and diet which is the cause of cancer. Nothing contributes more to a cancerous condition than your daily lifestyle and dietary choices!

The future is here and NOW. My hope is that The pH Miracle for Cancer will expand your knowledge and protect you from the acidic condition medical science calls cancer.

On these pages you'll also find the Seven Steps to CancerCancer TestimonialsCancer Recipe Videos, and below we've collected the best Cancer Supplements for your health.


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